God Rank Hero

Chapter 986: And a dark heart

The battle was victorious and the whole army cheered. Dafei is even more excited about holding the orb of the artifact. The 4 stunt dual-artifacts are already comparable to the sea soul battle, which is definitely a superior artifact far beyond ordinary artifacts! Da Fei's mind has instantly drawn an invincible blueprint for how to use this artifact in the future.

Hilda laughed: "It seems my journey can continue again, but I have to hurry up and find the opportunity to drop space magic class, otherwise I will make a lot of money again if there is an accident. . "

Da Fei came back to God and laughed, "That's for sure! Without Miss Hilda, I would be very lost!"

When I think of the biggest problem in this battle, Killer Whale has no teleportation team. Otherwise, as a coach, I can completely transfer to Killer Whale to take the lead and not have to let Caterina take such a big risk. After all, even George can teleport and avoid on warships.

So Da Fei said again, "Yes, I also want to install a teleport array on the Killer Whale."

Hilda laughed: "No problem, I'll do it when I have time to call at the port! Okay, I should go and see the little girls in the bar. Presumably after this field battle, they are more or less spell-spelled. Understanding has improved a bit. "

Also, after so many days from the North Pole, so many battles have been fought, no matter how amnesia should be broken?

At this moment, Suna also appeared in front of Da Fei: "Congratulations! The Lord can defeat the Desecrated George to show that the strength of the Adult is completely indisputable. The tribute Haiyu seized by the Adult is the Neptune Tribute that the Adult needs."

Da Fei suddenly felt a joy, all patronizing looking at the artifact did not notice the seized goods! Dafei hurriedly checked the loot list.

-Tribute sea jade: Tribute to the sea god. Tribute to this tribe in the sea **** temple in each Naga city will increase the temporary magic knowledge attribute given by the sea god. (Note: The booty is waiting to be received.)

Dafei was suddenly surprised: "Can tributes increase magic knowledge?"

Suna nodded: "Of course. There are several types of tributes to the sea god. Tributes pearls can temporarily increase physical strength. Tribute noctilucent pearls can increase offense and defense. Anyone who brings tributes to the temple of the sea can get the gifts of the sea god. The more the hero ’s death gift will not disappear, the more advanced believers will use the tribute the better, so this is the benefit of serving the **** of the sea. ”

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go, this is much more convenient than the Light Church! I have never heard that the Church of Light can gain strength by paying tribute. The Church of Light must be a monk to meditate out of hemorrhoids to gain so little power! And the average knight priest player just wants to be a monk nun.

When thinking of meditation, Dafei suddenly thought that although this half-toned monk had been hanging up. However, the helpless people all hang up to read books, the monk's cultivation seems to have not made much progress. At this moment, Da Fei's heart moved, would he be confused with Poseidon in the future?

Just listen to Suna continue: "Actually, the lifestyle of ground races like George in the Naga Empire is to tribute to the **** of the sea. Then look forward to eventually receiving the recognition of the empire, either to obtain an island as a fiefdom or to become A noble citizen of a big city. The grown-up has inherited a territory and is quite close to God. "

Da Fei laughed in surprise, unless the brother's heart was overwhelmed, and the chairman of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce who was improper would be almost the same. But then again. Can it be wrong now? The curse of the sea **** is right or wrong, and I really don't think that the Chamber of Commerce has brought me much benefit. But improperly means that all previous efforts are wasted. This is even more unacceptable.

Between words, Da Fei's fleet approached George's surviving fleet. At this point, George's fleet was under the custody of Katerina and Deirdrie, and the sailors of the other ships were desperately fighting to fire the ship. Da Fei immediately mobilized the troops to fire.

After all, the post-war loot is only part of George's control. As for the burning ships, they have to rescue and search by themselves.

Now, Fly is leaning on the black sail battleship where George is, and George in a black robe sits on the deck under the watch of several angels. This is a kind-looking white-haired old man, which is another surprise.

Facing the other person's murky eyes, Dafei coughed dryly: "This, you rest assured, I will abide by the agreement, I will not give you to the kingdom, you will be free when I meet, I hope we can be friends next time we meet . "

George sighed: "I have been very cautious for so many years, but after coming here, my arrogance increased with strength, and I am no longer the cautious and careful me at the time, so I lost, I have no I can say that I will never be an enemy of the Warriors. "

Hiloha laughed. "That's right. This is the Rev. Puppet I knew before."

Really know the current affairs, very good, not tired of speaking.

Da Fei laughed and said, "Would you like to join my team and start a business with me?" If he agreed, it would be the pirate Asolo mode, and Brother ’s power would have more weird fallen angel battleships.

George really shook his head: "I'm sorry, I have no intention of forming an alliance. This has nothing to do with your friendship, please forgive me."

