Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 105 Killer

Zhou Hu was proud of himself. As one of the four generals of the Hualong Gang, he was extremely proud of his skills. Since joining Yuan Ye, he has become bold and cunning, and because of his ability to fight, he is highly valued by Yuan Ye.

When Zhou Hu's right foot was about to land on Shen Lang's head, Shen Lang suddenly punched upwards, hitting Zhou Hu's right face.


With just an understatement of punch, Zhou Hu was knocked away and blood flowed from his mouth.

When flying out, Zhou Hu's head hit the wall, his head was broken and bleeding, and he fainted on the spot.

Seeing Zhou Hu lying unconscious on the ground, several thugs took a breath of cold air and looked at Shen Lang with frightened eyes.

It would be unbelievable unless you saw it with your own eyes. Zhou Hu is a three-star master. With this level of strength, even special forces can easily defeat him.

The kid in front of me knocked down Zhou Hu with one move. It was so terrifying!

Seeing that Shen Lang was safe and sound, Liu Xiaoxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you don't want to suffer, just tell me honestly, who sent you?" Shen Lang glanced at the thugs and asked impatiently.

"Go on, kill this kid first!" A strong bald thug shouted.

The five thugs immediately rushed towards Shen Lang, and each took out their daggers. These guys are all elite thugs, not on the same level as ordinary social gangsters, they are bold and evil-minded.

Not wanting to waste time, Shen Lang turned around and kicked a thug in the chest.


The man screamed fiercely, his sternum was cracked by the huge force of Shen Lang's right leg, he vomited blood and hit the trash can on the side, and passed out.

After two more kicks, the other two thugs were hit in the abdomen before they could react. Like a kite with its string broken, it flew seven or eight meters away and hit the wall at the end of the alley heavily, causing a bloody head. He fell to the ground unconscious.

In just two or three moves, Shen Lang eliminated the four thugs, and the whole process only took a few seconds.

Finally, there was a bald man left. Shen Lang stepped forward and kicked him to the ground, stepped on his chest with his right foot, and said coldly: "One last time, who sent you?"

"Don't! I said it, I said it! It was Yuan Ye from the Hualong Gang who asked me to come!"

Shen Lang sneered secretly in his heart, really the Hualong Gang? That guy named Yuan Ye seems to be the boss of the Hualong Gang.

"Why did Yuan Ye ask you to come?" Shen Lang asked with a sinister look on his face.

The bald thug felt the evil aura on Shen Lang's body and broke out in cold sweat. He replied tremblingly: "It's because of Cao Bao! I heard that Cao Bao was deposed, so Master Yuan sent Brother Hu and us to test you."

Looking at the other person's expression, Shen Lang also knew that he was not lying to him. He felt a little unhappy. What kind of third-rate gang dared to come and cause trouble for him?

"Brother...brother, I've told you, can you let me go?" The bald man beneath him was still begging for mercy.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of letting enemies go." Shen Lang said calmly.

The words fell.


In the flash of lightning, Shen Lang raised his right leg, and with a little force, the bald man's right leg was stepped on and broken by him.


The bald man screamed and twisted around on the ground holding his right leg. The intense pain soon caused him to faint.

"Shen... Shen Lang, you have gone too far!" Liu Xiaoxiao's face turned pale, and she was a little frightened. Shen Lang's methods were too cruel. Did this guy often do this kind of thing before?

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

After saying that, Shen Lang took out his mobile phone and made a call to Bai Qingyu.

Bai Qingyu learned that members of the Hualong Gang had been arrested and immediately drove a police car to the scene.

After learning what happened from Shen Lang and Liu Xiaoxiao, Bai Qingyu immediately sent people to get Zhou Hu and several fainted Hualong Gang members into the police car.

"Officer Bai, Shen Lang was just defending himself. It shouldn't be considered an act of serious injury, right?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked hurriedly.

Bai Qingyu was a little speechless, self-defense? This guy must be beating up others, right? Look at how injured these guys are.

But what can she say to a person of Shen Lang's status?

Moreover, this Zhou Hu was also the leader of the Hualong Gang, a notorious figure. This time he fell into the hands of Shen Lang, which was a big help to him.

"Don't worry, Miss Liu. Shen Lang is not responsible. Instead, he helped us catch Zhou Hu, a vicious thug. It's a great achievement."

After Bai Qingyu finished speaking, she glanced at Shen Lang.

"That's great." Liu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Shen Lang was going to be arrested and taken to the police station.

After dealing with Shen Lang's mess, Bai Qingyu left quickly. It could be seen that she was very busy recently.

The main reason is the last reporting incident. Someone reported that Wan Tianpeng’s Jinding Entertainment City contained drugs. Liu Xiaoxiao was unwilling to be threatened by Wan Tianpeng and kept investigating the matter. However, she has not found out the reason until now. .

Liu Xiaoxiao also knew that Shen Lang and Bai Qingyu were familiar, but she was a little confused as to how Shen Lang and the criminal police captain met.

