God Rank Hero

Chapter 964: Deirdrie's Independent Expedition

The thought of the problem still lies in the curse of the sea god, and Dafei realized that the problem was serious.

But Da Fei can't talk about how afraid. After all, the battle of the sea goddess calling the wind and the rain has been carried over, not to mention that she is a god-level navigator, a variety of artifact storm storm spires, and the heart of the ocean is ready. If you ca n’t even get over it, no one in this world can pass. After all, this is to give yourself experience and growth, then smile.

And the trumpet goes all-out to pass, and the trumpet side is better not to have egg pain.

So Dafei switched to the trumpet side to see the situation. At this point, the hang-up Junxiang and Ou Ling had already superimposed 12 layers of bird droppings, their physical strength had bottomed out, and the poisoning effect was weak outside. The entire ground was covered with green smoky mud, ankle-deep bird droppings piled up.

In this case, the troops could not move at all, and the construction of the Rune Tower would definitely be greatly affected. However, such a small problem cannot be overwhelmed by the Great Guild, and it is directly sent to the army for repair. It seems that it is impossible to repair the rune tower for a day or two, and it is not a problem for Junxiang to drown in the dung.

Then concentrate on the large size to pass.

Now, the Dafei Fleet is fully prepared for the storm. All the regular troops were retracted into the cabin, otherwise they would be thrown into the sea by huge waves and lost in vain. At the same time, all the warehouse materials were **** with ropes, otherwise a storm came down. Besides, bottles and jars such as wine and honey were all reimbursed and lost for nothing.

After the parties were ready to take their seats, the fleet re-entered the Emerald Dragon as the center and entered the dark sea of ​​dark tide. At this moment, the scene was dark. The system prompts a jingle:

The system prompts: You entered the dark sea of ​​special scene. Scene transition. please wait patiently……

A big brow startled! Change the scene again? Did he go to another space? Does that brother have a retreat? At this time, the sound of thunder and lightning came from the waves. Da Fei is a great earthquake under my heart. Let me go! Just now it was calm and calm, as soon as I changed the scene, I was shocked by the storm?

Finally, the scene changed. It was dark all around, Da Fei felt a violent shaking at his feet, and then a flash of electric light flashed, and there was a white glow between the sky and the sea!

This moment. Da Fei saw it, and he was on the sea where the stormy waves and thunder roared. The calm seas of the archipelago just disappeared, and he really has no way out!

After the lightning, the sky and the sea were dark again. And at the end of Haitian's margins, a bit of dazzling golden light was flashing, needless to say, that was the target of the Underworld Shrine.

The system prompts: You encounter a huge storm, your god-level navigator skill "Storm Sailing" is activated, and you fight against the storm. Gain +5631 experience.

This is a long-lost natural feature "Storm Sailing"! At this moment, Da Fei couldn't help but surging! come on. I don't need to retreat, let the storm, let the lightning, let the sea monster, let the experience come even more violently!

At this moment, the red light on the radar exploded, and a large red cloud in front of the fleet came at an incredible speed.

Da Fei's heart shook, and he hurriedly released the Blood Eagle to scout!

Saw it, like a swarm of flying stars, a school of fish! Leaping from the waves, flying fish flying on the sea! Each flying fish has a half human size! This is the rhythm of flying the ship to kill the deck sailors while brother's fleet is tired of dealing with the storm!

But come on, brother's sailor is a wave ss-class angel legion, not to mention brother god-level navigator 50% health and physical strength bonus, the ultimate sea monster hunter 20% health and physical strength bonus, it is not necessary to fight the attrition war in the storm Xu, you little Luo Luo die as much as you come!

The school of flying fish rushed towards us, and the battle began! Countless words of "damage immunity!" "Fire Shield Damage 3" jumped out!

Dafei laughed in surprise! With their own defense like a city wall plus 60% damage reduction of the master-level defense, these flying fish have less than 1 point of damage to the troops, and the angel's dragon blood battle armor comes with the magic skill of "1 physical damage". The wonder of damage immunity! As for the damage of the Fire Shield, there is nothing to say, this is your own artifact shield sign special stunt.

