God Rank Hero

Chapter 969: Turn over in one fell swoop

The strategy of defeating the enemy forces was released instantly, but the specific operation details were a bit cumbersome.

First, who stayed behind the Emerald Dragon to fire? Must be Captain Serbia. However, this involves a question. If one person is left behind, the system's enemy forces determine that our army has not died, or is it careful not to approach the ship, or what to do when the ship is bombed on the periphery?

Then there is only one way, even the captain of Serbia is withdrawn. Except for the troops who have died before they can be resurrected, all the able people can be removed from the flight. Let the system directly remind brother that the battle has failed and escape, and come to a complete empty city plan!

Then, under the supervision of the Bloodhawk, as long as the enemy approached the warship, if not all of them were approached, half of them were approached, and the flight was immediately transmitted back, and then Serbia returned to the ship from the teleportation array on the ship as soon as possible and started the plasma gun Blast the audience!

However, there is a more critical question. Once the brother who is the head coach leaves, the remaining fleet loses the bonus of the brother as a god-level navigator. How can it survive this storm? Maybe it's not enough for the enemy to approach, but it just sinks in a few seconds?

Anything can happen to the system, this is not impossible! Is it necessary for me to bet on this? Or did you fight directly with each other?

At this moment, Da Fei was uncertain again.

Just then, Renoir suddenly said, "Warrior, is there a countermeasure?"

Da Fei could not help but frowned, "There is a plan to seduce the enemy, it is likely to wipe out the enemy, but the risk is very high."

Renoir said, "The plan to wipe out all enemy forces is certainly the best, but I can certainly reduce your risk. It's my turn now."

Dafei suddenly burst into joy: "What strategy does the old captain have?"

Renoir said positively: "My stunts are not only a blessing to the fleet. I can also use the stunts of the ship's equipment to the extreme. My weapon is the portrait of the skila equipped on the ship. And I just absorbed the sky The power of pulling the avatar is even more comfortable with the use of this bow image. As long as the other party is close, I will give full play to the effect of not losing to Longwei! "

Da Fei's heart trembled, he still has this trick?

Six statues of sea monsters: s-class treasures. The bows of large ships can effectively deter sea monsters and make them have a fear effect.

That's right! These are the six sea monsters that have been missing for a long time. Last time, I was absolutely horrified by the absolute doom effect of lucky gold coins. Yes, it is obviously impossible to fight against npc forces without npc help, and it is time for the old captain to dispatch!

Dafei was ecstatic: "So it is indeed the old captain!"

Renoir also said, "As for the wind and waves you are worried about, I am definitely not a problem, and the Emerald Dragon is not a problem. As for the Tuna, it is also a sacrifice that must be made in war.

Fei Fei nodded: "So too. Then I'll implement the plan, and the old captain will be responsible for staying and enticing the enemy!"

Renoir said positively: "Let's get started. Even if the Warriors have won countless victories, they may not be able to bear the price of a defeat and go all out!"

That's right, he was right, the plane is not about how high it can fly, but whether it can land safely! What surrender, what failed, brother will not allow!

Dafei gritted his teeth and waved his hand, "The whole army gathers and retreats!"

Now, the troops of the ships and the NPC dancers are working hard to overcome the weak effect. The first time they gathered on the flight through the teleportation array between the ships, Dafei finally realized that the 20 million gold coin transmission array was indeed a critical moment. Quite convenient.

At this time, the Undercurrents were already in sight, surrounding Dafei's fleet. It was only at this time that Da Fei could see that the size of these catfish was much larger than in the air, and that the tail and tail of the mouth sparkled with echoing power. It is estimated that they are like the eel. No one in the sea dares to fight with them. ? Not to mention Mage Naga on their backs, the combination of distance and distance is impeccable, and it is indeed the Temple Legion.

OK, your name will just calm brother, brother did not want to work directly with you, bye!

The flying magic light flickered and disappeared! The next moment, Flying appeared in the distance from the enemy. Continue to teleport, Flying again disappeared and appeared. At this moment, the enemy and the army finally disappeared from the radar and vision. No, the blood eagle is still on the scene, the blood eagle is still monitoring the enemy!

Obviously, at this moment, the enemy was at a loss! At this moment, a harsh system beep sounded:

System prompt: You escaped the battlefield! The battle failed. You gain +1.27 million experience. You suffered an extremely heavy loss. You lost the Chamber of Commerce Vessel Emerald Dragon, Wing of Glory and related goods 2,450 units. You lost 167 units of rare mineral deep sea cryolite. Your Chamber of Commerce 560,000 prestige! You have lost the fleet ship Tuna.

My eyelids fluttered in shock, I pulled it! Deduct 560,000 chamber of commerce reputation! Although Da Fei is ready to play the empty city plan to sell meat, Da Fei still can't help breaking the egg when the system prompt of this pit father really comes out!

Brother won so many battles without increasing the prestige of the Chamber of Commerce, but lost one battle, and it was obviously a tactical "fake fall". The system is so merciless to deduct so many brothers. Now it becomes negative again!

