God Rank Hero

Chapter 987: Dancer Advanced

At 19:30 pm Beijing time, another day is about to pass, and it is time to report on the results of daily maritime training. After receiving Hilda's prompt, Dafei believes that today must be a special day. Dafei has been waiting for a long time. The system prompt comes as expected:

——System Tip: Your sailing time is more than 13 days, you and your team heroes gain the additional experience of “nautical training” of God-level navigator skills + 1.26 million, and your team gains additional growth potential!

——System Tip: Your five followers of the citizen dancers have been tested in the harsh battle environment, their attributes have been improved, and they have successfully learned "healing" and "meditation"!

——System Tip: Your follower Tamilla successfully upgraded to level 44!

——System Tip: Congratulations! Your co-hero Elina has successfully upgraded to level 45!

. . . . . .

Dafei ecstatic overjoyed! Sure enough, I learned! The dancer has finally learned skills! But also wholesale five people at a time, learn two at a time!

Dafei hurriedly transmitted to the bar of the Wings of Glory, at which time there was a burst of laughter and laughter.

Seeing Da Fei appear, Hildahaha laughed: "Master, good news, 5 people have learned advanced healing techniques with advanced success, and they also remember their names-come, introduce yourself to the adults! "

A human dancer stepped forward and saluted: "Aisha, I've met you, thank you for your life-saving grace, and thank you for your care and acceptance. Now Aisha finally has a skill, and Aisha will work harder to repay her. ! "

I took it and spoke a lot fluently! Da Fei nodded in surprise again and again: "Okay! Okay! But don't deny that your previous career as a dancer was also a very important one!"

However, rather than thinking of her own name, it is better to say that after they advanced, they were finally given the human rights of npc by the system. Just like the original angel Eli Fir, she also did not become a ss before Name.

Dafei's surprise is of course to check her attributes:

——Aisha: The slave who survived from the devil, once sacrificed, lost most of her memory and ability, and has great growth potential. Non-bing type npc unit. Attack 4, Defense 3, Magic 11, Damage 0-2, Life 568, Mana 300, Attack Speed ​​7, Physical 120, Skills: Advanced Dancer, Healing, Meditation.

This is the nature of Aisha. If analyzed from the perspective of the arms, her offensive and defensive damage is only as low as the level 1 and 2 soldiers, but the health and mana value does reach the level of the 7 or higher soldiers. This kind of severely uncoordinated arms is almost impossible in the game.

But she is not a branch, it is npc! The high mana of life should be her previous foundation. Of course, the growth of npc is to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. She will run all the way along the line of life mana, and life is the most needed attribute of Dafei. After all, npc is not a unit that can guarantee resurrection at any time , Npc is basically equivalent to only one life, of course, the longer the life value, the better.

Hilda also laughed at this time: "How? This is the first time to grow up. I can't imagine how far they will grow in the future. It is still no problem to share the pressure of the nun's treatment. And there are With their leadership, of course, those who have not yet learned will become easier and easier to learn. "

Da Fei felt relieved: "Miss Hilda has worked hard, thank you!"

Hilda shook her head and smiled: "But there is still a problem of teaching because of talent. At present, there are 27 dancers, including 15 humans and 8 elves. It is only time for these 23 people to learn healing because of their racial advantages and previous foundations. Question, then there are 4 mixed dark elves, of which Ista went to the Holy Vine Center to cultivate the Holy Vine. The remaining 3 people may not be able to learn the healing technique, and I am not very good at teaching the dark healing technique without confidence. I suggest that after they have learned meditation, let them develop freely according to their interests. What do adults think? "

Da Fei was surprised: "Freedom? Learn poison with Ista, or destroy with Elina?"

Hilda nodded. "That's exactly what it means."

Dafei laughed: "Okay, that's the way to do it. It's better to have a weird subject and win unexpectedly!"

Hilda shook her head and smiled: "In fact, even if they can't find interest, they have been studying meditation all the time. It is good to be a master of meditation. In this way, what kind of magic circle the adult will host in the future, they can come to help with magic, they are quite On a humanoid battery. "

What a humanoid battery, I like it! Dafei immediately clapped: "Okay, Miss Hilda!"