The two of them had something to eat and it was almost nine o'clock when they got home.

It was because of what happened just now.

Su Ruoxue had already fallen asleep, and Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to wake her up. She felt that it was true that Su Ruoxue needed adequate sleep more than food.

As a woman, you can still stay in shape even if you skip a meal occasionally.

Shen Lang returned to the bedroom, closed the door, sat at the table, took out the small box in his pocket and opened it. Inside was the body of the fire toad.

Shen Lang took out a shiny silver needle from another small box, and pierced a specific part of the fire toad's body.

Collect the blood of the fire toad in a small porcelain bottle and seal it carefully.

In fact, Shen Lang can take the fresh blood of the fire toad right now, which is of great benefit in suppressing the impetuous zhenqi in his body.

But Shen Lang considered that there might be some unexpected situation in the future, so he didn't take it for the time being, and it would not be too late to swallow this bottle of fire toad's blood until it was absolutely necessary.

After doing these things, Shen Lang's mood also stabilized a lot.

After thinking about it in his mind, Shen Lang took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, is that Li Fei?" Shen Lang said lazily.

He wrote down Li Fei's cell phone number last time, and it finally came in handy.

Li Fei on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Mr. Shen, hello, I'm Li Fei!"

Li Fei has a very high mind. With Shen Lang's identity and personality, being able to call him means that he probably wants to ask him for help with something. This is an excellent means for him to win Shen Lang's trust!

"Yuan Ye sent someone to trouble me, do you know about this?" Shen Lang asked.

Li Fei was taken aback, when did Shen Lang form a relationship with Yuan Ye?

"Mr. Shen Lang, I promise I don't know about this. If I know, I will definitely remind you in advance! In fact, I already have the idea of ​​leaving the Hualong Gang. The relationship between Yuan Ye and me is very bad, so his I really don't know about the news around here!" Li Fei said hastily.

Shen Lang said calmly: "I don't care about your relationship with Yuan Ye, just tell me about the strength of your Hualong Gang."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Li Fei briefly explained all the forces of the Hualong Gang and some masters, and by the way, also explained the recent infighting of the Hualong Gang.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that the Hualong Gang was not young, it was a branch of the Black Dragon Society. The Black Dragon Society is one of the four major underground forces in China.

Boss Yuan Ye is a senior cadre of the Black Dragon Association and a four-star master.

Now the Hualong Gang only has two four-star masters, Yuan Ye and Wan Tianpeng, and Wan Tianpeng wants to leave the Hualong Gang and create his own gang. It is equivalent to saying that the Hualong Gang only has Yuan Ye as a four-star master.

With Shen Lang's current ability, as long as he is not a five-star or above star expert or a martial artist at the beginning stage, his safety will basically not be threatened.

"Mr. Li Fei, I want to ask you something." Shen Lang said.

"You said, as long as I, Li Fei, can do it, I will do it for you!" Li Fei said excitedly.

"Keep an eye on that Yuan Ye. If he still has tricks against me, you can report to me in advance." Shen Lang said calmly.

"Mr. Shen Lang, to tell you the truth, I have almost completely broken with Yuan Ye now, and he might kill me. It is really impossible to get any information from him!" Li Fei frowned.

Shen Lang said coldly: "Li Fei, I just beg you on this matter, I didn't ask you to agree. If you agree, I, Shen Lang, owe you a favor."

Hearing this, Li Fei's eyes turned red, and he quickly pondered the pros and cons in his heart.

"Okay! I promise you, as soon as there is any trouble, I will tell you right away!" Li Fei gritted his teeth and agreed. In his opinion, Shen Lang is very unfathomable.

Li Fei's situation is very bad now, he has a premonition that he can only end well if he hangs out with Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's favor is a great opportunity for Li Fei, no less than an opportunity to determine fate, Li Fei intends to take a gamble.

"Okay, I hope you can do what you say." Shen Lang felt that although Li Fei was greedy for life and afraid of death, he was considered a smart person, so he gave him a chance.

It's annoying enough for Shen Lang to mess with the Luo family now, and it's even more annoying if there is any Hualong Gang messing around. He needs one or two people who can help him.

"Sure!" Li Fei took a deep breath. By agreeing to Shen Lang's matter, Li Fei is temporarily standing on Yuan Ye's side, and it may take some talking to gain Yuan Ye's trust.

Shen Lang continued: "By the way, the Hualong Gang should have had an underground transaction with the Luo family, right? Do you know any masters in the Luo family?"

Li Fei didn't know why Shen Lang asked this, but he replied: "The Luo family is one of the patrons of Fengyuntang, Huahai City has a branch of Fengyuntang, so the masters of the Luo family should all be masters in the branch of Fengyuntang. Does Mr. Shen Lang know the world blood diamond list? It is said that four of the top ten killers in Huahai City serve the Luo family."

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and finally got some useful information.

The word "World Blood Diamond List" is very familiar to Shen Lang, because he himself is the top killer in the Blood Diamond List. (to be continued)

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