God Rank Hero

Chapter 980: Robbing Slave Ships and Soul Eater

As soon as I thought that I was about to miss the opportunity to wash my feet, Dafei couldn't help but feel a pain. In fact, it is simple to not miss it. To change your mind and sell the Hydra soul directly is to directly get 1500 single Triton tribute. There is no need to complete the task. But why is life so tangled?

And when the National Warfare Zone opens, there are opportunities to scrub it, so why bother? If he thought about it, Dafei had to sigh.

In the midst of entanglement, Su Na returned cheerfully: "Sir, I have rented the warehouse and can unload it."

Dafei grinned and said, "Okay, then unload it."

For a while, the mermaid, who had been waiting for a long time at the wharf, was swarmed and unloading officially started. Dafei asked Su Na with curiosity: "How do you have so many supplies ready to use?"

Su Na immediately said, "Of course, it was sent back to my tribe, and then I bought some more slaves for distribution!"

Dafei frowned: "Buy a slave?"

Suna looked around and whispered: "Sir, I don't know if you are interested in the slave trade?"

Da Fei frowned, and this Suna's expression was so sneaky, very different from the beginning! This is obviously a sign that brother's favorability has increased greatly after giving something? As for the slave trade? Isn't the era of blood and tears of slaves from the 15th to 16th century!

Da Fei's heart tightened, and he whispered, "Is the profit high?"

Su Na nodded her head and said, "The profit is extremely high! Once you meet a craftsman with advanced skills, it is even more rare. Of course, I don't mean to let adults buy it, because the slave market has long been controlled by the major Naga lords. The average person can only buy what they screen for. And the number of places available is limited. "

Hear here. Dafei frowned: "Do you mean to let me sell?"

Suna shook her head and whispered quietly: "I mean. Let the adults grab it! Grab a slave ship!"

Da Fei was shocked at the scene: "Is this OK?"

Suna nodded, and said nothing: "Under normal circumstances, it is not possible, because even if an adult snatches a slave, there is no place to sell, because the slave market is controlled by the major lords. Once the stolen goods appear, the adult must be subjected to the force of the other party It ’s not like trade sanctions. But adults are different. Adults can transport slaves to the Serenese who need more manpower! "

Da Fei suddenly realized, and hurriedly asked, "Will I attack Lord Naga when I attack the slave ship?"

Suna Shen said: "Yes! Of course, the slave ship is also under the protection of Lord Naga."

Dafei couldn't help but said, "So you still want me to grab it?"

Su Na said indifferently: "I just give adults as much as possible ways to make money."

Dafei was shocked on the spot! indeed. Already ready to rob, robbing ordinary homeless pirates is robbing, robbing the Lord Naga is also robbing, of course, if you want to make a fortune, of course, grab the fattest one! In fact, Brother ’s plan before coming to the Eastern World is to grab, and the goal is to grab the Temple of the Sea directly!

Da Fei came back to God and asked, "If I **** a lord of Naga, will it be besieged by the entire Naga Empire? Will it invalidate the business license I obtained?"

Su Na Zhengzheng said: "No! It will only be punished by the victim's Naga Lord! However, for ordinary people, any Naga Lord cannot be provoked by him, but adults are obviously not. Adults have this ability! Of course, although it will not be besieged by other lords of the Naga Empire. But it will also affect the reputation of the adult, and other lords will be alert to the adult's heart. But it does not matter, as long as the adult obtains a huge amount of wealth to gain a foothold through the initial robbery, and then It's okay to close the relationship slowly. "

There was a great earthquake in Da Fei's heart, why did she say so reasonable!

At this moment, Da Fei was excited: "So, which Naga Lord's slave business is the richest?"

Su Na Shen said: "Of course, I am the owner of the city of Thunder Halber, as I mentioned earlier. The 50,000 human population in his city are actually descendants of slaves."

Da Fei said suddenly, "If I start a war with him, will my wine not be sold?"

Su Nayin laughed: "Sell the wine first, and then start the war?"

Da Fei stunned again! A breath of cheating is coming, are you sure you are helping him and not cheating? Brother wants to keep selling wine channels with him for a long time!

Su Na reminded: "Sir, it is definitely not as pleasant as you think to make a deal with the owner of Lei Zhicheng. Maybe your first batch of drinks can sell for a good price here, but I am afraid that it will not be so good after the second batch. It ’s because the merchant who tasted the sweetness for the first time came a long way to see the goods. Even if the price was not as good as expected, but there was no way, they all came. They had to sell it at a low price, so the owner of Leicheng City would Make a fortune. "

Da Fei's heart jumped next. It turned out to be this particular, and it turned out to be such a big pit!

Dafei had to sigh: "What about the second richest lord?"

Su Na snorted: "The second richest have 3, but the sum of the three people is comparable to the share of the Lord of the Halberd City, because the Lord of the Halberd City has close contact with the orcs of the land, and his slaves are from the orcs. From there, every so often a large number of slave ships arrive here from the Orc Kingdom. "

That's it! Indeed, the orc's special facilities also have a slave market. This orc has made its business into the sea. This is to hide from the rich!

While thinking about it, Serbia shouted, "Success! Another ghost ship is born!"

Katrina was even more pleased: "Great, thank you very much, Miss Serbia! The ship will be renamed Tuna Flying Fish!"