Although knowing that such a good thing would not be so simple, Dafei still wondered: "What is it about?"

George Shen said: "The attitude of the Naga Empire is related. The Empire will not allow a certain force to be too powerful. I have 10 battleships, which is the bottom line of the Empire's tolerance for me. Once I have an additional battleship, I will be subject to it. Empire's warnings and sanctions. Now the warrior has less than 10 ships so it's okay. When the warrior has 10 ships, someone will warn you immediately. Once I have alliance with you, the warrior ’s strength will exceed the standard. You Do you understand? "

Dafei suddenly wakes up! Also, in the data, the Naga in the Eastern World will strictly control the area of ​​each island influence. Did they think they have restrictions on ships?

Dafei asked in surprise: "That is to say, Naga only looks at the number of ships and not the quality of the ships?"

George nodded: "Almost, they have no concept of a ship, but simply judge the strength of the force by how many troops can be transported by the ship. So under the premise of limiting the number. I will improve the quality of the ship. In each warship All of them are equipped with magic formations. "

Hilo also sighed: "Yes. In Naga's eyes, the boat on the water, like a reptile under human feet, can sink him at any time, so Naga will not be seen in the eyes of the powerful battleship. Say In the end, the biggest beneficiary of this restriction is still a little pirate like me, who can have some room for survival in a chaotic situation. "

Just then, George turned and pointed at the Killer Whale not far away: "This is the ship of the former deserted pirate king Locke?"

Da Fei was surprised: "Yeah. Now her daughter has inherited it, why?"

George nodded his head straight and said: "A very heroic hero, she is destined to be the leader of the pirates. In fact, if the Warriors want to expand their power in the Eastern Seas, there is still a way."

Dafei frowned: "Please advise!"

George said in a deep voice: "The men who defeated him did not dare to teach. If the warrior wanted to expand her strength, she could let her stand on her own. At that time, the warrior had 10 warships, and she also had 10 warships. There was no alliance in name, but she kept tacit understanding in private. Contact. It is perfectly possible to cooperate tactically. But remember, you cannot use this relationship to fight against the same opponent in the same sea area. Otherwise, it will still be judged as an alliance by the Naga Empire. In short, it is best to fight alone. Pick, these are the rules of the Eastern world. "

It's an independent portal again! Can you not mention this pot?

Da Fei sighed: "Thank you for your advice, in fact, I think we can not form an alliance, and we can maintain the cooperative relationship you said?"

As soon as Da Fei's words fell, Deirdrie leaped with excitement: "Master, we found a lot of spoils from the fire fighting ship."

——System Tip: You search the battlefield and get extra loot tribute Haiyu +48 units, pearl +103 units.

Dafei was overjoyed, and the brother said, this George is so fat! Now, more than 200 units of Poseidon tributes have been settled. Will the more than 800 orders behind be far behind?

At this moment, George's face twitched, and he could not help but painfully said: "The Warrior makes sense, but unless the Warrior returns me a part of the tribute, then I will consider it."

Let me go! Thanks to your old face, it ’s so thick, do n’t even think about it!

Sure enough, Hilo started to laugh loudly: "George, there is no such rule in the Eastern world!"

Dafei coughed, "I'm sorry, I need the tribute urgently to complete the task now, and I will consider how many tribute I will complete in the future."

George was silent for a moment, and the scene calmed down for a moment. However, it doesn't matter. Originally, the degree of trust and trust was not high, and it was almost impossible to talk about such an issue. Da Fei decided to talk about interesting topics, such as artifacts.

So Dafei asked with a smile: "Yes, about this bright tear, what reward would I get if I turned it over to the Holy See?"

George smiled coldly: "I tell you a secret, and there is an artifact called the Heart of Darkness, and the tears of Light are set artifacts. What would you do?"

Aren't you right? It's still a suit! Dafei couldn't help asking: "Where's that dark heart?"

George laughed: "I also want to ask this question. The reason why I am fallen into the dark priest is to join the darkness and look for the other half of the artifact set. But I am not strong enough, I can only shrink in the Eastern world. Excellent, there must be no problem. "

Dafei Muran on the spot! Isn't this something that hurts you? Nothing hurts people more than finding that the artifact they are proud of is not perfect! Did you deliberately hurt you? Are you absolutely deliberate?

George said lightly again: "Warrior, now you have moved my goods, can you let me go?"

Da Fei sighed, "There will be a period later."

Now, Da Fei's fleet is being promoted again, and George's remnant fleet also tows the burned ship and disappears into Da Fei's field of vision.

The victory of this battle greatly promoted Da Fei's tribute collection progress, and at the same time gained the strength of the artifact supplement. It also greatly stimulated Da Fei's ambition. Is it time to get a big vote? !! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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