God Rank Hero

Chapter 973: Meet the Underworld Lord

With the laughter of the clouds rising from the sky, thousands of sunshine broke through the clouds, and the sea was golden, and the predatory winds and waves quickly stopped.

At this time, all Naga troops immediately bowed on their backs and bowed down. Dafei knew that it must be the Lord Tide Lord. And such an amazing momentum and pomp, not to mention a demigod, call it a god. According to the conventions of the game, God does not directly see mortals, usually avatars, not even avatars, at best it is only an image.

If what is now in front of Da Fei is just an image, then this pretend is really pretending to be too pretentious, wasting server resources and power out of thin air.

At this moment, a huge blue beam of light wafted down in the sky. There was suddenly an eight-armed beam in the beam of light. No, the huge figure of the ten-armed Naga! Really an image!

For a time, the entire army of Fei Fei could not help but take a sigh of coolness and grab it. Hilo and the three fishermen knelt on the spot.

I'll take a look at it, look at it! Scared brother!

At this moment, the majestic sound of the image penetrated Haitian: "I am the Underworld Lord Naiptalon, the deputy of Neptune, and the leader of Underworld Organization. And the warrior, you can completely destroy my God Warrior Legion, indicating that your power is beyond The category of mortals, and you are not afraid of the oppression of my army, it shows that you are a truly brave warrior, and I appreciate you very much, so it is necessary to meet you in person. Now I allow you to enter the dark tide temple, and we will continue to discuss in detail. "

After speaking, the image of the disappearance of the beam of light disappeared, and the dark clouds that scattered the sky also scattered with the wind, and then the dense army of temples in front of it disappeared in the tide.

The next moment, the sea was wide and the sky was bright.

Da Fei's half-sound did not come back to mind, this scene switching too fast, right? Brother's mood can't keep up with the rhythm! Just then, the system prompts a jingle!

——System Tip: Congratulations! You passed the assessment of the Undersea Sea perfectly. +3 million experience. And successfully obtained the appreciation of Underworld Lord, the achievement "Underworld Lord's Appreciation", all heroes command power +100. +100 health and +10 physical strength. Your army's life is + 10%, physical strength is + 10%, morale is +1, and your reputation in the Naga world is 10,000.

At this moment, the whole army burst into shouting cheers!

Da Fei was finally relieved, and it turned out to be a rainbow after wind and rain, and life really is the waves at sea!

At this moment, Hilo Fangdian got up and burst into tears with excitement: "Boss! You sent it! Underworld Lord appreciates you. What do you ask him for? Most likely he will agree!"

At this time, the three fishermen also immediately approached: "President, the Underworld Lord is most likely to talk to you about joining the Underworld organization. Please prepare for the meeting."

What the hell! At that time, the Skyra clone personally invited him to join any Poseidon Temple. The brother did not agree. Could you let him join the strange organization at all times?

Da Fei smiled bitterly: "Do you have to join? This underworld organization has been characterized as a cult by the alliance?"

The three fishermen Shen said: "It depends on the president's choice. However, the president annihilates one of the other legions, and he has to make some indications, and he will do something for the dark tide."

Da Fei said, "I will consider it." Considering a fart, I only need to maintain the current multilateral trade relationship with Naga and Siren to make money and sell it. There is no need to lose sight of this.

The three fishermen continued: "By the way, the underworld lord's attitude towards the president has changed. It is possible to talk about the ransom again, and it is not impossible to directly assist the underworld lord without paying the ransom."

Dafei suddenly burst into joy: "Okay, this way you can keep those twenty or so artillery guns!"

Although talking about the realm of brother. It may not really look at those two dozen guns. But after all, it may be out of print. Keep it as far as possible. It still works wonders in some battlefields.

Now, the fleet was marching toward the shrine where Haitian's margins shone with golden light, and Da Fei, who finally took a sigh of relief, also seized the time to call for takeaway.

At this moment, another system prompts Ding Dong to jump out:

——System Tip: The Lilim Barracks on the Flying has successfully recruited a Lilim Soul. Please note the recruitment.

Dafei frowned! Let me go and have another? This, this, this red-named village battle is not small? The strength of this Phoenix feather?

This time it hurts. Brother's sea soul battle is already overwhelming. He can't keep up with the rhythm of developing new troops. How could Brother be able to work so **** Phoenix Feather?

Wait, the reason why the temple warrior is god. Because it is not dead, as long as it dies, it will be resurrected by the Underworld Lord. It is now annihilated and cannot be resurrected. Just because their souls were held up by Brother ’s sea soul battle, what's the use of so many souls? Why not use it as a bargaining chip to discuss conditions with the Underworld Lord, and by the way repair the friendly relationship with him?

After all, appreciation belongs to appreciation, but must there be a thorn in his heart? The reason why he is so attractive now is that he wants to invite brother to join the organization. As for how to return the soul, this problem is a bit troublesome. However, the archangel said that the sea soul battle is a fragment of the **** of the sea god, and it is the seal of power given to the general.

