God Stick Wife

Chapter 290: : Peach Blossom Tribulation

At noon, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi finally came out of the room after a long sleep.

"On Wutong Mountain, can I go during the day? Or do I have to go at night?" Bai Qi asked Lin Xijiu.

"It must be night, not during the day." 3

"Evening... After last night's design, even if the shadow didn't die, it should have lost some strength.

It may not come tonight. It would be fine if you and Charm go over there tonight. "Bai Qi said thoughtfully.

Lin Xijiu nodded, "Well, I originally planned to act tonight. I'll go and prepare something."

"Yeah." Bai Qi nodded.

Lin Xijiu left, and Bai Qi walked to the back yard, where he heard the shrill cry of the big rooster just now, so he called

Go look over there. But just after walking a few steps, the phone rang.

Bai Qi picked it up, and the call was from Bai Feng.

"Dong Shaohua has never been to the station until now, and I can't get in touch with his phone number. I also tried to contact Li Moyang.

The next, the same can not be contacted. I only know that Dong Shaohua received Li Moyang yesterday, and they all went out later. Now

but disappeared. 5

Bai Qi frowned slightly, "Missing? Did you find out where they left yesterday?"

"According to the last direction indication... It seems to be the direction of Tianjing Temple. But I don't know if it is Tianjing Temple." Bai

Feng also specifically asked Zhou Hui, who had been stationed near the bamboo forest of Tianjing Temple, and Zhou Hui also said that she was not there last night.

Found something unusual. The biggest anomaly last night was inside the Tianjing Temple, so there really isn't anything unusual outside.


At least the area where Zhou Hui was located didn't find anything.

Bai Feng found Bai Qi's body only when the ordinary army could not find anyone.

The direction of Tianjing Temple? I know, I'll go look. Bai Qi said, and Bai Feng immediately said, "I'll be able to do it in three minutes."

When I got home, I originally planned to find Guoguo or Liu Suifeng if you were busy here. "

"Well, come back and talk about it." It was only three minutes, and Bai Qi would naturally wait for Bai Feng.

At this time, Liu Suifeng came out of his room and seemed to be going outside. Seeing Bai Qi, the other party looked slightly embarrassed

, Bai Qi looked at each other and said, "Do you know about my eldest brother's coming back?"5

Liu Suifeng was stunned, "Come back?"

"Two people from the army are missing. They were missing last night. If you're all right, we'll help you find them together.

. "Bai Qi said lightly.

Liu Suifeng naturally nodded when he heard the words, "Okay, do you know where the missing person is? 5"

Near Tianjing Temple, or rather, that direction. "

Liu Suifeng paused, Tianjing Temple yesterday, he did not participate. Before Bai Qi and the others were away, he was also very busy, and he was a little too exhausted, so he did not participate in the Tianjing Temple operation last night after Bai Qi and the others came back.

At this time, Bai Feng also arrived. When I came in and saw Bai Qi and Liu Suifeng, I was a little surprised, "You two are here,

Are you all going?"

"Well, let's take a look." Bai Qi nodded.

So, with the white seal and two special forces, the group set off.

These two special forces are technical soldiers, and they came to locate Li Moyang and Dong Shaohua. Keep driving in that direction, Bai Qi

He and Liu Suifeng called to stop at the same time when they passed by, and the car stopped immediately.

"Give me the positioning system. You two stay in the car and don't go out." Bai Qi said to the two technical soldiers

The two technical soldiers naturally obeyed.

So, only Bai Qi, Bai Feng and Liu Suifeng got off the bus.

The positioning system, three people each took one, but it was not displayed here. Bai Qiling looked at Liu Suifeng, "Look at

Is it a formation or a ghost hitting the wall?"

"It's like a formation." Liu Suifeng stretched out a hand and touched it in the empty air, as if he was feeling something. After a while,

He said softly: "The overlapping type of formation, I am afraid there is another space in the formation. It's just that who can lay such a big place in this place.

type of formation?"

"I don't know the formation method, but it sounds very delicate. I will send a message to Lin Xijiu first, and then we will

Crash. Brother, don't go in with us], and go to the car too. "Bai Qi said, and then went directly to Lin Xijiu.

a message.