Now 5 healing dancers have been saluted, and their attributes are almost the same as Aisha. When Dafei was happy, he announced that the dancers would take a day off. After all, work and rest combined to relax.

When it comes to work and rest, Da Fei also felt that he should take the time to hang up to sleep. After the lighthouse island city is about one or two in the middle of the night, it must be another overnight.

As for navigation safety? Hey, even the famous blasphemy George lost, brother asked, who else?

When Da Fei was about to hang up and go offline, his friend's message rang. At a glance, Xiao Ming turned out!

Xiaoming said mysteriously, "Feige, shocking thunder and thunder are buying good wine everywhere around the dwarf capital!"

What does this kid want to do? Da Fei said, "What then?"

Xiao Ming laughed and said, "Then he bought 5 times the price of all the specialty wines in a pub in the capital!"

Dafei frowned: "What tavern?"

Xiaoming laughed: "Iron Helmet Tavern!"

Dafei brows again: "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Ming laughed: "Fei, this iron helmet tavern is your old industry?"

——Ahhh! Dafei took a sip of water! Brother didn't say to anyone, how did he know? He received a high-end task set as the background boss of his brother?

Dafei couldn't help asking: "Are you sure?"

Xiao Ming laughed: "This pub is suddenly selling good wine and certainly not npc did it by itself? Npc has never thought of making progress all his life. The shocking relationship of Thunder and Thunder in the small team of the Great Guild is good, allowing him to out It is impossible to buy wine at a higher price than the buddies he knows. His friends are not likely to have such a great ability to sell this kind of good wine. So who has this ability to run this business? I suddenly thought of Fei Ge Send special forces to develop drinks in Chimera Forest! "

Da Fei suddenly appeared on the spot, and then suddenly laughed!

It turned out that Brother thought he was secretive, and God didn't know the ghost, but it was guessed by others. It seems that there are many talents in the game. Fortunately, this kind of capable people are recruited to my guild for my use, of course, the more capable the better.

Dafei laughed: "What on earth do you want to say?"

Xiaoming excitedly said, "Fei brother, I produced 20 units of Linquan, and I will sell them to the Iron Helmet Tavern later?"

Dafei frowned: "20 units? So fast?" I pulled it out. It seems that the last 500 units of Lin Quan who was transported back to Shenyu Space or the production of Lin Yao for hundreds of years, I haven't gone to the sea for a month now. ?

Xiaoming was surprised: "It's fast? I'm too slow! I called the npc helper from my dwarf village, which can not only stimulate Chimera but also effectively defend and speed up the collection of Lin Yao speed."

Dafei suddenly knew! There seems to be only one explanation. The richness of this Chimera forest, which can grow golden fruits, is far beyond the space of the gods.

Da Fei nodded: "Very good, you can do whatever you want, but this is a very rare good product, you must cherish it!"

Xiao Ming Xi said: "Is there a post-sale dividend for Fei Ge? After all, the giant thunder is bought for 5 times the value!"

What the hell! It turned out that the purchase price of npc couldn't meet him. He was paying attention to the after-sales income?

Dafei laughed in surprise: "Okay, but only in this wave of shocking giant thunder now, and I will talk about future things."

Xiaoming was ecstatic: "Thank Fei Ge! Once these 20 units are sold, they will be five-fold, and then they can sell 20,000 yuan for gold coins!"

Suddenly, you are so naive, at most, you are halfway between five and five! It is too easy for a child to make money to grow. Dafei laughed and said, "OK, try hard."

"I know Fei."

After the conversation with Xiao Ming, Da Fei felt again and again. This shocking thunder bought the wine from Brother's hotel at a high price, and then transported it to the Lighthouse Islands and sold it to Brother. Brother made money on both ends. This business is really not too serious. Cool! Shocking thunder, pure buddies!

Thinking about it this way, Da Fei hangs up and laughs while sleeping. r1152


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