Yes, try this! This is called lending his flower and offering him this Buddha! I don't see anything, wow ha ha ha! Then the key question is how to reject his invitation. This must be carefully considered and carefully considered.

At 17:00 in the afternoon, Da Fei took the time to eat and drink Lhasa and went back on board again. At this moment, the dark tide temple is right in front of the island, a magnificent megalithic island, a tall building on the island like a lighthouse shines golden light.

Just then, the system prompts again:

——System Tip: Your sailing time is more than 11 days, you and your team heroes gain the additional experience of “nautical training” of the god-level navigator skill + 1.75 million, your team gains additional growth potential!

——System Tip: After rigorous naval training, your Charm Emperor's army will grow, attack +10, defense +15, life +300, mana +300, physical strength +10, and damage +5. Your artillery force grows. Attack +10, Defense +15, Life +100. +50 mana and +2 damage.

Dafei suddenly burst into joy! Sailing is working. This time, it ’s Brother ’s turn to grow the Siren ’s Troops! Dafei happily checked the current properties of the emperor:

——Artillery: Small-scale spirit creature, attack 45, defense 50, damage 37-62, life 580, attack speed 13, magic resistance 50%, mana 150. The command value is 15, stunts: flying creatures, sea creatures, charm, chain shooting, master war machine science, master of crossbow artillery.

For the artillery emperor's army, which has little blood, it has grown too timely! It seems that this exercise is the right exercise, the flowers in the greenhouse are really going to be exposed to the sun.

However, how to grow in time, that is 580 lives. It's too weak in the sea monster world. Not to mention, just in the first battle, the plasma cannon killed 2,500 blood points without killing an enemy. The strength of the sea monster forces can be seen, and the gap between the gun emperor and the other party can be seen.

It seems that in the future, the emperor emperor will mainly engage in high-security artillery work. The development progress of Lilim Siren is imperative. However, now the attribute of the emperor is "small body spirit sea creature", instead of the original "elite banshee", this growth is quite interesting. Once it grows into an elite or even wave ss, the estimated blood volume It is not lower than the 3000 blood of the current Angel Army, after all, the characteristic of marine life is blood length.

Just feel a sense of flying. The sound of a conch horn came from the sea ahead, and several giant whales suddenly appeared on the surface carrying a group of Naga. Then someone shouted, "Dark tide temple welcomes the visit of the warriors! Please warriors to follow us into the port."

Nothing to say, the fleet followed.

It's close. Dafei finally saw the whole picture of this magnificent island city, which is exactly the kind of tall, magnificent and simple column-style building of ancient Greece, which is also the style of Saint Seiya's Zodiac.

Then Da Fei landed. In addition to the large harbour, the whole harbour is a ship, and most of them are giant tortoises and giant whales that are like reefs. They are full of various cargoes. Busy on the dock, various naga, fishermen, and lobster people are busy carrying supplies, and the streets far from the dock are full of shops.

The Dafei crowd was shocked on the spot, and it was unexpected that this dark tide temple was actually such a bustling city! Except that there are no human beings, its civilization is almost the same as that of human elf harbor cities? Compared to human ships, their turtle and whale boats can obviously be used as submarines, which is obviously higher-end and unique!

At this moment, a six-armed Naga warrior hero in heavy armor appeared on the dock to lead the team Naga: "Warrior, Lord Underworld Lord will meet you and your hero team, please follow me."

He actually sent a six-armed hero to pick me up? This welcomes specifications that seem unusual! It can be seen that the Underworld Lord attaches importance to himself, and how many heroes this temple has. There was nothing to say, Da Fei took all the lieutenants to follow.

Now, Da Fei's team is heading all the way to the highest hall on the island. Along the way, all kinds of corals, orbs, animal bones, armors, and unknown crystal mines can see Da Fei dizzying! Da Fei can fully imagine that once the goods here are pulled back to the human elf world for sale, how many times will God know to turn them over?

The hall is now in front of him, and the leading hero said, "Warrior, please!"

Dafei Oh nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly discovered that a female Naga was lying on the ground in front of the temple. The red name on her head was particularly eye-catching in this yellow-named friendly city, and suddenly it was Naga who had just been defeated by herself. Hero Suna!

Dafei exclaimed, "Excuse me, is this?"

The Naga hero ruthlessly said, "Although victory and defeat are common, she is not an ordinary failure, but she has destroyed the regular army that has been passed down for many years. After performing the confession ceremony, she will be disqualified from the temple and then exiled. . "

Da Fei's heart beats, but this punishment is quite severe, right? Da Fei hurriedly said, "All said, this is a misunderstanding. Her temple guard army legion is in my hands. I now return the temple, can I keep this army?"

The hero of Naga suddenly burst into joy: "If the warrior has this meaning, I will immediately pass it on to the Lord Lord!"

here you are? Ok. So Da Fei took out the legion order to serve.

——The system prompts: You have returned the "Order of the Fourth Regiment of the Underworld Guardian Corps" to the Undercurrent Temple!

The heroes took it over, and said with relief: "It's really good that the Warriors can return the Legion, Lord Lord will be happy."

Dafei chuckled and said, "It should be, it should be, it ’s a misunderstanding," said Suna after she said, "What about her?"

