God Rank Hero

Chapter 972: Capitulation?

In the dark sea, Da Fei's fleet moved slowly in the storm. It's finally time to come. The red dots of the brigade appeared again in front of the Bloodhawk, and the sea knights were densely packed. There were also thousands of heroes leading the team.

A quantity of this size is not something that players can fight by force, let alone Da Fei has no ability to start a war now. At this time, I can only believe in the progress of the mission and believe that the system will not hang the player. So Da Fei immediately rose on each ship and was ready for the white flag. As for Serbia's harp, this time it can't stimulate them anyway. The other party is obviously hostile to the Holy See.

Near, Da Fei saw the temple guards as if the waves were sweeping across the sea, and then whether the other party could hear or not, Katrina continued to raise her horn and shouted in the wind: "We are here for the pirate Locke paid the ransom !!! "

Ok? Is it OK? Da Fei's heart was extremely tense, even fearful.

Now, the other party is at a distance from the tsunami, and the critical moment has arrived. In order to show his sincerity, Da Fei waved again, lowering the fleet's sails and staying still. What this means is that brother won't run into grandpa, will he?

At this moment, a majestic female voice came from afar: "You are the invader who defeated the temple guard army?"

Dafei Dasong breathed a sigh of relief, and talked about everything. I'm afraid of the kind of monster army that is not directly related to the "Long" and "Wind" literature. Since the other party can start the conversation so far, then of course he can hear his own answer.

Dafei immediately raised his horn and shouted, "That's a misunderstanding! We are here to redeem people!"

Katrina also raised her horn to reiterate.

The other party responded immediately: "So disarm yourself and surrender!"

System prompt: Underworld Guards Corps asks you to surrender and disarm. Will you accept it? (Warning: Once disarmed. You will not be able to command the troops. Please consider carefully!)

Da Fei was shocked to his heart. Let me go! Disarm!

There are two modes of surrender. One is the ordinary surrender. Once the surrender is received, the captive party can still retain all its troops. This kind of surrender is also referred to as a surrendering surrender, that is, the leader and player who lead the troops discuss each other, and the resurrection unit will resurrect the unit. After rest, they can continue to discuss and fight.

The other kind of surrender is disarmament, which is equivalent to sending the soldiers to the other side for detention. Although the ownership of the troops was still captured. However, it is impossible to command the battle, and of course, the other party cannot command. The other party has not yet repaid, it depends on the other party to pit it out! Therefore, disarming and surrendering is the most effective way to prevent players from "scumming".

Although Da Fei is ready for psychological surrender, it is ordinary surrender! Ordinary surrender can already show sincerity and no hostility. This disarmament surrender obviously exceeds the bottom line of Da Fei's tolerance. Not to mention anything else, if the Chamber of Commerce comes down with another hundreds of thousands of prestige, you can't afford it.

Just then, Hilo hurriedly said, "Boss! They know how terrific you are. Please give them face, otherwise you will become an intruder. That is the enemy!"

Can this surrender of Nima not hurt?

Da Fei couldn't help but sigh, and it was just helpless to get things to this point. In the final analysis, it was all Niubi's fault. Anyway, if you are ready to surrender, let's go!

And just then, Elena shouted sternly: "Master must not! Once disarmed, the master's life and death are all in the thoughts of the other party! I was tortured in the dungeon for hundreds of years, and my surrendered troops also Without a lifetime, this is the end of the fight! And as long as we are armed, even the captives, the other party will not dare to do whatever they want! "

Dafei was shocked! That's right!

Because this is a game, I believe that the system will not hang the player, so I can surrender without much regret. But if it is not a game, or if the opposite is a player who is dead and does not lose his life, brother will definitely not accept disarmament!

Now Elina's opposition is obviously triggering the plot! That is to say, the direction of the plot depends entirely on how Brother responded to this surrender? Da Fei, thinking of this, immediately attached great importance to it.

And just as Dafei's mind suddenly turned, the other party started to urge: "Invader, give you half a minute, otherwise we will wipe you out!"

System prompt: Underworld Guards Corps asks you to surrender and disarm. Will you accept it? You have 29 seconds to think about it!

Lying down, countdown!

Hilo was even more urgent: "Sir, your troops are rare and elite, but you can't lose them here for nothing!"

Elena said in a deep voice: "Sir, because your troops are rare and elite, you can't stand still, we are not without a battle!"

Let me go! What they both say makes sense! However, Hilo immediately knelt down from the first day he saw him. From the current performance, he is totally an unrestrained surrender. It is estimated that he knelt when he saw someone. His words could not be fully adopted. And listen to Elena's words, my brother will risk the war with the other side! And this also means brother is finished!

Dafei hurriedly looked around at the lieutenants around him: "What do you mean?"

At this moment, everyone looked serious and silent. Even the party's Katerina frowned. Sure enough, in surrendering such a major event that determines the fate of the troops, except for special npcs such as Elina, ordinary npcs will not give players any advice, and everything can only be decided by the players themselves.

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered the nightmare of the beast that was encountered in the space of God Realm. At that time, the other party offered various achievements and rewards to seduce him to call for a truce. As a result, in the end, the gain was far greater than his temptation, and he successfully saved Thunder Angel.

Then I thought of Saisu in the tomb of the dragon. He gave himself two chances to surrender, but he did not accept it. The final gain is also far greater than expected.

Summarizing the law, as long as the system npc actively proposes surrender, there must be fraud! However, if you resist yourself to the end

At this moment, Da Fei remembered that he had a Legion Teleport Scroll funded by the General Staff of the Elven Kingdom, which was originally used to quickly return the Neptune offerings required by Leviathan. As for the annihilation of the entire army. At least the Angel Legion and the Kraken Legion can be kept!

Then the only thing that is hard to say is the ship, which is also the whole net of Dafei! Once you lose yourself, basically

Yep? What is basically possible? Go to the roof? What the hell! Even if I have nothing, there is only one bare-pole commander. This n-part-time n n-god-level master master skill number does not know how many billions can be sold. What he said is US dollars! Brother is worth a long time in his life. Even if brother sells the large size, he will play games with the younger sister Xiaofang and play the trumpet just as happy and immortal. What else can I not think of?

Row! I do n’t want to consider the painful way of playing. Does n’t he believe that Elena ’s wife still believes in Hilo ’s unrestrained capitulation?

Da Fei's heart was overwhelmed, and he asked Hilo: "Are all people coming to the Undercurrent Temple must disarm and surrender?"

Hilo shook his head quickly. "I haven't heard of this, the boss should be a special case."

This is the case, this is the manifestation of the other party's fear of brother! That is even more fraudulent!

Da Fei's expression dignified: "I will not disarm. The whole fleet is ready for battle. The Seraph troops are all loaded with crystals! Ready to fight!"

The system prompts: You have rejected the other party's request to disarm and surrender!

At this moment, the anger of the other side came: "Invader, are you trying to fight to the end? You are seeking your own way!"

Da Fei raised his horn and responded, "I never heard of anyone who wanted to surrender to pay the ransom. If you don't follow the rules, I will fight you to the end!"

At this moment, there was a loud laughter in the sky, a large cloud suddenly disappeared, the sun broke through the clouds again, and the sea was golden!

So amazing, is the Lord coming? At this moment, Dafei knew he was betting right, and couldn't help laughing. (To be continued ...)


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