Dafei hurriedly turned around and saw that, as expected, the tuna that had just crooked and collapsed was gone, and a brand-new silver-white ship was born! Tuna is not a Da Fei ship, so Da Fei can't check the attributes, but there is no doubt that this is definitely a super fast ship!

Dafei couldn't help cheering up, "Well, I will carefully consider Miss Suna's proposal, now we should go!"

. . . . . .

Star Command. Ancient stars, Lao Jiang, Bu Feiyan, and Uranus, Neptune and many other key executives are talking about it. Everybody's issue is of course the question of candidates for the foot basin.

In fact, whether it is China or South Korea. The views on this issue are all consistent. That is definitely going to play. But we must not send the main force of national war. Therefore, the choice of personnel is quite particular about it, but Bu Feiyan is definitely going to fight, she is the face of Xingchen, the spokesperson of the image, and she is better than nonsense slogans when she comes out.

Then the more troublesome is the attitude of the US and EU regions. Especially in the United States, they will definitely be able to receive the task of supporting the foot basin, but the problem is that the relationship between the United States and Japan is here, and their position is quite vague. It is extremely possible to stand on the side of the Japanese district.

If the US is on the Japanese side, let alone the EU. Not to mention the close cooperation between Japan and the European Union in the City of Divine Punishment. That means that China and South Korea will encounter two powerful hindering opponents, which is very troublesome and has no chance at all!

After discussions on many unfavorable factors, Lao Jiang could not help but sigh: "It seems that there is a feeling of losing?"

Uranus sighed, "One of the three illusions in life is that you will win. If you feel you will lose, you will really lose!"

The ancient star waved his hand: "I don't care about winning or losing, I just care about how disgusting the Japanese area is."

Bufeiyan sighed with a smile: "If so, it would be great for Dafei to participate in the war."

Uranus laughed, "Yeah. If he can participate in the battle-this is a world-class crap! Even Yankees are angry and glaring?"

Neptune nodded: "To be honest, his speed to the Eastern World was beyond imagination. Apparently he found a close path like the space of the gods in the Arctic. If he can complete the task in the next two days, come back It's not impossible to sign up for the mission. "

Gu Xingchen sighed: "Although I don't know what his mission is, we can provide convenience as far as possible and provide convenience and mutual benefit. Let the giant thunder accelerate the progress and strive to acquire all the good wine from the surrounding towns."

"Got it."

. . . . . .

At this point, Da Fei's fleet moved in the direction of the Lighthouse Islands, and this time, the fleet was basically empty. That's right, Da Fei is ready to do business without capital.

In the Kingdom Sea, it is useless to grab the goods of players or npc caravans, because the acquisition list of goods cannot be grabbed, and even if they are grabbed, the exchange will not acquire them. This measure basically eliminates the robbery of red name players The possibility of getting rich for merchant players.

But this Eastern world is obviously not. This is a paradise for pirates and exiles, provided they have the strength.

Looking at the empty sea between the archipelago now, I felt really unable to calm down for a long time. That's right, it was Suna who hesitated about looting slave ships.

Isn't Da Fei afraid of not winning, but is it really necessary to do that step? Isn't it good for Peace Running Business to hang up and read books? It's safe to sleep and hang up like this.

At this moment, Serbia and Deirdre came over, and Serbia was extremely excited: "Captain, through the experiment just now, I really mastered the method of extracting the soul from the sea soul battle from the sea soul battle. Without having to make a ghost ship. "

Da Fei said disapprovingly, "Okay, okay, then?"

Serbia frowned: "This means that I can also extract the two demon souls in the sea soul that cannot be used for shipbuilding!"

Dafei was surprised: "What are you doing out of it?"

Serbia muttered: "Eat! That is the legendary soul eater!"

Soul Eater! ? What's triggering this story? Dafei was surprised, "What does this mean?"

Deirdre stepped forward and said, "Of course it is to eat a powerful soul to grow your strength. Lich is this way of growth, and some soul eaters are also this way of growth."

Dafei was startled: "Who should I eat?"

Tamilia appeared again: "The ancient tree of Nasir! He hasn't eaten the devil's flesh for a long time, and after the war of the Devil's Sea, his physical strength has also been exhausted. But he was obviously unhappy. Maybe we should try to let him eat the demon soul that Lord Lord does n’t know what purpose? "

What the hell! You are getting more and more high-end! Da Fei asked again: "After eating?"

Tamillan said in a deep voice: "Then we can try whether our Flying Sacred Vine can eat the soul of the Hydra! Only in this way can the Sacred Vine truly integrate the power of the Hydra!"

Dafei was so shocked that his jaw dropped! I'll pull it off. She even paid attention to her brother's Hydra?

Da Fei was already numb: "Sacred vine can eat the soul? How could you think of eating the soul of Hydra?"

Tamilla sighed: "Because I am afraid that the Lord of the City will sell the soul of Hydra! I think that the greatest value of Hydra's soul should still be used on the Flying Swallow, which swallowed Hydra's flesh Although I don't know if it will work, I don't think I can miss this opportunity! "

Dafei suddenly knew! Yeah, this Hydra soul feels a loss no matter what it does, but it is absolutely nothing to use to continue to strengthen the Fly! OK, hurry up and never tangled again!

Dafei was determined: "Okay, let's eat! Let's start with the ancient Nasir tree?"

Tamilla and Serbia exclaimed: "Exactly!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!


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