Hero Naga said coldly: "Of course, her punishment will not be reduced. It has nothing to do with the Warrior's order to return the Legion."

Just then, Su Na lying on the ground suddenly turned her head and looked at Da Fei. His eyes were red, and his hatred was more than words! The next big heart beat!

The leading hero scolded: "You repent and don't concentrate, and punish you for another three days!"

Suna trembled. Had to kneel again.

Da Fei was indeed shaking, and suddenly felt uneasy in his conscience. And this leading hero could punish an ex-priest chief at will. It can be seen that his status is also quite high.

So Dafei could not help asking: "What is your position?"

The leading hero said faintly: "The leader of the security guard and the head of the shrine's interior, Lord Hyland!"

What the hell! This is definitely a demigod's confidant, right? It ’s too much for me. Does it depend on me toasting or punishing me?

Now, under the guidance of the head of the delegation, the Dafei team entered the magnificent pearly hall, and in the middle of the hall was a large circular fountain.

Just then, familiar laughter came from the hall again, and a beam of light flashed in the fountain. A ten-armed Naga figure emerged again: "Warrior, I have been waiting for a long time. Welcome to the Warrior who travels thousands of miles to the Undercurrent Temple!"

Dafei grinned and laughed, "Master Lord is polite."

The Underworld Lord laughed: "In the legend of the human sailor, if you meet a mermaid when you go out to the sea, you will have good luck. When you meet the hermit, you will get wisdom, and of course you will get power when you meet me I want to give you a small gift, please be sure to accept it, but rest assured. This gift has no strings attached, it will not have any adverse impact on you, but it will get a leap forward. May I accept it? ? "

Dafei's brow jumped, this meeting gave away benefits. Is this his strategy to win brother? However, if he compares himself to a mermaid hermit, is this gift really worthless?

However, Dafei still asked uneasily, "Can I ask what the gift is?"

The underworld lord stretched out a hand and smiled slightly: "Hand! I will give you an invisible arm, because it is invisible, so it does not have any appearance impact, but for you. It is an extra ring gear, one Weaponry. If you have two invisible arms. You will have one more ring gear and one weapon. You will also have an extra glove. Of course, it is impossible to send two arms. I can only give one. What do the Warriors think of this gift? "

Send arm? More equipment! At this moment, Dafei was shocked to drop his chin on the spot!

incredible! It's unbelievable that there will be such a destructive balance in the game? This is the advantage of multi-handed Naga?

Dafei was shocked: "That is to say, the hero of Naga has 6 strategic weapons in 6 hands, and the hero attributes are 6 times that of humans?"

Hilong laughed aside: "Although I also think, but unfortunately, strategic attributes will not be superimposed. Repeated attributes will prevail, which is the same as the Legion of Heroes. Therefore, the advantage of Naga heroes is to use different attributes Complementary equipment, this is our unparalleled advantage to dominate the sea! "

Da Fei nodded again and again and again: "It's really unbeatable!" I let go. Although the strategic attributes do not add a small limit, but what if it is equipped with an artifact? Artifacts don't care about strategic attributes, but care about stunts!

So Da Fei asked again, "What if a hero like the commander of Hailong is equipped with acrobatics on his six arms?"

Hailong laughed: "It is worthy of being a warrior, I really have a vision, my six arms are equipped with artifacts given by Lord Lord!"

——Ahhh! A big mouthful of old blood spurted out! This Nima is invincible! It turns out that the Thousand Hands Avalokitesvara, which holds a thousand instruments, actually exists! If you had not encountered the unfortunate sacrifice at the door just now in the open sea, but met the head of the guard, it is estimated that you are afraid that you will be killed by an artifact!

Now, Da Fei is deeply aware of the huge gap between humans and Naga. This is simply the gap between the low-end food chain and the high-end food chain. The intent of the Underworld Lord to send his arm was immediately known!

That is to say for free, but with the first hand to taste the sweetness, do you still want the second hand? And if you want to get a second hand, you must either join the dark tide organization or directly change your race to turn yourself into an amphibious creature!

However, if you really can hold 6 artifacts in 6 hands, the identity of the human being, the city, the pool, and the chamber of commerce in the human world are all worthless! Da Fei finally understands why Underworld can recruit people!

At this moment, the Underworld Lord laughed, "Warrior, what is this gift?"

Can't refuse, this is not to do nothing for nothing, knowing that it is a pit, you have to jump! This is the same as the big pit in which MLM jumped! Humans are really stupid and greedy!

Dafei cried in tears: "Thank you Lord Lord for your generous gift!"

The Underworld Lord laughed: "The etiquette exchanges, mainly because you returned our Legion Order, have restored some of the face of the temple."

Sure enough, good people have good rewards! That brother is just like a man. Da Fei nodded excitedly: "Master Lord, in fact, this battle is a misunderstanding. The soul of the legion is here, and I can return it!"

Underworld Lord Haha laughed: "It's all in the Seal of your General Skira? Warrior, it's a pleasure to meet you, then, let's start the hand-off ceremony first!"


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