God Stick Wife

Chapter 269: :unhappy

Lin Xijiu wasn't sure whether Bai Qi's spiritual power was useful, so he could only let the other party try it.

So, Lin Xijiu said: "Try to see if you can use your spiritual power to get to the bottom of this place, and then remove the filth here.

The air is expelled. ?

"En." Bai Qi nodded, and then immediately took action.

At the beginning, Bai Qi's output was not strong enough, so his spiritual power reached the place where Lin Xijiu's wound was.

However, there is no way to expel the filthy aura from the opponent's wound, but it has some effect. Therefore, Bai Qi immediately added

Increased output power.

Lin Xijiu's wound filth was finally expelled little by little, but Bai Qi's face turned pale.

stand up. Lin Xijiu wanted to withdraw his hand, but was caught by Bai Qi tightly.

Finally, the complete expulsion was successful. Bai Qi checked it again before letting go of Lin Xijiu's hand.

"It should be fine."

Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Qi expressionlessly, and Bai Qi deliberately didn't look at the other party.

Bai Guo said: "There should be no problem here, and the passage has been blown up from the inside, at least those things are not

can come out of here. But if you want to destroy the light, you have to find their base camp, so let's go back first. stay here

it doesn't make sense anymore

Lin Xijiu finally made a soft "um" sound.

Bai Feng looked at Liu Suifeng, "Can you support it back? 55

Liu Suifeng softly said "um" in a barely audible voice.

At this time, Zhou Hui came over, stretched out her hand and took Bai Feng's arm, "I think this is what they are going to do.

The scenery here can be appreciated again, you stay with me.

White seal.

Liu Suifeng lowered his eyelids, his face slightly pale.

"Bai Feng?" Zhou Hui pulled Bai Feng's arm.

Bai Feng nodded, "Well, let's go back first." 15

Liu Suifeng's downcast face was expressionless.

Xiao Shuanzi approached some Liu Suifeng, "Uncle Suifeng, let's go back."

Liu Suifeng nodded and took the first step, Xiao Shuanzi followed.

After Lin Xijiu and the others disappeared, Bai Feng said lightly, "What's the matter? 35

The ones they encountered underground were the goals of our trip. The passage here is blown up, they can't get out

Come, but in fact, they have already come out in the outside world. We are now looking for their home base. this is us

The ultimate goal of this operation. "

Their base camp?" Bai Feng thought for a while, "In this place?" 5 "We also discovered this place through repeated investigations and tracking of those things.

There is a high possibility that they have their home base here. 5”

"What can I do if I stay?" Bai Feng was puzzled.

Zhou Hui rolled her eyes and squinted at the other party. "There is always use for you, the actions here can't be so secretive, so

I am in need of you. If there are unrelated people coming, even people from the demon cultivator world, you have to come forward to handle it, 0

K? That's why the organization will choose you to cooperate. "

Bai Feng was silent for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I understand."

"Well, okay, you understand. Let's go and meet the others first."

Bai Feng looked at Zhou Hui, "But you know Lin Xijiu and their abilities, just now, they were all

All injured came out of the cave, you guys...find the base camp, okay?"

Zhou Hui smiled lightly, "They kill by their own ability. Although our ability is generally not as good as theirs.

, the level is not as good as them. However, as long as the base camp can be found, other means can be used to kill those things

Other means, Bai Feng understood and nodded.

When Lin Xijiu returned home, Bai Guo went back to the room first.

Liu Suifeng said to Xiao Shuanzi, "Go and accompany your grandma, I'm fine."5

Xiao Shuanzi looked at Liu Suifeng and hesitated slightly, but nodded anyway.

Liu Suifeng then went back to the room. After closing the door, Liu Suifeng, who felt tired, lay down on the bed. sun outside the window

The light was a bit dazzling, and Liu Suifeng covered his eyes with his hands, feeling that he had no intention of moving at all.

The body actually hurt a lot, but Liu Suifeng didn't want to move.

So, just lie down like that, and don't even try to use your own spiritual power to suppress the pain in your body.

On the other side, Lin Xijiu also walked to the room, Bai Qi looked at Lin Xijiu's somewhat silent back, and fell silent.

down, and walked in.

Bai Qi closed the door and saw Lin Xijiu sitting in front of a chair on the bedside table, staring at him.

"Would you like to... take a shower?" Bai Qiling said.

Lin Xijiu didn't speak.

Bai Qi pursed the corner of his mouth. Bai Qi, who was not good at "coaxing people", saw that his words were not responded to, so he stopped talking immediately.

As a result, the atmosphere in the room fell into a kind of silence.

Bai Qi felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing and uncomfortable, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and then he simply walked in

In the bathroom, I plan to wash my face and calm down.

He also didn't want to have any unpleasantness with Lin Xijiu, but he didn't think he had done anything wrong today. If Lin Xijiu was injured, maybe the other party doesn't care, but he thinks it does matter, and he doesn't want to see the other party hurt, so, if he has the ability,

When you can also help the other party to recover from the injury, why not do it?

Bai Qi didn't think he did anything wrong.

