"Don't worry, I don't even look at who I am." Shen Lang laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. How are you and Xiaoxue doing recently?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked.

"How about what?" Shen Lang wondered.

Liu Xiaoxiao curled her lips: "It's the relationship between you two, how is it going?

"Why are you worrying about this?" Shen Lang asked.

Liu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, and snorted: "Of course I have to worry about it. Xiaoxue is my best friend, and her affairs are my affairs. Xiaoxue is very dishonest. I have to think about her future. .”

"I said, Xiaoxiao, why don't you think about yourself, the last time you had a conflict with your parents, haven't you dealt with it yet?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

Liu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips: "You don't mind my affairs, then I will keep an eye on you, lest you do something wrong to Xiaoxue!" Liu Xiaoxiao snorted softly.

Shen Lang was a little speechless, isn't this little beauty taking too much care? But it fits her temperament, Liu Xiaoxiao attaches great importance to Su Ruoxue, Shen Lang can naturally see this.

"Xiaoxiao, tell me, what does it mean to be sorry for Xiao Xue'er?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

"For example, looking for a woman outside, or... hooking up with other girls, or being unfaithful in love..." Liu Xiaoxiao said while thinking.

Shen Lang sighed, this girl must have watched too many Korean dramas. But speaking, I did have a lot of romantic debts before.

"Okay, okay, no matter what happened in the past, just focus on the present." Shen Lang said seriously.

Liu Xiaoxiao curled her mouth, and said hehe: "I don't know what you men are thinking. How about it, you swear, if you lie, you are a bastard!"

Shen Lang was speechless, rolled his eyes and said: "I said Xiaoxiao, you are beautiful and gentle, why are the words that come out of your mouth so rude? This will greatly reduce your beautiful image."

"Ahem..." Liu Xiaoxiao choked in her throat, rolled her eyes at Shen Lang, thinking that you also know the beauty of my old lady, but why do you bastard always treat my old lady like air?

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, where do we go to pack something to eat?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

Liu Xiaoxiao twitched her lips: "Turn right when you leave the villa complex, and walk for about ten minutes. There is a restaurant street, so go there."

"Oh." Shen Lang nodded.

After a while, Shen Lang and Liu Xiaoxiao left the nearby villas and walked towards the restaurant street not far away.

Outside the villa complex, a van drove over and followed behind Shen Lang and Liu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Xiaoxiao tugged on Shen Lang's clothes with a worried face, and said in a low voice: "Shen Lang, has the van behind us been following us?"

Shen Lang smiled: "Just follow along, I want to see what tricks these guys are playing?"

Liu Xiaoxiao was startled: "What's wrong with you again?"

"Hush!" Shen Lang blocked Liu Xiaoxiao's mouth, and whispered: "Remember not to leave within five meters of me."

After finishing speaking, Shen Lang grabbed Liu Xiaoxiao's little hand. Liu Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat, her pretty face blushed a little, although it was not the first time the two held hands, Shen Lang's move made her little heart twitch.

Liu Xiaoxiao immediately shook her head, thinking about these things at what time.

The van behind has been following closely.

Shen Lang pulled Liu Xiaoxiao and quickly turned into a secluded alley ahead.

There was no one around in the alley, the street lights were dim, and there was a dead end ahead.

Dragging Liu Xiaoxiao into the alley, Shen Lang slowly turned around and said calmly, "Okay, come out."

Liu Xiaoxiao bit her lip and pressed tightly against Shen Lang.

As soon as the voice fell, several burly men turned around the corner. The first-inch man stretched his arms, and the huge black dragon tattooed on his arm was very conspicuous.

"Damn it, I've been staring at you for a long time, I didn't expect that you would dare to come to your door? Haha, you have the guts, save me the trouble." The cropped man laughed wildly.

Shen Lang shrank his eyes, is this someone sent by the Luo family? It doesn't seem like, this person's strength is too weak.

"Who are you?" Shen Lang simply asked.

"Seeing that you are unfamiliar, I will tell you that my name is Zhou Hu, and everyone on the road calls me Brother Hu!" The inch-cut man laughed wildly.

"Call you Brother Hu, Brother Pig, what do you guys want to do?" Shen Lang asked with a sneer.

Zhou Hu became angry from embarrassment: "Fuck you, you are sensible, squat down and let grandpa beat you up!"

Shen Lang didn't know this person, but when he saw the blue dragon tattoos on the arms of the younger brothers beside Zhou Hu, Shen Lang knew that these guys were members of the Hualong Gang.

Before Shen Lang abolished Cao Bao, one of the four great generals of the Hualong Gang, he probably came to him.

Indeed, as Shen Lang thought, Cao Bao was abolished. Yuan Ye, the leader of the Hualong Gang, was furious about this matter, and immediately sent Zhou Hu to find out the origin of this kid.

Zhou Hu originally planned to arrest this kid directly at night, but he didn't expect Shen Lang to come to his door. Seeing that Shen Lang was young and not very strong, Zhou Hu almost thought he had made a mistake.

With such a body, can Cao Bao be abolished?

A trace of disdain appeared at the corner of Zhou Hu's mouth, anyway, Yuan Ye just said that he was asked to deal with Shen Lang, life or death didn't matter.

"You...what do you want to do?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked in a panic.

Zhou Hu took a look at Liu Xiaoxiao, that face, that crisp breasts, and that small waist, she was really a top-notch beauty.

"Tsk tsk, not bad! It's not in vain to get a beautiful woman. After finishing this boy, I will take that girl to a hotel to play." Zhou Hu chuckled, revealing a faint smile.

"You..." Liu Xiaoxiao stared at the burly man in front of her, and said coldly: "I advise you to consider the consequences of your actions, and if you don't want to go to prison, you should leave as soon as possible!"

As soon as these words came out, several fierce men looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

The flesh on Zhou Hu's smiling face trembled even more: "Going to prison? Hahaha, I'm really scared!"

Shen Lang patted Liu Xiaoxiao's fragrant shoulders, and said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, how many times have I told you that there is no need to reason with these rubbish."

Zhou Hu's face immediately collapsed, and he said angrily, "How dare you scold me?"

Shen Lang sneered and said, "So what if you dare to scold?"

"Idiot, don't..." Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face turned pale, and she really admired Shen Lang's ability to cause trouble, and she was able to tie the knot with the other party in a few words.

Zhou Hu came to Shen Lang with a sullen expression, put his hands on Shen Lang's shoulders, and said contemptuously: "Squat down!"

"Brother Tiger is mighty!"

Several thugs behind him shouted.

They knew that Zhou Hu was going to play cool.

Zhou Hu has a habit of bullying the weak. He doesn't like to beat him directly, but likes to let the weaker guy be a log, squat down according to his request, and then use some cool methods to beat him.

Shen Lang had no expression on his face, so he simply squatted down according to Zhou Hu's request. He wanted to see what this guy was capable of.

A trace of contempt appeared at the corner of Zhou Hu's mouth, he raised his right foot very high, and kicked towards Shen Lang's forehead magnificently.

"Hoo hoo!"

This kick made the air tremble for a moment, it was enough to see how powerful and ferocious it was.

Liu Xiaoxiao's delicate body trembled, she closed her eyes, too frightened to look any further. (to be continued)

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