God Rank Hero

Chapter 981: Nasir Soul Eater succeeds

Tamilia opens the Holy Vine space door, and Da Fei enters into a dark red space. There is only one ancient Nasir tree standing quietly in the space. And the space next to a "wall" is, of course, full of dead bodies, and rattan rushes into a terrifying and scary dead body space.

After Tamilia officially became a hero, she had the ability to open up new spaces. Therefore, the current space of Shengteng has a total capacity of 3,000 units, and a capacity of 2,000 units is dedicated to corpses. The other 1,000 units are the Nasir's cabin.

At this point Nasir spoke: "Welcome to the warrior, I haven't eaten the flesh of the devil for a long time, I am very uncomfortable!"

Hey, no way, there are no demons in the Eastern world. Da Fei had to smile bitterly: "Does the demon soul eat?"

Nasir chanted: "As long as it is a demon, everything is OK!"

Da Fei nodded and waved, "Let's go!"

Dilderi reminded: "Soul Eater is actually a very dangerous quled thing. If the soul strength of this abyss lord exceeds Nasir, then it is likely that Nasir was swallowed by the other side. Be careful! "

Dafei couldn't help but startled: "What else is happening?"

Serbia positively said: "I will slowly pull out the demon soul of the abyss lord. Under my control, the devil soul will not have any chance to resist."

Nasir chanted: "It doesn't matter if you resist, my will and hatred of demons will provide me with the power to defeat all demons!"

Tamilla whispered: "Go ahead, come inside the old tree fortress."

With the opening of the ancient tree fortress's space door, everyone flying to the command room inside the fortress. Then Serbia inserted the sea soul battle in the heart of the earth dragon. Casting begins. On the battle of the sea soul, a trail of red smoke slowly drifted into the heart of the dragon.

this moment. Dafei is at a loss!

Da Fei suddenly found that these subheroes suddenly became smart and high-end! Various soul-eaters have never heard of it before, and the method of using the sea soul battle is just a glance! When did this change happen? Is this the development of sub-hero intelligence and information base for long-term navigation training? Can this only be explained? Otherwise, even ordinary units have been advanced, and there is no reason not to grow as a hero.

Fortunately, the smarter the deputy hero is, the more leisurely the player is, and the more relieved he is when he hangs up and sleeps! So Da Fei also had time to watch the changes.

Time passed minute by minute, and Serbia gradually dripped sweat beads on his forehead.

Dafei restlessly said, "No problem?"

Deirdil shook his head and said, "The master is assured. Now the state of the demon soul is swallowed. It is difficult to absorb the problem, so the Serbian adults are very focused. Take the Lich as an example, the Lich devours A large number of enemy souls have a chance to learn the skills of the enemy, so this is why the Lich is very versatile. "

Dafei was suddenly surprised: "Can you still learn the skills of the soul?"

Deirdre nodded: "Yes, but the premise is that the devoured soul is more compatible with the ability of the Lich itself. For example, the warrior soul eats as much as the Lich is unlikely to learn the warrior's fighting skills. It is a very powerful compacted melee warrior. It has very similar functions to the ancient tree fortress, and the possibility of learning skills is very high! "

Dafei said suddenly: "So it is!"

at this time. A murmur of Nasir came from the fortress: "Learn skills? Ridiculous! Although Nasir has lost a lot of knowledge and memory, I really don't think what this abyss demon can teach me-now. The warrior takes this demon's skills Pick one that works! "

During the conversation, the sea soul flashed against the magic light, the last red smoke was consumed, and then the system prompted a jingle:

——System Tip: Nasir Ancient Tree Fortress successfully absorbed the soul of the refined Abyss Lord, durability +10000, attack +50, defense +50, damage +50. Gain the skills of the Abyss Lord: War Stomp, War Crash, Rage Attack. Please choose one of the three skills to learn!

——Stomp of War: Giant creatures can generate huge shock waves when they move, killing nearby enemy forces. (Note: The ancient tree fortress already has a similar ability to trample attacks. Learning this ability will strengthen the effect of trample attacks.)

——Clash of War: Increase the speed and charge forward, causing a lot of damage to all enemies on the charge line.

——Furious Attack: Attacks with high frequency and high damage at the cost of physical loss ...

At this moment, the audience cheered: "Success!"

Da Fei intersects with surprise: "It was the effect of devouring the demon soul! You can also choose your own skills to learn?"

Nasir proudly said: "Wrong! The reason you are successful is because you met me, and you chose the skills, because you met me! It is only because I have the wisdom and ability to determine my own growth, which is similar to those superficial Lucks who are lucky are fundamentally different, so don't take this special case of success as an experience promotion-- "

Having said that, Nasir laughed again and again: "But I have to say that this growth has made me taste sweet, and I am even hungry! Warriors, if you have the opportunity, take me to a lot of demons!"

Dafei suddenly realized! After all, it was because he used to be a very wise old tree! The meaning of this sentence is to tell us that he deserves great training!

There are many demons, right? It must be strong in group fighting! Da Fei rejoiced without saying a word: "Okay, then learn the trample of war! Carry on the trample to the end!"

Tamillah rejoiced: "It is indeed a wise Nasir. Since your success in your body is only a special case and cannot be promoted as experience, can you give a suggestion on the absorption of Hydra soul?"

Nasir is also obviously in a good mood: "Very simple, the soul of Hydra is actually composed of nine superficially weak wills. To absorb it, you must find out these nine wills and then absorb them in nine batches. If you ca n’t do it, do n’t try it. Its wild soul power is not something you can control at once. ”

Tamilia and Serbia thanked immediately: "Thank you for your advice!"

At this moment, Dafei suddenly understood something! Maybe it wasn't exactly Brother's subhero who got smarter, but this Nasir was guiding them? But anyway, good thing! If it is absorbed in 9 batches, Sage can definitely balance it out, right?

Da Fei asked Serbia, "Can you find the nine wills of the Hydra soul?"

Serbia nodded firmly: "The nine heads of the Hydra are nine distinct attributes, and I will try to meditate on perception later."

Da Fei nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, that's hard work!"

I have to say that Serbia is indeed the hardest, and it is necessary to read books and study soul-stealing, but young people just want to learn more when they are young. Well, brother is encouraging himself.

And when it comes to the place where there are many demons, isn't that the Japanese area where the demons looted? At this moment, Da Fei's calm heart just started to rest again. If you can rush to the foot basin area in time, it will be a refreshing rhythm for Nasir! (To be continued ...)

Chapter 981 Nasir Soul Eater Success:


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