God Stick Wife

Chapter 291: : Fate of Heaven

"Liu Suifeng said just now, walk up the mountain. I see that there is indeed something on it, and you came just right. This formation, you can

Can it be broken?" Bai Qi asked.

Lin Xijiu didn't speak. He was suppressing the cruelty in his heart.

That trace of violence that wanted to kill. One of his eyeballs was dyed a touch of gold, and finally, Lin Xijiu

Is taken back. That moment of violence, the desire to kill, was suppressed by him.

Lin Xijiu?" Bai Qi finally felt that Lin Xijiu was a little different.

Lin Xijiu opened his mouth lightly, very indifferent, "I haven't read this carefully, I have to make sure. 5"

Bai Qi paused, but Lin Xijiu used his spiritual power to go up the mountain first, and then stopped when he reached the top of the mountain.

Bai Qi and the others did not move, waiting for the result from Lin Xijiu.

Lin Xijiu looked at the palm of his hand, and the pattern on it seemed to have changed a little bit.

Peach Blossom

Peach Blossom Tribulation.

Peach luck.

Peach blossom.

Love for life.

Bai Qi's peach blossom, Bai Qi's marriage, turned out to be on the body of an ordinary person. That guy named Dong Shaohua, an ordinary man


Peach blossom evil is evil, not luck.

Since ancient times, Peach Blossom Sha can evolve into Peach Blossom Jie, very few.

Since ancient times, there have been fewer and fewer people who can survive the peach blossom calamity. But once it is over, it will become its own peach blossom luck. have

The luck of the world is here, so it is much easier to become a peach blossom love.

And peach blossom love, this love is lifelong

This is the test that God has given to his lovers since ancient times.

If you can pass the test, it is love for life.

If you can't get over it, it will end in the peach blossom robbery.

He always thought that he and Bai Qi had the same physique, and they have been entangled since the first acquaintance.

It's a vicious circle. Such a strange circle is also a test of God for themselves and their emotions.

Until now, he didn't know. He Lin Xijiu, from the very beginning, has been arranged by the power of heaven and earth, by the spirit of heaven and earth, and by the whole heaven.


Therefore, Bai Qi couldn't wear the ring that represented his relationship with Bai Qi.

That's because, Bai Qi's marriage, which he destined, belongs to the marriage that Tiandao fancy is not on him at all!

Then what is he!

Lin Xijiu's eyes became crazy little by little. Bai Qi and others were at the foot of the mountain, and Lin Xijiu could not hide his eyes.

Crazy colors at the bottom. He looked up at the sky, the violence in his eyes did not hide the slightest.

"It turns out that you've been playing with me. Good, good. Good! 5"

Lin Xijiu remembered that when he was a child, his master held him and sat on his lap, and the other party said, "Xiao Jiu'er, God has treated us well.

When it's unfair, we can't accept our fate. You know? You have to remember that if you struggle and don't do anything, then you're really only

It's a **** from God. But if you do, at least you can be worthy of yourself... Little wine, you have to remember, you have to respect

Fear of heaven, you have to do more good deeds. In this case, God will not embarrass you too much! Because you have done nothing bad!"

Therefore, since childhood, Lin Xijiu didn't quite understand the meaning of those words. Even if I was a little naughty when I was a child, but the three views are positive

, he has always been a "good guy".

I had no memory of this sentence before, but now this sentence suddenly appeared in my mind. Is that Master telling him the truth? Master

The Father was telling himself the truth that he had to be a "good man."

Because only by being a good person, and being a good person in Tiandao's favor, then Tiandao will reluctantly let him go!

If not, then, hahaha

Recently, as my soul went wrong, as I could not control myself, as I embarked on the journey of finding those copper coins,

Tiandao sees himself becoming more and more unpleasant. Therefore, the snake egg will say that it is stinky, stinky.

Therefore, Tiandao gave himself a blow.

Bai Qi's marriage, destined, and the marriage recognized by heaven, rests on others!

Lin Xijiu's eyes became more and more crazy, a long sword appeared in his hand, and then, his sword, pointed directly at

God. The color of one eyeball turned golden, "He is mine, if the sky stops me, I will destroy the sky! 5"

Just as Lin Xijiu's muttered words fell, the sky turned into darkness. Then, the huge purple

Thunder and lightning fell from the sky...

Bai Qi's heart tightened, "Lin Xijiu!"

Bai Feng turned around and asked Liu Suifeng, "Is Lin Xijiu doing it?"

Liu Suifeng slowly shook his head, "It shouldn't be the way, I don't know what he's doing."5

Lin Xijiu flew up and met the falling lightning directly.

Bai Qi also flew up and hurried to the top of the mountain.

Dong Shaohua watched intently, his fists clenched tightly beside him. Watching nervously. Looking helplessly.

Xiao Qi! Don't go!" Bai Feng shouted, but how could Bai Qi listen!

Lin Xijiu was slashed to the ground by the power of thunder and lightning, his body was charred black, and everyone was buried in the mountain.

Bai Qi finally arrived and shouted in panic, "Lin Xijiu! 5"

Lin Xijiu lay in the huge pothole, like a dead person. Bai Qi jumped down with a white face, "Lin Xijiu!" He grabbed Lin Xijiu's hand and was about to frantically channel his spiritual power, but was stopped by Lin Xijiu's hold.