Bai Qi washed his face in the bathroom and calmed down for three minutes before going out. Although I don't think he has

What's wrong, but I don't want to have any unpleasantness with Lin Xijiu because of this.

What Bai Qi didn't expect was that when he went outside, Lin Xijiu was no longer there!

For a moment, Bai Qi's face turned gloomy.

After a while, Bai Qi went out of the room. He asked the dead man outside, "Where's Lin Xijiu?"

Lin Tianshi went out. "

"Going out?" Bai Qi narrowed his eyes, "Did you say where to go?"5

"No." 5

Bai Qi's face became even more gloomy, the dead man felt a little cold inexplicably, it seemed that the air pressure around his body dropped along with it.

quite a few

Bai Qi went back to the room with a gloomy face.

The dead man felt that some cold sweat was coming out from his forehead, and the momentum of their Seventh Young Master is really getting stronger and stronger...

Bai Feng was busy on Zhou Hui's side until three o'clock in the afternoon, and he was so hungry that he was almost starving. Zhou Huina

When Bian finally let him go, Bai Feng went directly to where Bai Qi and the others lived. He asked the housekeeper to quickly bring him some food

Yes, until he was full, Bai Feng felt alive.

In Zhou Hui's place, it is simply being used as cheap labor, which is really sad. But this woman herself has

Special ability, more importantly, his instructor at the beginning, really want to oppose anything without the strength and capital

What about Xiao Qi and Lin Xijiu?" Bai Feng asked the housekeeper.

"The seventh young master is in the room, and Lin Tianshi seems to have gone out.

Lin Xijiu went out?" Bai Feng frowned, but he didn't think much about it, he just thought the other party had something to do. Think about it

He asked again, "Where is Liu Suifeng?"

"Mr. Liu is in the room. Young Master Baiguo is also in the room." The housekeeper said actively.

"How are their injuries?"

Injured?" The housekeeper didn't know about this question, "Are they injured? No wonder they all entered the room when they came back.

, Master, I don't know this. 5”

Bai Feng heard the words, frowned slightly, and waved his hand, "I see, you can go and do your work first, I'll call you later if you have something to do.

The butler went down.

Bai Feng thought for a while, and went to Bai Qi first. Since his younger brother was the only one in the room, then of course he could go and have a look. Moreover, Bai Qi's healing of Lin Xijiu seemed to have consumed a lot. I don't know if I'm practicing or resting now

Bai Feng came to the door of Bai Qi's room, knocked on the door, and decided to leave if there was no reply, so as not to disturb

each other.

However, just after Bai Feng knocked on the door, the door on Bai Qi's side opened immediately.

Bai Feng paused, then smiled. "Xiao Qi, I'm afraid to disturb you."

Bai Qi looked at the other party, "Is there something wrong with Big Brother?"5

"It's nothing, just come back to see you. Are you alright? I saw you in the bamboo forest before, and it seemed like a lot of consumption.

"It's all right." Bai Qiqun said lightly, "I'm really practicing."5

"Ah, okay, then you're busy, I just came to see you." 5

"Well." Bai Qi said nothing, and closed the door again.

Bai Feng squinted his eyes slightly, and always felt that the mood of their little seven just now seemed not right? What's going on?

It's because he feels wrong... His family's Xiaoqi is like that because his practice is disturbed.

Bai Feng left from Bai Qi's room, hesitating whether to go over to Liu Suifeng to have a look.

However, there seems to be no position in the past. Moreover, looking at Liu Suifeng's appearance, he doesn't really want to have any contact with him.

Son... At this time, I saw Dong Shaohua and Sun Liuqing walking towards this side from a distance.

Bai Feng then walked towards them, "Where did you come from?"5

"From the station." Dong Shaohua said, "Now, let's go to the municipal office. 5"

Bai Feng nodded, "I really need to go, some procedures have to be handed over, and this time we are ordered by the authorities

, Although the Huainan leadership team has begun to make a big move, after all, most of the people have not left their posts. those people

The staff are also handing over, it is a little messy at this time, and we should not leave any clues. ”5

"Well, that's what I thought too." Dong Shaohua said, "We arrived here late last night, and we will rest today.

Going to hand over in the afternoon, just right

Sun Liuqing said: "I will go with you.

Since the Sun family is also going to enter Huainan, it is naturally necessary for some high-level municipalities.

Familiarize yourself with it in the past, and let yourself show your face.

The people from their Sun family have already arrived here, and now they are all waiting for the final success of the handover from the municipal side.

Of course, this success is only a matter of time.

After the three people here were confirmed, Dong Shaohua, Bai Feng and the others] left.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Qi came out of the room again, and he was indeed cultivating. Although the time to practice is small


And after he came out, he heard that Lin Xijiu hadn't come back, and immediately became even more unhappy.

Seeing that the sun was going down and it was getting dark, and Lin Xijiu had not returned, Bai Qi pursed the corners of his mouth, feeling even more unpleasant.

Bai Guo came out of the room and saw Bai Qi in the yard, so she came over

"Uncle Seven. 5"

Bai Qi looked at the other party, and said "um" lightly, "How is the injury on the body?"

"It's better than before, but it hasn't completely expelled the filth." Bai Guo said honestly.

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