God Rank Hero

Chapter 971: Help in Japan's Elf Kingdom

At 16:00 in the afternoon, the battlefield was cleaned, and the Tuna was temporarily repaired, but it could only be towed. 》. [] In the battle of the sea souls in Serbia, there are 234 more naga mages and 234 sea slugs riding on the soul, gaining huge gains.

But as soon as he saw this harvest, Da Fei remembered the souls of the hundreds of blood demon waves ss absorbed in the guarding battle of the pool of light at the beginning, which directly supported the sea soul battle. That is to say, now that the sea soul battle is eating again, if it doesn't matter if you usually wait slowly, but the problem is that Dafei still wants to study Lilim sea soul, the first-class sincerity is a substantial delay.

In addition, the mermaid sacrificed to Hai Lianna also warned that the sea soul's fattening to such a degree is most likely to die and it is not a good thing.

Thinking of the vast road ahead, the Feixiang also ran out of energy and no longer had the ability to teleport for a short period of time. Dafei, who had just calmed down from the victory, could not help feeling uneasy. In short, let's go. The next time you meet an enemy, you can talk well, you can surrender, you can surrender, and you can only surrender, after all, it is Katrina's epic quest. As long as there is no prompt for the task to fail, then the player must have a backward path, so you are not afraid. The system hangs in the dead.

. . . . . .

At this time, there was a continuous stream of shouts for dinner and dinner at the headquarters of the Star Guild.

The ancient stars are now in a very good mood. At this time, the big screens on the wall are the progress of Fujimon Village, Dabianhuang, and Divine Space.

Although the development of the Star Clan has become one of the three giants in China so far, various slogans of cooperative development have been screaming loudly, but in fact, the concept of confrontation is greater than cooperation, and the concept of eating food alone has long penetrated the bone marrow. If not now, the situation in China is unfavorable. The development prospect of the Star Guild is unknown. The ancient stars will never come to this step of true cooperation.

From now on. This step is really right. Whether it is the labor unions to contribute money or the most hated Dafei to provide information, this kind of brainstorming and peace of mind is really reassuring. So the ancient stars also called for a bowl of rice early.

At this time, a team member reported: "President, the latest news from the European Union, Japan assisted the European Union to lay a crystal mine in the depths of Hell!"

The ancient star frowned. The good mood that I just had was instantly ruined: "Crystal Mine? This is the iron heart to help the EU? The Japanese are so selfless?"

The team members continued to report: "Now Japan and the European Union are posting pictures and videos of live post-war scenes in international forums, indicating that the sincerity of the cooperation between the two parties will not be shaken by any rumors."

At this time, the ancient stars realized the seriousness of the problem. So far, no player team has occupied the mine. Once the EU area has occupied a mine so early, it is still a crystal mine produced in hell. It is impossible to estimate the improvement of the European Union.

What's more important is that the main forces of the Crusaders in the European Union are seraphs who use crystal mines as ammunition. This means that Japan has provided an unlimited ammunition depot to the European Union. The battles behind the European Union are not artillery. All the way through the world?

The ancient star asked in a hurry: "Is there any war damage to the mine?"

The team members reported: "It is said that a small amount of melee angels have been lost, but it is unknown if there is time to resurrect."

Didn't the main Seraph lose? The situation is really bad! When the ancient stars were worried, they immediately sought the views of other guilds in the joint team chat room.

The hegemon of the royal family replied coldly: "Anyway, I don't believe that the Japanese are so loyal. Even loyalty cannot do this step to the European Union. Unless the other party is the United States, it is almost the same."

Ma Yinglong said positively: "Sure, I saw the appearance of several Japanese players in a screenshot. It seems that the members of the Japanese team are slightly larger than the average **** players, which is quite unusual. "

Gu Xingchen was surprised and said: "A little bigger? Okay?"

Ma Yinglong said positively: "Okay! This is the conclusion after comparing the professional views of our team's experts. The change of body type has nothing to do with the rank profession. I am afraid that the race itself has evolved. I suspect that the Japanese These 15 national war players are demon's advanced race. If it is an advanced race, it must be the object of full training in Japan. How can it be to damage the reputation and help the EU? "

The hegemon of the royal family laughed: "Chairman Ma said it well, although I don't believe that the Japanese have such a cow to be able to mix with such a cow, but whether or not, we will use this as a breakthrough and continue to make rumors!"

Xuewei Rose laughed: "Exactly, the more the other party posts on the forum to clarify what, they are more afraid of what they are actually. Then the more we do n’t let go, the more we will be hurt by them constantly. Cooperation creates psychological obstacles! "

The ancient stars laughed and laughed: "It is indeed a beautiful woman, but unfortunately she did not enter the palace as a maiden, otherwise a good hand in proper palace fighting!"

Xuewei Rose cut aloud: "Be a mother? Share a man with so many women? Isn't it disgusting!"