Bai Feng frowned slightly and did not speak.

Liu Suifeng did not object to Bai Qi's proposal.

Bai Feng said: "Don't I have an amulet on my body? And I also have those offensive weapons in the army.

Bullets are also special. Xiao Qi, I'm a soldier, and I can't hide behind you every time I encounter such ghostly things.

. Soldiers cannot escape when it is time to act. Maybe it will be beneficial to follow you to gain more knowledge and knowledge in the future. "

Liu Suifeng frowned, wanting to object. Bai Qi thought of the strange circle that Lin Xijiu said, and he nodded after being silent for a moment.

"Alright, let's go together." After that, Bai Lingqi took out a peach wood sword.

Big brother, you first use this peach wood sword, which I have used my blood to break through, and I will let Lin Xijiu

There are a few extremely aggressive Fu Lu hidden in it. The kind that can automatically protect the master, originally planned to add some more things, and then give

The one for each of you is considered unfinished, and now you can only use it first. "

it is good. Bai Feng smiled and took the peach wood sword handed by Bai Qi with a smile, "It's better my brother.

Liu Suifeng

Bai Qi smiled lightly, "Let's go."

Then, the three of them stepped into the formation here, "This ghost place seems to be the burial ground of our brothers." Dong Shaohua coughed twice, then vomited.

Mouth blood foam out.

Li Moyang's situation is worse than Dong Shaohua's.

Both of them are now full of scars, and those scars were caught like this by sharp claws. They were here yesterday

They were all trapped here, whether it was the criminals they were looking for or the people from the action team on their side, they were all trapped here.

The beast in this place seems to be a weapon the criminals have used against them, but those guys are too

Unlucky, the beast he released, the beast that wants to eat the enemy has recently turned back on the master!

Dong Shaohua and Li Moyang are considered luckier. Because of Dong Shaohua's actions in Huainan during this period,

So all the equipment is special. Even bullets are special. And the two people fell like a mountain at the beginning

pulse place. Although they don't know how they fell directly into the mountains from Daping Road!

And since last night, both the enemies and the teammates on his side have all died. The two of them use the mountains to play

The advantage of their soldiers, using the terrain to fight the beast in terrain guerrilla warfare. Rao is so, after most of the midnight effort, until

This morning, Dong Shaohua's bullets were all used up, and the bullets on Li Moyang's side were of no use to the beast.

If it wasn't for their skills, they were really good, and there were a lot of muddy places in this mountain range. They had cheated twice and let the wild

The beasts fell into the muddy mud like a mudslide, and they avoided themselves, I am afraid they would have been gutted a long time ago!

But if he escaped until now, whether it is physical or other, it seems to have reached the limit.

The two were panting against a tree before Dong Shaohua made the above joke.

Li Moyang smiled reluctantly, and he didn't even have the strength to smile.

"Well, Huangquan Road, it's not bad to be a companion. 55

And at this moment, they heard the roar of the beast again, and they got closer and closer, and a trace of bitterness slipped in their eyes.

Laugh, then, can only stagger to stand up and continue to run. However, Li Moyang fell down after standing up.

Dong Shaohua took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and threw him on his back.

Li Moyang frowned, "Don't take me with you, just run by yourself."5

"Hehe, stop joking, you're not dead yet, I can't do things like leaving my teammates behind. What's more,

If I am alive and you are dead, how can I explain to the Li family!"55

Li Moyang smiled bitterly, "I don't need your explanation."

Dong Shaohua ran forward. At this moment, the roar turned to come behind them, Dong Shaohua felt

The sound of the wind brought Li Moyang to the side and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding this move. But avoid this one, you can't avoid the next time


Dong Shaohua gritted his teeth tightly, and then threw the last weapon on his body, which was his own gun. with gun directly

I threw it to the head of the beast, but how could the monster beast with such a small attack power take it to heart! So I almost watched

I didn't even look at it and continued to pounce.

Dong Shaohua instinctively protected Li Moyang, who was more seriously injured, under his body, and at this moment, a fierce sword qi burst into the air. That

The beast suddenly let out a scream.

