God Rank Hero

Chapter 968: Strategies for defeating the Undercurrents

Obviously, the opponent's tsunami move was affected by Longwei or various influences. One could not be released in advance, and a wide water wall higher than the ship's side came to the sea!

Da Fei's fleet is inevitable and can only resist!

Now, Da Fei's fleet gathers close together at the fastest speed, and fastens all the ships together with cables at the fastest speed. Then the captains of each ship took their place, and all the angels, sea monsters and sailors on the decks of all ships retracted into the cabins.

In Catalina's words, this is the normal way to avoid small waves in a haven. If you encounter a big wave, it is a disaster for ships to collide with each other like this!

However, Da Fei still decided to tie it together, otherwise the probability of being overturned once the ship was placed alone was quite high! Dafei believes that his future fleet with superior performance, plus the anti-wave effect of his god-level navigator, and the anti-wave effect of the heart of the artifical ocean, if this tsunami incomplete state cannot be carried, then the next few years No player can carry it within!

It was near, the tsunami was mixed with the wind and thunder, and the sea level line was right in front of it!

But before the waves arrive, the wind comes first!

boom! There was a muffled sound, and a wind pressure that arrived in advance opened the captain's cabin window like a bomb shock wave, and the glass cellophane sheet flew apart. The ground flew up like a humanoid flag!

Dafei gritted his teeth, grabbed the handrail, and greeted the coming sea crash!

boom! !! !! A loud noise followed! Tons of seawater poured in!

Hit! At this moment, Tian Fei turned around and made Da Fei invisible to any scene. The whole person was pressed against the floor of the captain's room by the force of irresistible force. Da Fei felt that the whole person was weightless again. Da Fei found the feeling of flying again!

Da Fei is stunned. But the system didn't sting. A large row of system prompts to swipe the screen at the first time to report the loss of war:

The system prompts: Flying is attacked by the tsunami, the durability of the ship is reduced by 36315! The second deck of the cabin was broken. Your 56 jungle hunter units have died from collision damage! Your 136 Mystic Archer troops receive collision damage and die! Your 36 Druids have died from collision injuries!

System prompt: The Wing of Radiance is attacked by the tsunami, and the durability of the ship is reduced by 46315! The third mast of the vessel broke. Shining Wing's shipboard bar loses functionality! Your 136 Mystic Archer troops receive collision damage and die!

System Tip: The Emerald Dragon is attacked by the tsunami, and the durability of the ship is reduced by 37431!

System prompt: Warning! The Tuna was hit by the tsunami and was hit hard, losing 235 units of honey in the cargo hold. Water broke at 3 places on the bottom of the boat and sank! Please tow in time for drainage! ...

Although Da Fei Tian turns to see the game scene, the system prompts that it is in a separate information box that does not affect the player's viewing. And now Da Fei can only stare at the message box!

Da Fei has only one idea, has he passed it?

boom! !! !! There was another boom. The fleet that was thrown by the tsunami fell from the wave tip to the bottom of the wave. Dafei also suddenly soared from the floor and affixed to the ceiling. A big "collision injury 541!" Burst out!

Then there was a row of system prompts to swipe the screen, and it was the loss of durable damage of each ship, but this loss was much worse than the first wave of tsunami impact.

Should I carry it? Looking at the battle damage in the message box, Da Fei was even more worried than he was lucky!

This is the power of the tsunami attack! The units hiding in the ship were not spared, and all the anemia conventional troops were directly hit and killed! In addition to the giant ship Emerald Dragon being rock solid, the Flying and the Wing of Glory were not badly damaged. As for the tuna, which was only temporarily repaired in the undersea, it is a blessing to disintegrate on the spot!

Row! Now your big move is over. It's his turn to fight back!

When Da Fei was about to stand up, he suddenly found that his movement was ridiculously slow! Your physical strength has bottomed out, is this?

Until this time, Da Fei suddenly found that he had a "weak" negative state similar to the death and resurrection, and finally found one in the dense system information of the swipe screen:

System prompt: Your troops are severely impacted by the tsunami. Your troops are in a state of extreme fatigue and weakness. The duration is unknown!

Dafei jaw dropped! Let me go. It turns out that Tsunami has such a pit effect, which is not scientific! How could a double-strength voyager be weak! How can this brother fight back?

At this moment, in the blood eagle's vision, the Dark Tide Legion moved and rushed around in an enveloping formation. Obviously, it was necessary to knock down the water dog without giving Dafei a breather!

Dafei's heart is cold, this is the strength of the npc forces! Even if the brother is full of artifacts, he cannot easily challenge the existence! Are you going to lose? Will the brother of God kill the dragon? Or did you use the last cannon to fight it?

At this moment, the shouting voice of Silver-legged Hilo came out of the window: "Boss, surrender! As long as you are willing to surrender, the Underworld Lord will not refuse to come, and will not kill it!"

System prompt: Your follower Hilo offers to surrender to the enemy. May I accept it?

Da Fei suddenly felt a joy, oh! Surrender again? Is there such a good thing?

Lying down! Brother's main force is still there, there are artifacts, cast your sister! If it weren't for the game, npc's loyalty wouldn't hurt the player, otherwise I would definitely be the first to give you the fake party leader!

Dafei hurriedly asked, "What benefit would I have if I surrendered?"

Hilo immediately said: "The benefits are definitely not there, but the end should be the same as Locke, but at least the boss's current team can be maintained!"

Da Fei's eyes were cold. Who would surrender without good? I still have a plasma cannon! There is also a big move of the Flying Sword's teleportation method to directly kill the coach. If you do n’t vote, even if you want to vote, you have to hurt the opponent and then vote! So the following question comes, how can I hurt the other side?

Last time in the Battle of the Serenade in the Underworld, the opponent did not know all the details of the Emerald Dragon, and then was directly stunned by the plasma cannon.

That is to say, if this battle is to show the last record, it must be repeated with old skills. The problem is that it's unlikely that all of them will swoop on while they watch the opponent keep their distance. How to do?

Just then, Hilo was drying up again: "Boss, there is only one chance of surrender. If you do not want to surrender, then escape with the main force!"

What the hell! I don't even know the exit of this space. Where can I go? And in addition to the flying can fly, other ships who can run away!

Yep? !! Run away? At this moment, Da Fei's heart flashed. If Brother Fei Xiang took all the main teleport to escape, wouldn't the remaining fleet become the other's loot?

When the opponent encounters the spoils, they usually receive them on board, or they are towed away without destroying and sinking? As long as the other party is close to the Emerald Dragon to receive the loot, the opportunity for the brother comes!

That's right, just do it. Anyway, my brother's blood eagle keeps his eyes on his head. Even if they don't accept the loot and take a boat to death, it's not too late for my brother to teleport! (To be continued ...)


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