Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 107 Inflatable Doll

The hatred in his heart has reached an extreme! He wants to take revenge on Shen Lang, and also on that ungrateful bitch Su Ruoxue!

Even if he can't be a real man, he will trample on that bitch, humiliate her, and make her his slave for the rest of his life!

"Although the identity of the boy named Shen is relatively unclear, with the power of our Luo family, it is very easy to deal with that boy. I will avenge you soon!" Luo Ye comforted.

Luo Ye has sent many spies, but still has not found any information about Shen Lang, including his whereabouts in China.

It's like a person conjured out of thin air.

Luo Ye used all his forces, but failed to find out Shen Lang's origins, and felt a little suspicious in his heart. The reason why they didn't rush to take action was because the Luo family hadn't figured out Shen Lang's identity yet.

However, Luo Ye felt that this guy was just the secretary to the president of a fashion company, so even if he had any special status, he wouldn't be afraid.

"Hunting Blade, who do you think is better to send to test the boy named Shen?" Luo Ye asked the man in black behind him.

"I recommend Poisonous Scorpion. Hmm, that guy Poisonous Scorpion has gotten into a lot of trouble in the past few months. The Fengyun Hall branch is already suspicious of him, so it's just right to send him to test him. Even if he dies, Fengyun Hall will not They will blame our Luo family for such a rebellious person like Poisonous Scorpion." The man in black behind Luo Ye said slowly.

"Hunting Blade, please go and apply to Fengyun Hall branch." Luo Ye said calmly.

"Okay, Lao Luo." The man in black named Hunter Blade responded with an indifferent expression.

Just at this moment, the door was pushed open.

An old man with white hair and a military uniform stood outside the door.

This man is Luo Ye's father, Luo Tianyao's grandfather, and the chief of staff of the Xichang Military Region, Luo Yan.

Luo Yan was followed by two bodyguards. They were cold and restrained. He was not considered strong in terms of body shape, but there was a substantial aura in his eyes, which seemed to be evil. This alone could confirm that the bodyguards beside the old man were wielding swords. Passed countless people.

"Tianyao!" Luo Yan rushed in and quickly grabbed Luo Tianyao's arm.

After learning about Luo Tianyao's accident, Luo Yan rushed over by plane as soon as possible.

"Grandpa, you have to avenge me!" Luo Tianyao shouted with red eyes.

"Grandpa will definitely avenge you!" Luo Yan's old face suddenly became ferocious, and his mood had reached the edge of rage.

"Are you harming my grandson?" Luo Yan asked Luo Ye.

Luo Ye gritted his teeth and said, "Father, he is a young man named Shen Lang. This man is not simple. He..."

"No matter who he is, if he dares to make my Luo family extinct, he must die a good death! I will see that kid's body within a week!" Luo Yan roared.

"Yes!" Luo Ye responded in a deep voice, his expression also gloomy and scary.

As soon as he got up, his cell phone rang, and Shen Lang pressed the answer button.

"Grandson Gui, I have sent you everything you asked for today." The old man's careless voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay." Shen Lang's eyes lit up, and he, the master, finally had a time to do things with ease.

The old man smiled wretchedly: "I know that you don't have a woman around you now, and I feel very itchy. I sent you a gift by the way. It's better to use it as little as possible."

Shen Lang was stunned: "What gift?"

"You will know when you receive it. Okay, I'm going to the village king's widow's house to have dinner."

After the old man said this, he hung up the phone.

After breakfast, Shen Lang got into the driver's seat of the Audi convertible, and two beauties squeezed into the car.

Shen Lang glanced around the villa with vigilant eyes and slowly started the car.

"By the way, let's go shopping this weekend!" Liu Xiaoxiao suggested.

"Didn't you go shopping enough last week? Don't go." Su Ruoxue frowned.

"Okay, I just think Xiaoxue, you seem to be in a bad mood recently." Liu Xiaoxiao sighed.

Su Ruoxue had not forgotten what happened with Luo Tianyao, so her mood could not be any better.

Although there seemed to be no movement in the Luo family, Su Ruoxue was still worried about Luo Tianyao's revenge. You might get into unnecessary trouble when you go shopping.

Not long after, we arrived at the company.

The two walked into the Lingya International building.

"Hello, Mr. Su, hello Director Liu!"

By coincidence, Lin Cai'er just walked into the company building and said hello to Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao nodded slightly.

"Shen..." Lin Caier was about to say hello to Shen Lang.

"Secretary Shen, there is your express package at the front desk. It just arrived!" A girl at the front desk stopped Shen Lang.

Shen Lang knew what was in the package, and he was excited and hurried to the front desk.

The package was quite big, with the name of the courier company printed on it. It seemed that the old man still had some snacks, so he got them for himself so quickly.

"Secretary Shen, please sign here." The receptionist handed over a pen and express delivery order.

Shen Lang signed his name in a hurry.

Seeing Shen Lang's excited look, Su Ruoxue, who was walking by, couldn't help but curiously asked: "What's in the package?"

Shen Lang picked up the package and said casually: "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

Liu Xiaoxiao glanced at the heavy parcel bag, and a strange smile appeared on her pretty face: "Secretary Shen, seeing how nervous you are, is there something dirty in this parcel?"

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment: "What is a dirty thing?"

Su Ruoxue and Lin Caier also looked at Liu Xiaoxiao curiously.

Liu Xiaoxiao curled her lips and said, "Tell me, did you order an...inflatable doll online?"

Liu Xiaoxiao was so angry that Shen Lang almost spit out his blood!

What’s going on in this woman’s head!

Su Ruoxue also choked in her throat, coughed a few times, and looked at Shen Lang strangely.

Lin Cai'er's face also turned red.

"What nonsense are you talking about! What kind of inflatable doll?" Shen Lang said with an unhappy face.

Two girls at the front desk were snickering.

"Then why are you so nervous? You have a guilty conscience." Liu Xiaoxiao snorted.

Shen Lang was choked and said with an unhappy face: "Okay, I'll open it for you now and take a look. If it's not an inflatable doll inside, go buy me an inflatable doll yourself next time!" (To be continued)

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