God Rank Hero

Chapter 967: Undercurrent Temple Guard

Now the fleet arrived at the corpse site, and under Delder's guard, the corpse finally did not disappear or was resurrected on the spot.

As Serbia waved the battle of sea souls, a faint golden light smoke floated on the corpse and flew into the battle of sea souls.

Dafei overjoyed: "I have seen a soul of this color on the body of Hydra! It really is a divine creature!"

Tamillah even coveted: "Great, this is exactly what Sage needs!"

Before speaking, Tamilla couldn't wait to open the Holy Vine Space Door, and the Krakens immediately threw the body into the space.

Da Fei could not help but show a gratifying smile. This time, the harvest is finally completed. Experience, equipment, flesh and blood, and soul are not leaked. It is impossible to describe brother by knocking on the bone.

While Dafei was still gratified, there was still a slight entanglement. Now that Boss's soul has been sucked, it cannot be resurrected. If it does not **** its soul, will it resurrect infinitely? If the infinite resurrection, will the equipment explode infinitely?

But this greedy thought was instantly rejected by Da Fei. Of course, this flying fish sea monster is not the most powerful sea monster encountered by Da Fei, but there is no doubt that it is definitely the fastest sea monster that can run away. It can be Da Fei's luck and limit to successfully chase it twice. People must be content. Not to mention the high winds and waves at sea, and overturning a boat in a ditch is not impossible.

In short, it's time to start. There is nothing to say about this newly-exploded dark tide web, only to equip Deirdre. Although this is s-level equipment, it is probably not as good as b-level equipment for ordinary players.

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered the incident, and then called the three Arsenal in front of him and asked: "You said, what will happen if I kill the guardian of the Undercurrent Temple?"

The three looked at each other. Then shook his head: "I don't know."

What the hell! How dare you not know the critical moment? Da Fei continued to ask, "Will the Underworld Lord be angry?"

The three said ruefully, "I don't know. Never before have you ever killed a guardian of the temple."

It turns out that Brother is ahead of schedule! Such a system of things like no one before, sorry to not give an achievement? Da Fei said, "So it is! Are all the guardians of the temple such flying fish?"

The three shook their heads again: "I don't know."

OK, that's probably not it. As long as it's not all cunning flying fish. Brother can kill the second one if he can kill the first one.

It is now 15:30 Beijing time, and the fleet has been traveling for half an hour in a thunderstorm. To meet the new battle. In the cargo compartment of the Hover, all the regular druids and the vine monster forces are hurrying to recharge the charged crystal.

There was another flash of lightning, and it was finally here!

——System Tip: The emerald dragon's artifact storm spire absorbs lightning energy. The emerald dragon gets 246 lightning energy, the current energy is 2500/2500.

. . . . . .

——System Tip: The lightning energy stored in the Emerald Dragon is saturated! Consuming all the stored power of thunder and lightning to support the spirit of the electric eel can raise the level of the Emerald Dragon. May I upgrade?

You can upgrade again! But is it up?

At this moment, Dafei hesitated. If not upgrade. Then the Emerald Dragon is a super cannon ready to go, and the battle below is even more energetic. But if you ca n’t meet the enemy for a long time, is n’t that a waste of power? There are not many chances that you will encounter a storm when you go out to sea, and there are not many opportunities to be hit by lightning! The opportunity to upgrade must be cherished.

Does it rise? You have to be decisive!

Just then, a red dot suddenly appeared in the blood eagle's vision! At this moment, Da Fei's entangled heart suddenly opened up. Come here, it's too timely! Haha, wow hahaha! Then there is nothing to say, prepare to fight a pain!

but. The volume of the red dot this time is quite large. Is it a sea monster?

Da Fei immediately approached the Blood Eagle for reconnaissance and saw it! I saw under the waves. A large group of flat diamond-shaped big fish came out, its number was hundreds, it was catfish!

As a loyal viewer of "Animal World", it is impossible for Dafei to recognize this famous large-scale marine life. It is widely distributed from the shallow sea to the deep sea of ​​3000 meters, from the tropics to the Arctic. They have a discharge function, and the slender tail Poisonous, often ambushing in the sand at the bottom of the sea suddenly burst out. And follow the exaggerated style of the game. These catfish apparently maximize their discharge and toxic capabilities.

When the blood eagle flew low again, Da Fei suddenly found that there was a petite snakehead sitting on the back of each catfish. Naga?

That's right, the four hands hold the staff and the sword shield. This is Naga! Naga Knight? Master Naga? Aren't you right? It was just a wave ss with a large group of miscellaneous fishes. Why is there such a big battle now?

At this moment, a lightning flashed across, and the whole world was bright and white. In this moment of light, Dafei immediately saw a large mullet standing on the back of a mullet with a blue light staff on his back. A female Naga hero covered in blue armor with a blue hero halo under her tail!

