God Rank Hero

Chapter 974: First reconciliation with Siren

The hand-off ceremony began, and the Naga sacrifice began to cast. A group of radiant blisters wrapped Da Fei's body.

A few minutes after the ceremony, the Underworld Lord shot in person, a golden light covered the blisters, and then the system prompted a jingle:

——System Tip: You get the "Invisible Undercurrent Hand" presented by Underworld Lord, you get a strategic ring equipment position, and you get a strategic weapon equipment position. (Note: The equipment properties of the invisible hand cannot be superimposed with other parts)

The ceremony was successful and the blisters disappeared.

Looking at his equipment property column, there are two extra equipment locations, Dafei still looks like an incredible dream! Da Fei tried to equip his Titan's Grip and Multi-Head Snake Ring to the invisible hand. It can be equipped! Weapons and rings can be equipped, and the attributes have not changed!

Then the appearance of the equipment is shown, and indeed the Titan's grip is not shown. That is to say, the weapon equipped on the invisible hand cannot be displayed, nor can it be used to directly cut people. It can only be used to increase attributes.

Anyway, cool! So cool! This extra hand is used to equip an artifact wand to supplement my brother ’s magic knowledge. This ring is certainly needless to say. The attribute of Uriel ’s artifact contract angel ring is really not good. I just think of a way. Find a ring with great attributes, haha, wow hahaha!

At this moment, the Underworld Lord asked with a smile: "Warrior, what is this gift?"

At this moment, Da Fei finally returned to accept the happy reality: "Okay! Very good, thank you Lord Lord for your generous gift."

The Underworld Lord asked with a smile: "The warrior is not far from the dark tide to the Undercurrent Temple. So how much does the Warrior know about Undercurrent organization?"

Dafei frowned, and finally came to business!

Da Fei had to tell the truth: "I don't know much about it, it seems that the undercurrent is very secretive and not very popular with the land kingdom. But I heard that Lord Lord is very generous to those who ask for you."

The Underworld Lord sighed: "The reason why our organization is not welcomed by the land world is entirely because of the narrowness and extremeness of the land world, especially the Light Church is extremely extreme. Any foreign pagan will be labeled as a pagan, a cult. During the crusade, they did not understand marine life. They considered themselves to be higher creatures, and marine creatures were lower creatures. But you have also seen the warriors. From a biological perspective, my Naga tribe, whether it is individual wisdom, force, or life It ’s not lower than the land race, what do you think? "

Lying down! My Great Bright Deity was shot again!

Da Fei had to echo: "Exactly, I have long heard that the martial arts of Naga Swordmaster is unparalleled in the sky. Judging by the dark tide hand presented by Lord Lord, this is a superior existence that cannot be reached by ground races. I personally I think that this also includes the terrestrial world ’s fear of Naga. "

Underworld Lord sighed: "This is indeed a very helpless thing, so I have always been committed to let the intelligent race of the terrestrial world join our underworld organization, enhance the exchanges, understanding and mutual trust between the two sides, and realize the land and sea world. Communication integration ... "

Here, here, here comes the mission! It's quite troublesome for me to deal with irritating each other improperly!

When Da Fei ’s thoughts turned sharply, he only listened to the dark tide leader ’s voice: "And the warrior is a very prestigious person in the ground world. He is also famous in the Church of Light and even the world of Light God! I think if people like the Warrior can join We Underworld organizations, then our exchange and mutual trust program with the land world can be greatly promoted! Warriors, are you interested in joining our undercurrent organizations? "

Hailong on the side also immediately spoke: "Just join our underworld organization, the warrior gets six arms, full of artifacts, and the incumbent swordmaster is not a dream!"

——System Tip: Underworld Lord Naiptulon invites you to join Underworld Organization. May I accept it?

——System Tip: After joining the Underworld organization, you will get all the friendly trade rights of the Naga world, the right to learn hidden skills, and a conversion to the hidden race Naga. At the same time, once your identity with the Underworld organization is revealed, you will become an enemy of the Light Alliance and the Dark Alliance.