Just then, Katrina said, "No chamber of commerce can afford the loss of a giant ship."

Sure enough, it was the fault of losing the boat! It seems that this trick cannot be played in the future. Da Fei sighed: "This is the end of the battle, we must win this battle."

The huge loss of Da Fei is the huge gain of the enemy. In the face of such a huge loot harvest, the enemy is cheering!

Unsurprisingly, all the enemy forces completely relaxed their vigilance and surrounded them to receive loot for the first time! Empty city plan, extremely successful success! At this moment, Dafei was shaking with excitement!

At this moment, the hero of Naga waved again, and the dark clouds over the fleet suddenly dissipated, and a large area of ​​sunlight wafted down from the clouds. At this moment, the small area of ​​the fleet covered by sunlight was calm and calm. The smoke is over!

this moment. Dafei was stunned! Da Fei finally understands how terrible his opponent is! but. What are they doing? Afraid of the huge waves sinking the booty?

Now that the wind and waves have subsided, isn't that just a pain for Serbia to play him? At this moment, Dafei burst into tears!

Throughout the ages, there are countless famous battles from trophies to bait. Brother, it ’s a militarist. If you ca n’t win this kind of thing, it ’s a godsend!

Dafei raised his right hand and excitedly shouted, "Ready to teleport! Can you teleport directly in one place? It is best to teleport directly to the other hero!"

Tamilla immediately responded, "Yes, but you need to use all the charged crystals and the reserve energy of the Holy Vine! Once used, the Flying has no energy transmission."

Da Fei's excited burst of instructions: "Let's make a bet. Success or failure is here! Serbia is immediately in position in the teleportation array, the first time to take over the emerald dragon to fire, and then continue to play the piano! Deirdre, once you start the war you use the curse again Artifact, do n’t need to apply! Alicia, use whatever tricks you have! Elina, bang whoever you see! ”

"Roger that!"

That's right, the effect of Cursed Armor is that it can only be used once in World War I. Now it's a new battle! And the cursed armor of that battle still left two layers of curse effects on the enemy, which can continue to stack drops!

at this time. In the sight of the Bloodhawk, hundreds of catfish legions approached the fleet without alert. This distance is within the range of the plasma gun!

But Renoir didn't move! Dafei doesn't move! Get closer, get closer, get closer! Captain Elder, why are you so calm?

At this moment, the bow of the Glorious Wing's bow flashed like black light, and a black shock wave erupted and spread throughout the audience!

Waiting for this moment, too late to see the effect, Da Fei suddenly waved his hand: "Strike!"

The flying magic light flickered and disappeared! The moment when this scene is switched to darkness is like an eternal night in Da Fei's heart at this time! Dafei knows whether the skills of the old captain can be successful or not, as long as the enemy's attention is caught at this moment, he can output hundreds of tons of damage instantly, turning over!

The next moment, Flying appears! The red light exploded in front of Dafei's eyes, and a large row of system prompts appeared on the screen!

The system prompts: You meet the Dark Tide Temple Guard, the battle begins!

System Tip: Your Deputy Hero Deirdeli Cursed Stunts with Cursed Armor ...

System prompt: Your co-hero, Alicia, casts a god-level arcane mist ...

System Tip: Your co-hero Elena releases the god-damaging magic magic ice seal to enemy heroes ...

System Tip: Your Deputy Hero Serbia successfully recaptured the Chamber of Commerce Vessel Emerald Dragon!

System Tip: Your deputy Serbia activates the Emerald Dragon aerobatic plasma cannon, which consumes 2,500 points of Emerald Dragon reserve energy ...

At this moment, a large black curse fell from the sky, a large cloud of mist rose, and a large cloud of frost wrapped in icicles fell from the sky! Then the Emerald Dragon flickered, and in a loud noise, an electric arc swept the audience, and Dafei's eyes were white! The sound of explosion blasted at my ear!

Then the next moment, Serbia's piano boomed! At this moment, Dafei can't see anything in front of him. Dafei can only stare at the system information bar!

System Tip: The Plasma Cannon of the Emerald Dragon is activated, causing 2500 points of damage to all enemy units in the audience, causing paralyzing stun effects to all enemy forces, the duration is unknown!

System Tip: The crown of your Artifact Dragon King Stunt Dragon is launched majesticly, the entire enemy team will be feared by the hero, unable to fight, the duration is unknown!

all hit! All the enemy's big moves, all curses, stuns, paralysis, and fear effects! Is this something happening in one or two seconds?

Just then, another explosion sounded!

System Tip: Your co-hero Elena releases God-level Destruction Magic Enchantment to enemy heroes, and enemy hero Underworld sacrifices Suna to be killed! The enemy loses its coach and enters a state of war!

The enemy coach was beheaded! Brother really came over!

Dafei put on a long laugh: "Dearly, hunt! Kill the game!" (To be continued ...)


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