"Lin Xijiu!"

Lin Xijiu coughed twice. Although his whole body was burnt black at this time, the color of his eyeballs had returned to normal.

It looks like normal black.

"I'm fine, I'm just trying to find a way out." Lin Xijiu said lightly, and then let go of Bai Qiqiang's hand, "I need to settle down.

For an hour, you were outside to protect the Dharma for me. "]

Entering meditation? Well, I'm here to protect the Dharma for you. "

"No, you go up, here, your breath will affect me. You go up." Lin Xijiu's voice was very soft and light.

Bai Qi was a little worried, but he was more afraid that he would affect Lin Xijiu, so he nodded.

"Baifeng them, don't let them come up, let them stay at the foot of the mountain." Lin Xijiu said again.

"Okay." Bai Qi agreed directly.

Lin Xijiu sat cross-legged and quickly settled down. Bai Qi flew to the top of the pothole, and then anxiously went up to see the situation

Bai Feng made a stand-by gesture.

Bai Feng suddenly stopped moving. "What are Xiao Qi and Lin Xijiu doing on it? The thunder and lightning were so rough just now. 5"

Liu Suifeng made a soft "um" sound, frowning slightly.

Li Moyang lay on the ground to rest, Dong Shaohua looked at the figure of Bai Qi on the top of the mountain, his eyes were very deep.

For half an hour, Bai Qi stared at Lin Xijiu in the cave without looking away.

After Lin Xijiu's teasing ended, he opened his eyes and met Bai Qi's.

It was a pair of clear, worried eyes with a hint of joy. To be able to see from the other person's eyes,


Just in the eyes of Heavenly Dao, this situation is not destiny, so it is just a robbery.

To Bai Qi, he was his calamity.

After passing through, you can get your own destiny, and you will have a lifelong love with the destined person.

If you can't get over it, you will die in your own peach blossom calamity.


Lin Xijiu closed his eyes gently, and then jumped to the top of the pothole.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Bai Qi asked hastily, holding Lin Xijiu's arm.

Lin Xijiu shook his head, "It's okay, I have found the way out, let them come up."

Found it? Where?"5

"East, go over there, you can get out." Lin Xijiu said softly.

"Okay, I'll ask Big Brother and the others to come up." Bai Qi gestured to Bai Feng and the others, indicating that they could come up. white seal, etc.

The man then climbed up the mountain.

With a wounded Li Moyang, Bai Feng and the others slowed down a bit. Lin Xijiu didn't mean to help, Bai Qi always felt that

There's something wrong with Delin Xijiu right now, so he didn't help anything, and just talked to Lin Xijiu from time to time.

"This formation looks very delicate, is it made by a master formation master?" Bai Qi guessed.

Lin Xijiu shook his head, "I don't know. I can't tell. 5"

"I don't know why that person set up this formation in this place. I heard from Dong Shaohua before that the beast that was chasing them killed.

It was deliberately released by Li Moyang's criminal mission target this time. That thing doesn't have anything to do with the people who set up the formation, right?" Bai Qi secretly

said thoughtfully.

Hearing Dong Shaohua's name from Bai Qi's mouth, Lin Xijiu lowered his eyelids slightly and did not speak.

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he didn't get a response. He couldn't help but look at Lin Xijiu. He really felt that something was wrong with him. He couldn't help it.

Holding Lin Xijiu's hand, "What's wrong with you? Why do I think something is wrong with you? 5

Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Qi, "What's wrong with me?"5

"I don't know." Bai Qi pursed the corners of his mouth, "be silent, by the way, did my affairs bother you? You prepared

Something, not ready yet?" 5

Lin Xijiu looked at Bai Qi and shook his head, "Ready, you can act with Charm tonight. 5"

"Okay?" 5

Bai Qi gave Lin Xijiu a fixed look, still feeling that this person was a little weird, but it seemed to be his own delusion. Bai Qi

Looking at the other party, he said: "If you have anything on your mind, you can tell me. You once promised me that you will not hide anything from me again.

Hearing this, Lin Xijiu paused slightly, then smiled and pulled Bai Qi closer to him, and kissed him on the other's lips. "I know

. I won't hide anything from you, Bai Qi. ”5

Bai Feng, who rushed to the top of the mountain, was blinded by Lin Xijiu's actions, and couldn't help but pouted.

Dong Shaohua lowered his eyelids and his eyes flickered.

Li Moyang didn't react at all, and at this time he was so tired that he wouldn't react to this.

Liu Suifeng glanced at Lin Xijiu, and always felt that Lin Xijiu's aura was a little... a bit strange and evil, but

If you look closely, there is none.


"Cough cough." Bai Feng coughed deliberately.

Bai Qi pushed Lin Xijiu slightly, glared at the other party, and his ears were slightly red.

Lin Xijiu turned to Bai Feng, glanced at it, and said lightly, "Let's go. 5"

"Don't you think you should bring an injured person? Your physical strength is the best here, or you can use your Fu Lu to help you out." Bai

Feng said as if complaining.

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