I pulled it out, and the official invitation came, and it really was the organization of the incumbent Naga! This is a good organization worthy of players and the world! In order to cope with this moment, I thought for an hour, even thinking about going to the toilet! It's time to check if your brother is smart!

Da Fei coughed, "In my opinion, Lord Lord's ideals are very noble and his ambitions are very ambitious. I express my deep admiration!"

Hai Longxi said: "Then the warrior is going to join? As long as you join, I can arrange you to be the head of the 4th Regiment of the Temple Guards. Of course, you can move freely."

What the hell! Returning the Legion Order directly from Brother, this is simply the reason why Brother can't find refusal!

But Da Fei could only shake his head in pain: "I haven't made up my mind yet. I feel that Lord Lord has one step to go to win the trust of the land world. This step cannot be achieved without completing this step."

Underworld Lord was surprised: "Which step?"

Da Fei said positively: "To be honest, I came from the Siren Bingge tribe, and I have a preliminary understanding of their current situation. I think that if Naga, who is also a Sea tribe, cannot To achieve mutual trust and exchange, what about mutual trust and exchange with the terrestrial world? Brothers and neighbors are intolerable, and how do you tolerate the world? Human beings often use the broad mind to describe a person's generosity, and the Naga family is the sea tyrant It ’s necessary to have this energy! "

Come on, this is Brother's big move! Now that you have met the Supreme Leader, of course, you are playing the top high-end route! As long as the game is completed, then brother realizes the peaceful coexistence of Siren and Naga, and that brother's reputation in the two races will reach its peak. As long as this step can be achieved, brothers will make money whether they join the tide or not.

As soon as this remark was made, the Underworld Lord suddenly appeared on the spot!

Da Fei was even more nervous. Of course, Dafei knows that the so-called ideal of mutual trust and exchange is just a layer of cover cloth used by the leader to cover up the intention of hegemony. However, if you talk to me, I will talk to you about the benefits. If you talk to me about the benefits, I will talk to you about the ideals! Anyway, brother does not follow your routine.

The general manager Hailong was even more shocked: "Warrior, those Siren Sea Monsters are all lunatics, only remember the resentment is not good, you hit her once, she hates you for a hundred or one thousand years, and then spit herself out Internal injuries, and then half-dead, turned into things that are neither creatures nor undead. There is no way to communicate with them! "

What the hell! Siren is such a thing?

Da Fei had to sigh: "I have it! I'll run over there and talk slowly! The key is that you Naga people should show sincerity and cease war with each other! Although the Siren people are weak, But it ca n’t be destroyed. It ’s just because of this, it ’s also worthy of the Naga clan to look at each other. In short, I think that this problem must be solved before I can consider joining the underworld organization. What does Lord Lord think? ”

Finally, the Underworld Lord muttered: "The words of the warriors have a certain truth, and reconciliation with Siren is indeed in the interests of our Naga people. I can offer an advice to the emperor Naga, but before this, the warriors need to get them He agreed to agree. However, Siren dared to confront the **** of the sea, and the figure of the **** of darkness was standing behind him. The relationship inside was complicated. Since the warrior has this idea, I have no reason not to let the warrior try. "

——The system prompts: You get the Naga Merit Mission "Reconciliation with the Siren Clan"!

——Mission Tips: You need to obtain the initiative of the Siren tribe. At the same time, racial reconciliation needs to be achieved through a variety of channels such as diplomatic agreements, trade reciprocity, and alliance mutual assistance. This task is unlimited.

It's actually a mission! This system is really smart! But it seems that this task is a bit painful? For a moment, Dafei suddenly didn't know if he was losing or making money.

So Da Fei had to say, "I will go all out."

Underworld Lord nodded: "My meeting time is coming. If the warrior changes his mind, the temple welcomes the warrior to join at any time. During my absence, the warrior can find Hiron directly. By the way, the warrior is here to redeem. This matter will be handled by Hilong! Then, Warrior, welcome to your next visit! "

After speaking, the light and shadow disappeared under the kneeling worship of the whole Naga Guardian. r1152


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