God Stick Wife

Chapter 268: : stiff

Lin Xijiu didn't notice the twinkle in Xiao Shuanzi's eyes, and naturally he didn't notice the strangeness in the eyes of the other party. Not even posted

Right now, in the bottom of Xiao Shuanzi's eyes, the silky brilliance actually formed a special pattern.

And those special lines seem to be a special path below.

Just as everyone walked forward for a while, Lin Xijiu noticed something was wrong, so he was the first to stop.

At this time, Liu Suifeng said: "In the front, we have to go further. 5"

Lin Xijiu frowned slightly, and found that Liu Suifeng looked a little wrong at this time.

Liu Suifeng saw that Lin Xijiu didn't move, so he walked forward, Lin Xijiu said to stop, but Liu Suifeng didn't move at all.

did not listen. The other party continued to move forward, Lin Xijiu grabbed the other party's wrist, but Liu Suifeng's strength suddenly became very strong.


When Lin Xijiu caught Liu Suifeng, Liu Suifeng not only threw off Lin Xijiu's hand, but also went straight to the front.

rushed over.

Liu Suifeng ran very fast, Lin Xijiu and Bai Guo looked at each other and could only choose to chase after them.

But it seems that there is only one road ahead, but when Lin Xijiu and Bai Guo chased after him, they suddenly found out.

The person who was running in front has disappeared like that!

Lin Xijiu's brows could not help but wrinkle.

At this time, Xiao Shuan said, "I know where Uncle Suifeng is, I can see it, you have been with me.

Come. "

Xiao Shuan said so, and then walked forward first. Only then did Lin Xijiu notice something strange about Xiao Shuanzi.

, Lin Xijiu and Bai Guo glanced at each other again, and Bai Guo said: "It seems that after coming down, whether it is Liu Suifeng or Liu Suifeng,

This little embolus is getting weird. 5”

Lin Xijiu nodded, "Wait a minute, if they are too strange and the situation is very critical, beat them first.

I fainted, and then, my side would give instructions, in this case, we would go out first directly according to Bai Qi's instructions. "

Ginkgo nodded, indicating that he knew

Lin Xijiu and Bai Guo kept up with Xiao Shuanzi's speed, and there was only one road that suddenly turned into a twisted path.

Bend, and then Lin Xijiu and the others really saw Liu Suifeng's figure.

Just in front of that, Liu Suifeng was still running fast. But he seems to have his own destination and direction, and he does not know

After a long time, Liu Suifeng finally stopped.

At this time, Lin Xijiu and the others also followed, and they looked around. It's empty and there's nothing else

thing. The entire underground here is dark.

Liu Suifeng suddenly turned to Lin Xijiu, "It should be here, Luo Jingyan and I buried the top here back then.

. "Liu Suifeng said.

You were just children back then, how did you get under this place? Liu Suifeng, do you still have your own clear consciousness?"

Liu Suifeng shook his head slightly, "You can rest assured, I'm still me, I've just become the original me.

The me behind is not the real me, you know why they want to do something to my father. what about my mother

What dead?" 5

Having said this, Liu Suifeng sneered slightly, "Actually, I thought that my mother died of illness.

. In fact, it is not at all, but our family bloodline is different. Some people want to get the inheritance of our family, but

Without the blood of our family, I thought of some crooked ways. ”5

Liu Suifeng's voice was extremely cold, "My mother was killed by them, and those people are still alive now.

on. The ones we killed were only a very small part. After they brought me back to the Liu family,

In fact, my father had already sealed me before that. That's why they get nothing out of me! 5"

"So the seal on your body wasn't just placed by the Liu family?

good. They just reinforced that layer of seal. "

"Then what exactly are the tops you buried here?"5

"That should have been left to me by my father, but I forgot when I accidentally got it later." Liu Suifengdan

Indifferently, "As for that memory being banned, it should be the top itself. It may also be that my father sealed the law.

force on that

"So, those two spinning tops were left by your father? 5"

"Well." Liu Suifeng nodded, then looked at his palms, "Originally, as I get older, those

The seal will be automatically released. So when I come into contact with some opportunities, I will follow it. whether it's memory

or something else. "

Then find out where the top is buried first.

"Well." Liu Suifeng looked for it, and he looked at his palm again, and then, among them, the palm of his right hand suddenly

Then a cloud of black air emerged, and a sword appeared out of thin air in his hand.

The sword looks small, but the whole body is black. After Liu Suifeng released the sword, then

, This sword bloomed a dazzling black in this piece of space.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Guo both squinted their eyes, unable to face the pure black.

The sword fell from the air, and then fell into a huge pothole in the ground.

The pothole smashed a large area of ​​the ground over and over, and Liu Suifeng immediately searched for the two buried tops.