His jaw dropped to the ground! Dafei is not afraid of the sea monster wave ss, but the hero army! What's wrong with Nima's sudden increase in difficulty? Is it true that brother killed the "examiner"?

At this moment, the three Arsenal brothers and the silver-legged Hilo **** ran over in panic: "President, the situation is very serious!" "Boss, this is the Underworld Temple Guard! Something to say well Do n’t do it! "

Da Fei spit out, "Hilo, don't you say I'm here to do nothing?"

Hilo said anxiously: "Maybe the boss is too terrible, they scared them, they think the boss is an intruder, the boss must explain it well!"

Let me go! Did he pretend to be too far? But brother is really powerful, not pretending! Then there is no way out, get ready for the battle and talk to the other party.

The Da Fei fleet lowered its anchor, and stood tightly around the Emerald Dragon.

Then, in Da Fei's field of vision, a little glow from far below the sea surface was seen. Dafei hurriedly said to Serbia: "Play a soothing tune, soothe the other side's emotions!"

Serbia nodded, gently flicking the strings, and a gentle church worship poem fluttered into the distance.

At this moment, an angry female voice came back from the distance, "It turned out to be a false Church of Light. You are seeking your own way!"

What the hell! This is a misunderstanding! Da Fei hurriedly shouted, "Katrina, tell them quickly that we are here to redeem people!"

Instead of flying, Catalina had already raised her loud speaker and shouted, "We are here to pay the ransom to save Pirate Locke!"

but. Catalina's loud horn shouting was indeed impossible to reach so far as the other side, not to mention the roar of the sea and the sea howling Katrina's voice. The other party couldn't hear it.

At this point, in the blood eagle's vision, the opponent's sturgeon knight has stopped advancing on the sea. Dafei vaguely saw that the naga mage on the sturgeon's back was waving his staff to cast, apparently shaking the earth from a distance. Big move! Lying down!

What should we do now? It is useless to counsel, only to do it! Dafei gritted his teeth and gave the Dragon King's crown to Serbia again: "Interfering with their casting!"

Serbia frowned: "But I can't use angel possession today, I can't continue singing on such a shaking deck!"

Dafei sighed! If I had known it, I would work with heroes. Brother will leave the big trick to the end anyway. But it doesn't matter. Brother put a big angel trick by mistake, but fortunately, the big trick of brother's electric eel plasma cannon is full!

Dafei said positively, "Do you know the sound of the habbit village's flute? That is to take its essence and remove its dregs. It can be as unpleasant as it is piercing, as long as it can trigger the fear effect of the dragon king crown!"

"I see! The old village chief also told me." Serbia put on the crown without saying a word, a string twirled, a stringy sound that sounded like a glass, and a piercing sound that sounded like a glass!

That's right, this is what I want!

——System Tip: The battle begins, and your co-hero Dearli applies for a curse stunt with cursed armor. Will it be released?

That's right! The blood eagle is in the presence, if Rugao is in person, as long as it is all the skill brothers who can hinder the opponent's spell-casting-release!

next moment. Three black lights fell from the sky, and the rhythm of the Naga Knights in the cast was suddenly chaotic, oh too!

However, Dafei didn't have time to be happy for half a second. The hero of Naga immediately waved his interpretation and washed the army with a stream of green light. The curse of black smoke covering the Knights was dispersed.

Da Fei's heart beats, purification! But it doesn't matter, she used the purification once to wait for the cooldown of the skill. The cursed armor is a three-layer curse, and two more! Unless the ordinary naga knight dispels himself. But that would be tantamount to interruption, which is exactly what I want.

but. Serbian's random playing piano has not successfully triggered Long Wei, or the opponent is a hero team, which can effectively resist Long Wei. In short, this level of interference is not enough. Have to make the other party messier, more messier!

As soon as Dafei gritted his teeth, he said to Tamilla: "Teleport Flying to the opponent's front, let Caterina make the final shout first, and startle them by the way-then teleport back!"

"Roger that!"

The flying magic light flickered and disappeared! appear!

In spite of the violent shock, Katrina shouted loudly: "We are here to pay the ransom for Pirate Locke!"

Dafei believes that the other party can definitely hear this distance, but the other party did not immediately respond!

One second, two seconds, Da Fei saw the water surface in front of the battleship suddenly rise, as if a huge wall of water, and the water wall is still increasing high school!

Dafei's eyes narrowed! The legendary tsunami! The opponent's big move has taken shape!

But also at this moment, Serbia was a harsh scratching sound across the sea and sky, this time this close, finally hit!

——System Tip: Your majestic special effect dragon's majesty is activated, and some enemies are successfully affected by fear and cannot fight!

At this moment, dozens of words "failed to cast" jumped from the bottom of the sea! The momentum of increasing the water wall suddenly stopped, and started to pounce in advance!

What I want is this effect! Now, there is nothing to say, teleport back and fight against the fleet! (To be continued)


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