Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 106 Never let him go

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lang called his junior sister Yi Lian again.

"Junior sister, can you help me check the list of the top ten killers on the blood diamond list in Huahai City?" Shen Lang asked.

"No problem. Brother Lang, I heard that you are about to break through, won't you come back?" Yi Lian asked in confusion.

"Not yet. Let's go back in two and a half months. I can still suppress it for a while." Shen Lang said.

Yi Lian sighed softly: "It must be because the beautiful CEO's fiancée got into some trouble. Do you need me to go over and help you?"

"No, Brother Lang can handle it." Shen Lang smiled.

After chatting for a few words, Shen Lang hung up the phone.

I opened the laptop on the table and entered a website address. After I clicked on it, there were some messy codes.

After entering a few codes according to the rules, a black login interface was entered.

This is Shen Lang's exclusive mailbox. He clicked on the new message and received the email from his junior sister.

I clicked on the link website in the email, entered a series of mysterious English codes, and entered a website called "BLOOD".

Also known as "Blood Diamond Network", it is a world-famous killer website.

This website has collected countless world-class killers, and even Shen Lang himself has a registered ID.

Blood Diamond Network is the only killer website in the world. It is open to any corner of the world and publishes various killer missions. The minimum reward is US$40,000 and the highest is US$50 billion!

As long as you have enough money, you can hire a blood diamond killer. Of course, the level of killer you can hire depends entirely on the amount of money you can pay.

Anyone in the industry basically knows about the existence of Blood Diamond Network. This website has a history of fifteen years and has been enduring for a long time. No one can find out its backend.

If you have someone you want to kill, you can post a task to the Blood Diamond website, wait for the killer to accept the task, and then transfer the promised payment to the account of the killer who received the task, and the Blood Diamond Killer will kill for you.

Not only for individuals, some countries even officially release blood diamond missions and hire killers, which shows the popularity and recognition of this blood diamond killer website.

Killer missions are also divided into levels. For example, if you kill an ordinary person, you will definitely be the lowest level F. If your status rises to a corporate boss, you may be level E, a local official will be level D, and so on.

The higher the difficulty and the higher the risk factor, the higher the level.

Blood Diamond Network has a special upgrade system for masters. As long as you are strong enough, you will be able to quickly upgrade your killer level.

The D-level blood diamond killers alone are almost at the level of three- to four-star masters, and the C-level killers above are ranked relatively high in the world's list of blood diamond killers.

As for A and B-level killers, they are even more terrifying. It is even terrifying that as long as one person is hired, a huge underground organization can be eliminated.

S-class killer...that's just a legend.

Shen Lang used his top killer ID authority to narrow the search scope to Huahai City, Dongjiang Province, China, and clicked on the list of top-ranked blood diamond killers in Huahai City.

It showed that there were more than 400 blood diamond killers in Huahai City, and there were nearly 300 E-level killers. Shen Lang directly looked at the top ten killers.

1: Ten thousand three. Sex: Male. Killer grade: C+. Ability: Ominous. Remarks: The upper level of Fengyun Hall. Mission completion rate: 99%.

:mad Men. Sex: Male. Killer grade: C+. Ability: Warrior. Remarks: The upper level of Fengyun Hall. Mission completion rate: 99%.

: Hunting Blade. Sex: Male. Killer grade: C. Ability: Ominous. Remarks: None. Mission completion rate: 99%.

4: Father of the Emperor. Sex: Male. Killer grade: D+. Ability: Gun skill. Note: For gun wholesale, please contact Emperor’s Father, QQ: XXXXX, Emperor’s Father’s reputation is guaranteed! Mission completion rate: 99%.

5: Hualong Gang. Gender: None, group organization. Grade: D++; Note: Team recruitment, please consult Hualong Gang Sun Huo for details. Mission completion rate: 97%.

6: Poisonous scorpion. Sex: Male. Killer grade: D++; Note: I love killing, and I love Sand Eagle even more. The upper level of Fengyun Hall. Ability: Gun skill. Mission completion rate: 100%.

7: Gun God. Sex: Male. Killer grade: D+; Notes: Guns are the greatest art. Ability: Gun skill. Mission completion rate: 100%.

8: Crazy dragon. Sex: Male. Killer grade: D+; Remarks: None. Ability: Ominous. Ability: Ominous. Mission completion rate: 98%.

9: Phantom. Gender: Female. Killer grade: D+; Remarks: None. Ability: Ominous. Ability: Ominous. Mission completion rate: 99%.

10: Saber. Sex: Male. Killer grade: D; Remarks: None. Ability: Ominous. Mission completion rate: 97%.

The Blood Diamond Killer does not have to be an individual, but can also be a team.

Shen Lang glanced at it, and Li Fei said that four of the top ten killers in Huahai City's blood diamond list served the Luo family, which was of great reference value to Shen Lang.

Blood diamond killers around D level are probably close to four-stars in strength. If they rise to C level or even C+ level, there may be five-star masters.

Fortunately, there are no killers above level B in Huahai City's killer list. Shen Lang has almost lost all his skills now, and it is really difficult to deal with a B-level killer.

Early the next morning.

Private medical clinic in Hisun Building.

Luo Tianyao lay on the hospital bed like a dead dog, his eyes were lifeless and he had an expression like his dead father.

He really never dreamed that things would turn out like this.

Old Wu died, that's not the point, the point is that he will be crippled by Shen Lang.

He couldn't save his own life, which meant that Luo Tianyao would never have any children in his life, and the Luo family would never be born again. Luo Tianyao had nowhere to vent his monstrous anger, even if he smashed Shen Lang's body into thousands of pieces, it still couldn't eliminate the hatred in his heart!

The door of the infirmary was pushed open, and Luo Ye walked in slowly, followed by a tall man in black.

Seeing Luo Ye come in, Luo Tianyao roared as if seeing a life-saving straw: "Grandpa, can my body be saved?"

Luo Ye saw Luo Tianyao's sad and indignant expression, it made his heart ache, he is only such a son, and now his life has been ruined by someone, how can he swallow this breath.

"Tianyao, your grandfather has already sent someone to look for a miracle doctor, but don't have too much hope." Luo Ye frowned.

the more you hope, the harder you fall. Luo Ye did not hide Luo Tianyao's condition, he worried that his son would think of committing suicide once he knew the truth.

Luo Tianyao himself had also learned of the doctor's diagnosis report before, and it was basically impossible for his lower body to recover.

How ironic is it for a man to be unable to have children? What's more, he is still the young master of the Luo family, and he has no way to continue the bloodline. The century-old foundation of the Luo family has turned into a bubble.

"Father, if Shen Lang doesn't die, I, Luo Tianyao, will never be at peace in this life!" Luo Tianyao roared with an extremely distorted expression.

A look of ferocity also flashed across Luo Ye's face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Tianyao, don't worry! No matter who that kid is or what his status is, if he dares to make my Luo family a successor, I will never let him go!"

"Dad, hurry up and let the people from Fengyun Hall arrest that kid, I will make that Shen surnamed pay back ten times!" Luo Tianyao roared angrily. (to be continued)

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