Finally, there was a strange brilliance in one of the places, Lin Xijiu immediately looked at it, and then sucked in the palm of his hand, and the buried

Something in the ground was sucked out.

However, after the thing was sucked out, it did not fall into Lin Xijiu's hands, but just floated in the air, as if

It's almost against the suction of Lin Xijiu!

Liu Suifeng said softly: "I came to Lin Xijiu to relax a little bit of restraint on the pair of tops, yes, it is a pair of tops that flew out.

Liu Suifeng jumped up and grabbed the pair of tops directly.

This time, the repulsive force from the top was not so strong, Lin Xijiu loosened the restraint, and then Liu Suifeng moved

The pair of tops was in his hands.

This pair of spinning tops looked very similar in appearance to the pair that Lin Xijiu had obtained before. However, inside

The words are different, at least, the breath feeling is different

Lin Xijiu walked over, "Is this your pair of tops?"

"Yes." Liu Suifeng nodded, "However, although this place was where the top was originally buried, that year,

Not so here. "

"You mean, the atmosphere here now, right? 5"

"Well, no, very wrong. Fortunately, my top, the breath is not polluted here." Liu Suifeng said,

Then, handed the pair of tops to Lin Xijiu.

"I couldn't find out what was in this top at first, but now, my memory has been restored. This top is indeed

It was left to me by my father, but he didn't know what was in it either. ”5

"Your father doesn't know either?" 5

"Well, but I can feel that my father seems to be very concerned about this top."5

Lin Xijiu nodded and took the pair of tops. This time, the pair of gyroscopes did not have that kind of resistance.

force of rejection

So, Lin Xijiu took the top in his hand, and after observing it, Xiao Shuanzi suddenly said: "Come on, I see

A lot of things are coming this way. "

Lin Xijiu narrowed his eyes, but he didn't feel it yet.

Ginkgo also looked in one direction at this time.

Liu Suifeng said: "Did they come for the top? Or for us]?"5

Lin Xijiu put the pair of tops into the space first.

Then, those "things" that rushed over also arrived, and they were indeed sneaky, all kinds of sneaky. Lin Xijiu

They started beheading the sneaky ones.

Above, inside the bamboo forest.

Bai Qi's eyes have been watching those copper coins, and as time passes, Bai Qi's face becomes more and more serious.

Although the copper coins did not appear to be darkening, the words of the copper coins were shaking. Bai Qi can feel

I felt that inside, Lin Xijiu and the others were fighting.

Probably because Bai Qi's face was too ugly, Bai Feng couldn't help but walked over and said, "Don't worry, it's still the same color.

Very good, Lin Xijiu should be fine. ”5

Bai Qi looked at Bai Feng and nodded lightly. Um.

Zhou Hui came with two companions at this time, and each of them also had something to guide in their hands.

The two and Zhou Hui walked aside and said something, and then they went in the other direction.

Finally, just when Bai Qi was waiting impatiently, there was a roaring sound from the black hole over there, and Bai Qi slammed.

After looking over, I saw Lin Xijiu and the others rushing out from inside.

Bai Qi quickly greeted him, "Lin Xijiu. 5"

Lin Xijiu and the others fell to the ground, and then bombarded the hole.

Bai Qi looked at their movements and joined in.

Lin Xijiu collected the six copper coins, then took out a large pile of the Heavenly Thunder Talisman and threw them into the hole.

The sound of the explosion was endless, but the air in this area followed suit, and even the smell was no longer stinky. This

The huge movement on the side attracted Zhou Hui and others over there.

Zhou Hui and her companion looked at each other and couldn't help but click their tongues, "This movement really deserves to be a professional shot.

, is really awesome! 5

The other two looked a little dumbfounded.

I don't know what would happen to his target if so many Sky Thunder Talismans were scattered together during the game.

Zhou Hui laughed, then walked over here, and let the other two companions not have to go there.

The two companions suddenly disappeared.

Ginkgo frowned and looked at his arm, there was a black mark on this arm.

It was scratched by those sneaky people inside, but the injury did not heal. Obviously it has been processed.

Lin Xijiu also had one on his hand, and it couldn't heal either.

When Bai Qi saw it, he frowned fiercely, "Are you injured? 55

"Well, it's kind of weird that it doesn't heal.

Bai Feng paused and walked towards Liu Suifeng, "Are you injured?"

Liu Suifeng suddenly stiffened, and he made a soft "um" sound.

Xiao Shuanzi suddenly said, "Uncle Suifeng is injured, both on his arms and on his shoulders."5

Bai Feng's eyes were fixed on Liu Suifeng's body.

Liu Suifeng only felt that his body was gone.

How to do this?" Bai Qi over there grabbed Lin Xijiu's hand, "Is my spiritual power useful?

□ Author gossip:

This book is exclusively published by Liancheng Reading, please do not reprint

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