The crowd could not help laughing. And after such a chat, the ancient Gu Xing's mood improved again a little bit. Sure enough, as long as everyone works out a solution, we can always come up with some countermeasures.

At this moment, the information of the ancient Gu Xingchen's friend rang, and when you opened it, it was indeed the baby maid of the guild Bufeiyan.

Bu Feiyan: "President, I triggered a very strange task in the Elf Staff, you must check it out."

Gu Xingchen laughed in surprise: "Live video!"

Although Bu Feiyan is the image ambassador of the Stars Guild, the activities are quite free. They can neither work at the headquarters with other professional team members, or they can not participate in the actions of the Guilds. In short, this is the privilege of a famous e-sports beauty. The ancient stars couldn't help her. After all, if she is unwilling to stay in the stars, she can go to other guilds, and other guilds are anxious to ask her for a yearly salary of several million.

Now the ancient stars have received the video sharing.

It is still the wooden house of the Kingdom Staff, and still the hot-headed Chief Druid Chief of Staff. At this moment he looked anxious: "Warrior, our world tree has received help from the elven brothers in the foot basin, the devil. Coalition-- "

Bu Feiyan said, "Foot basin?"

The druid's beard glared and said badly: "Japan! Japan! What do you want me to say so clearly? What do you think are the names of the planes like the Europa plane and the Amelia plane? what?"

Bu Feiyan said, "Please!"

The Druid shook his head angrily: "I don't know what to say, the brother race there was slain by the demon coalition forces, and all the alliance forces in the area were dragged by the demon army and could not be rescued. The situation is extremely critical. This is obviously a precursor to the upcoming solar eclipse war in the prophecy. In the last solar eclipse war, the devil swept the world, and we finally won in great difficulty. Although we have not done enough in the past thousand years, Preparations for the next Eclipse War. So Warrior, you are one of the best warriors in our Elven Kingdom, and you have a responsibility to stop them! "

Bu Feiyan was startled and said, "That is to say, I am going to fight across regions?"

The druid sighed: "That's the meaning. I know this is a very difficult and embarrassing request. I also have to apologize for the incompetence of the brother race in the foot basin area, but we cannot see the world tree in this area. Don't save! If you want, the power of the World Tree will send your troops to the foot basin area. "

——System Tip: The Chief of Staff of the Kingdom Druid publishes the cross-region national war mission "Rescue the Wizard Kingdom World Tree in Japan!" 》 Is it acceptable?

——Task reminder: This task has a one-month buffer preparation period during the game. You can make preparations within one month.

The ancient stars were shocked on the spot! Is this the rhythm of attacking the Japanese territory? The ancient star asked in a hurry: "Ask, aren't the other elven kingdom warriors helpful? How many warriors do you need for this mission?"

Then Bufeiyan conveyed the problem, and the great druid said, "Of course, this is the common responsibility of all the elf brothers and even all the bright alliance warriors. Everyone has an obligation to help, but the energy of the world tree is limited and can only be transmitted The finest and best few warriors rescued in the past. "

Bufeiyan asked, "President, can't you pick it up?"

The ancient star gnashed his teeth and snapped his teeth immediately: "Take it! Anyway, there are 3 days a month to prepare, aren't we? We are being disgusted by the Japanese area, this kind of good thing to attack the Japanese local area cannot be missed!"

Bu Feiyan sighed with a smile: "You know the things in Japan, once I appear in Japan, that is, the Japanese players of the Bright League will force me to pk!"

The ancient star Chen Shen said: "Don't think about the many tasks that we can receive. It is estimated that the South Korean area will certainly have received them. The South Korean area will definitely go. I will negotiate with several teams in the South Korean area."

Bu Feiyan laughed: "Then I picked up Kazakhstan, then for the next three days, then please ask the guild to practice my account?"

Lao Xingchen laughed and said, "That's what you should do."

. . . . . .

As expected from the ancient stars, at this time the South Korean national team also received the national war mission, and many players are eligible to play. At this time, the South Korean national team is in heated discussions.

Go, no suspense, definitely go. The question is, who to send? The opening of the national battle zone is imminent. Once the main players of the national team enter the Japanese area, they will be hindered by the Bright League of the Japanese undercover, and they will fall into the quagmire and cannot withdraw, which is quite a loss.

So the main players must never go. Then you can only send second and third tier players, and even substitutes. Soon, with the recommendation of the old captain, three young stars of the South Korea region, Hong Xiuying, Zhao Shizhe, and Li Yinzhu, officially debuted.

In particular, Li Yinzhu, after the ancient city ruins of the international preliminaries was eliminated by Chinese players Fei Fei, his state of mind has advanced rapidly, and it is technically close to the level of first-class professional masters, and it is optimistic. The next thing is to further improve their equipment and strength in three days.

(It goes without saying that Fei Ge's new journey is about to start again. This, ticket, everyone understands.) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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