God Rank Hero

Chapter 963: Reaching the Undersea

Enlisting Lilim's resources to fly is definitely enough. The Lich Dragon rewarded 1,000 units of crystal resources. Each rocket artillery angel in the four ordinary dragon tombs played 3 rounds, consuming a total of 720 units, leaving 280 units left. [23 [w] x

Since it is necessary to develop a sea monster that can be carried on the sea floor, the body must not be too small. But if it ’s too big, I ’m afraid the ship wo n’t be able to be transported, and it ’s not awkward to be clumsy. This body size is a problem. Then compromise and see what the effect of 50 units of crystal is.

And before that, there is a more important thing is whether the soul of Lilim can be tempered by the sea soul battle.

So Dafei confirmed: "Dearly, once the sea soul battle has absorbed Lilim's soul, are you sure you will not destroy Lilim's soul?"

Dilderi immediately said: "Master, I'm sure! I have personally lived in the sea soul battle, and I am very familiar with the performance of the sea soul battle. At the same time, this Lilim has a great banshee character, and I have the ability Summon her from the battle of sea souls. "

Da Fei nodded: "Okay, then temper it first."

As a result, Serbia also came to the barracks with the sea soul battle, but the barracks was an independent space, and the sea soul battle could not be directly absorbed. , Like a stick-type range hood to **** this group of souls into the battle.

Serbia said indifferently: "Here is the sea spirit's tempering of Lilim's soul. The slowest time may be a few days."

Indeed, the sea soul battle is so slow. But it's worth it. As long as the training is successful, the new Lilim soul will have an extra stunt "sea creature". This stunt doesn't just mean having naval combat ability to dive. There will be a lot more schistosomiasis.

Da Fei nodded his head: "Then wait slowly. Slow work is not in a hurry."

Deirdre also looked forward to it: "If this Lilim soul comes out, her race will be infinitely close to me, and I always wanted to know what race I am now."

Hilda laughed: "All said, I'll name you Lilim Siren, if there was no such race before, then this race will exist from now on. Once your race can reproduce itself. Then you are a The leader of the new race, this is the first ancestor, extraordinary! "

Da Fei was surprised: "What is the ancestor?"

Hilda said positively: "Of course it is the ancestor of a population. For example, Adam is the ancestor of human beings. His son cain is the first vampire in the world. He is the ancestor of the vampire family. You also know that the individual is strong, and there is no difference from ordinary small and medium gods. Even if Adam was deprived of his power by being punished by God for eating the forbidden fruit, he still lives 800 years. "

Deirdrie was pleasantly surprised: "Can I reach that realm?"

Dafei frowned. He also hurriedly asked, "Can the evil demon Tamilia reach this level?"

Hilda shook her head and sighed: "I don't know, this is beyond my cognition. I only know this concept. But one thing is certain, that is, the progenitors are very strong, so whether it is Deere Deli and Tamilla must at least become very strong before they can grow to that level. "

Dafei said, "I see."

Deirdre insisted: "I will work hard."

While talking, the clouds in front of the sea were low and the seawater was dark. Silver-legged Hilo hurriedly came to Dafei to report: "Boss, the Undersea Sea has arrived. We have to sail in the Undersea Sea for one day to reach the Underwater Temple. There will be various sea monsters and unknown dangers in the Undersea Sea. These are the tests and tests of the visitor by the Underworld Lord, but it is certainly no problem for the boss. By the way, my flame cannon has three shells, and I can also help the boss. "

Is it finally here? Da Fei nodded: "Okay, then everyone is ready to fight."

Then Dafei laughed at Hilda again: "This, the barracks has also taken effect. Miss Hilda can calculate the cost of the barracks."

Hildahaha smiled: "Yes, although the current barracks must be expensive, after all, they are assisted by two divine strongmen, Samer and Samast, so my actual cost is not high, and I need to calculate again The Lord of the City will wait for my news. "After the talk, he left in laughter.

Da Fei is really moving. Hilda, as a system npc, hasn't it done in seconds? Still using accounting? That is to say, the price of this barracks depends on his performance? It ’s cheap when it ’s good, but expensive when it ’s bad?

It must be so. As for what is performing well, we still need to ask, of course, recruit Lilim more? OK, it's time to ask about the situation in Hongming Village.

In order to highlight the isolated prison effect of Hongming Village in the game, once the player enters Hongming Village, the channel of the Friends List Association is blocked, and Dafei cannot contact the soldiers of Hongming Village and other members. But it doesn't matter, and Dawei is not in Hongming Village. He and Dabing are roommates.

So Da Fei wrote to Invincible Viagra directly: "What's the situation in Hongming Village?"

After a while, the invincible Viagra immediately wrote back: "Feige, your little secret angel is planning a law formation in Hongming Village. The Phoenix feather in Hongming Village is killing Boss in Hongming Village with a group of foreign red names. "

Da Fei couldn't help it: "Who is the Phoenix feather?"

Invincible Viagra was surprised and smiled: "It was the last time the royal family invited us to stop us going to the sea, and then Fei Ge killed the whole body of the Phoenix feather in an instant!"

Dafei frowned: "It was that amusement! What does Boss in Hongming Village look like? What is it?"

Invincible Viagra replied: "It is a particularly large spider woman who can entangle blood with spider silk and dig soil into holes, but Boss was not killed by us, we do not know what to lose. Phoenix feather and several foreigners After eating the temporary props and firepower of Hongming Village, they killed Boss and were promoted to the next level. "

Da Fei said, "So, let them go. If they continue to kill Boss, you should try to cooperate. You bring my words to Haoge and the soldiers."

Invincible Viagra was surprised: "Feige means to cooperate with the action of the little secret angel."

Dafei laughed and said, "Almost."

"Got it."

After explaining the matters in Hongming Village, Da Fei looked up at the dark tide waters in front of him, and saw the thunderous light in the clouds.

Da Fei immediately became uneasy, is it okay? The system is always dominated by pits in front of brother!

Dafei immediately called the three Arsenal brothers in front of him and asked, "I'm going to pass through the dark tide waters immediately. What's your opinion and suggestion?"

Although the three brothers did not acknowledge that they were undercurrents, Dafei believed that they should say what they should say.

Sure enough, Arsenal solemnly solemnly said: "The chairman ’s dragon cavalry chamber will be cursed by the **** of the sea. Passing this sea will surely be tested in an unprecedented way. Please go all out!"

——Ahhh! Da Fei's old blood sprayed, and it really was that the system wanted to hang up!

(There is another banquet in the evening, you must go! Tonight to see the situation update) (To be continued, please search floating literature, novels are better updated faster!

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