That is to say, now these flying fish don't need angels to waste their physical energy at all, they can be killed by directly using the shield's flame to hurt them! How much to die!

Wa hahaha! Too weak, this is the test level of Underworld Lord? Is there anything stronger? Sea monsters, and where are sea monster heroes hiding? Commanding such a large battle, it is impossible to stand in battle without the sea monster!

Immediately under great interest, Da Fei immediately directed the blood eagle to look around. Sure enough, the blood eagle found a lot of red dots behind the radar school of fish, and suddenly it was a huge flying fish the size of a shark! Floating on the sea surface, indeed hidden in the waves.

Dafei frowned! This scene must be the test of the Underworld Lord to the brother, right? The clearer and clearer I'll complete the test, the more I can get attention in the Underworld Lord? OK, that brother will take the first of the generals! I'm not afraid to scare you.

Da Fei hurriedly called Tamilia and Deirdre: "The goal of our flying is the flying fish leader on the radar, and we must unexpectedly teleport and kill. But the flying fish must be more flexible than we encountered in the Underworld. Sea monsters, so once Teleport failed to capture, Dildely led the Kraken forces to pursue! "

Tamilla nodded. "I will do my best."

Deirdre was even more excited: "Master, I will certainly not disappoint you."

Dafei nodded: "Let's get started!"

In the final analysis, it is not a thing to always be afraid to let Deirdre go out to fight, and the flowers in the greenhouse are difficult to achieve, let alone want to be the first ancestor. And anyway, there is a sea soul battle that can **** her soul to keep her from dying, so Dafei doesn't care about it when he employs him, so let's fight freely in the storm!

As Tamilia started teleporting, the flying magic light flickered and disappeared!

Then the next moment, the huge body of Feixiang was like Mount Tai, which suddenly appeared in the sky directly above the flying fish wave ss!

It was also at this moment that the Angel Legion and the Kraken Legion rose into the air on the Flying Deck! The Angel Army blocked the sky above the sea to prevent flying fish waves ss flying away. Siren Legion is of course ready to sprint into the water to prevent flying fish waves ss to escape into the sea.

boom! !! !! Flying into the water with a loud noise! Suddenly there was a huge "16764!" Injury in the water! Hit it!

Tamillah exclaimed: "Flying fish ran away! Santa Vine didn't catch it!"

Da Fei was shocked. Unsurprisingly, Brother's high-tech capture of sea monsters also missed!

Dildely said nothing, and immediately led the Kraken troops into the water! It was also at this moment that a sudden huge wave crashed on the Feixiang. The huge power of the huge wave sent the Feixiang to the tip of the wave. Dafei lost weight and body and felt the general feeling of flying again!

If you take it off, you will capsize! At this moment, Dafei deeply felt from the weightless body and mind the risk of engaging in such a fierce battle in the storm!

However, running a business is all about taking risks, let alone fighting! Dafei gritted his teeth and looked at the green dots on the radar of the Delder Li Kraken Legion. Diving, Da Fei's heart continued to sink. Didn't he catch up? How long will it take?

Finally, the green dot on the radar of the Deirdre Legion completely disappeared on the radar beyond its reconnaissance range!

System Tip: Your Deputy Hero Deirdrie leads 46 Krakens out of your team and set off!

Expedition! I pulled it out, Da Fei's heart sank into the ice cave instantly, and I forgot to tell her that if she couldn't catch up, she wouldn't chase! This Deirdre's attributes are like this. They are not as good as the brother ’s trumpet, and less than the angel hero Elda. She is totally uneasy about her embarking on the mission. In the unlikely event that Nima misses the sea floor, Can Brother's sea soul battle bring back her soul?

At this moment, Dafei regretted it! Although the mouth is talking about how the flowers in the greenhouse are, but when I really move the flowers out, the wind and rain are really different. Now Dafei feels a sudden urge to urinate his bladder instantly, this is the legendary scare urine!

Da Fei stared at the radar, the time of Da Fei seemed to freeze, and the roar of the world's wind and waves also instantly fell silent in Da Fei's ears. What Da Fei can do now is wait for the final redemption prompted by the system!

(The new January is here, and everyone's guaranteed monthly pass will be cast as well.) (To be continued ...)


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