Immediately after, Bai Qi's figure appeared, the necklace was floating in the air, and Bai Qi's whole body was shrouded in a layer of white and ice.

In the bright blue light. Then, the sword light slid over again, chopped off, and landed on the beast's forehead.

The head and body of the beast were immediately separated.

Bai Qi fell to the ground, and the necklace automatically returned to his neck. Then, holding a peach wood sword, Bai Qi walked towards Dong Shaohua and He

Li Moyang.

At that moment, Dong Shaohua could clearly hear the beating of his heart.

At that moment, Dong Shaohua felt that Bai Qi's dazzling eyes made him unable to open his eyes. He never knew that it turned out that Bai Xiaoqi, but

so dazzling.

At that moment, Dong Shaohua didn't know what his heart was, but, without knowing it, his heart moved.

"Are you all right?" Bai Qi asked.

At this time, Liu Suifeng finally arrived with Bai Feng.

Although Bai Qi asked, he didn't mean to pull up Li Moyang and Dong Shaohua, so he just asked.

Bai Qi did not forget that a certain Celestial Master once told him that he was not allowed to approach Dong Shaohua as if he was jealous.

So, Bai Qi just asked.

Dong Shaohua took a deep breath and shook his head slowly, "I'm fine, Li Moyang's situation is not very good.

Dong Shaohua said, revealing Li Moyang who was under his protection.

Although Li Moyang is still conscious, he has lost too much blood, and the scars on his body seem to be...


Apart from this strange thing, have you encountered other things attacking?" Bai Qi asked.

Dong Shaohua shook his head, "No, only this thing."

"This thing doesn't look like it can let your evil spirits invade." Bai Qi said and looked at Liu Suifeng, "Can you handle it?

Liu Suifeng shook his head directly, "It's not impossible to exorcise evil spirits, but it takes too much time and you can directly use Fo Yuan.

Shelly will do. "

Bai Qi nodded, and then asked Dong Shaohua and Li Moyang to sit cross-legged. Among them, Li Moyang couldn't do it by himself, Bai Feng

hold each other

Bai Qi took out the Buddha Yuan relic, but what surprised Bai Qi was that the effect of the Buddha Yuan relic was so weak for the first time.

It's not that it has no effect at all, but it is much, much less than the previous healing effects!

Bai Qilue spent a little of his spiritual power to let the Buddha Yuan relics dispel most of the evil energy from Dong Shaohua and Li Moyang.

The condition of the two of them suddenly improved a lot.

Even Li Moyang still couldn't walk independently, so Bai Feng carried the other party on his back.

Dong Shaohua was finally able to act on his own, so, under the leadership of Bai Qi, they found a way out.

However, after more than an hour, Bai Qi determined that they were trapped.

"Sure enough, it's a formation that is easy to get in and hard to get out of." Liu Suifeng said, looking in one of the directions, "Let's go there and see,

Go straight up the mountain.

After pondering for two seconds, Bai Qi nodded, "Then take a look over there."

Li Moyang said: "I've recovered a little bit, just let me down and walk with me. I'm not so hypocritical yet, I want people to carry me all the time.

Bai Feng looked at the other party and raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure? 5"


So, Bai Feng put down the other party, and then, with Dong Shaohua, supported each other and climbed the mountain!

At this time, another figure came quickly, and everyone looked at it suddenly, Bai Qi's eyes lit up slightly, Lin Xijiu!

Sure enough, the figure who came in was Lin Xijiu.

Bai Qi greeted the other party, "You are here." 5

Lin Xijiu nodded, just as he was about to say something, when his eyes swept across the faces of everyone, he paused slightly. He fixedly looked at Dong Shao

Hua glanced at him, then turned to Bai Qi.

The Peach Blossom Demon started, and now it has become the Peach Blossom Tribulation.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xijiu asked lightly, a trace of irritability that he couldn't suppress brought out from the bottom of his heart.

Bai Qi thought that the other party was asking about this formation, so he told the current situation.

Lin Xijiu's lips pursed tightly.

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