Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 108 Killing Tools

"You!" Liu Xiaoxiao blushed, the secretary was getting more and more courageous, she dared to say such shameless words in the company, where did she put the director's face?

Su Ruoxue's head hurt a little, and she said, "Stop making trouble, come on..."

Before finishing a sentence, Shen Lang picked up a knife and separated the express package.


Shen Lang cut open the outer packaging bag with a knife, and inside were two boxes, surrounded by a layer of foam, which was well protected.

Shen Lang opened one of the boxes full of anticipation. Inside was a white soft thing, like a protective film made of soft glue, which was soft and greasy to the touch.

"What is this?" Shen Lang was dumbfounded, could it be some new type of medicinal material?

"Secretary Shen, what are you holding in your hand?" Liu Xiaoxiao was also taken aback for a moment, why does this look so much like... an inflatable doll.

"This is..." Shen Lang was stunned, thinking it was impossible, he took out the white soft glue and shook it in his hand.

The mass of white soft things suddenly grew longer and fell to the ground, shaped like a human.

Shen Lang's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, this nima is really an inflatable doll!

No wonder the old man smiled so obscenely on the phone before, is this the gift he said? Shen Lang's face turned black.

"Shen Lang, you..." Liu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide. Although she had guessed before, she was really surprised when she saw that it was a blow-up doll.

God, what a horny man must be to mail a blow-up doll to the company! Liu Xiaoxiao's brain buzzed, and her impression of Shen Lang's character value suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Shen Lang felt ashamed, turned his head to look at Su Ruoxue, scratched his head and said, "Su Ruoxue, I'm not..."

"You...you stay away from me!" Su Ruoxue unconsciously took a few steps back, her pretty face couldn't tell whether it was anger or shock.

In short, seeing Shen Lang actually bought an inflatable doll back, he felt an indescribable disgust in his heart.

"Shen...Secretary Shen, no matter what happens to you, I won't have any other thoughts about you." Lin Cai'er said in a low voice, her face was flushed, and she was a little afraid to meet Shen Lang's gaze.

"It's not mine..." Shen Lang was speechless, he really couldn't explain the muddy crotch.

The cheating old man actually sent this kind of thing over, he was ashamed of himself.

"It's really not yours?" Su Ruoxue asked suspiciously.

Although the facts were in front of her eyes, she still couldn't believe it. With Shen Lang's character, it should be impossible to buy this kind of thing.

It's also possible that she doesn't understand Shen Lang's inner thoughts, but when she thinks that Shen Lang would rather hold back than attack herself that night, Su Ruoxue feels that she has no reason to hate Shen Lang's actions.

After all, he is a man.

Although Su Ruoxue is conservative in her thinking, she can still see it in some aspects.

"Believe it or not is up to you." Shen Lang didn't bother to explain anything.

Liu Xiaoxiao glanced at Shen Lang. Although men have certain needs, Shen Lang has always been a very restrained man in her heart, and he usually doesn't show a good side. Although sometimes he always causes trouble, but he seems Still a decent guy.

Could it be that this guy couldn't hold back?

Thinking of this, the corners of Liu Xiaoxiao's mouth curled up, this guy was indeed a normal man.

Although she felt a little disgusted by Shen Lang's purchase of an inflatable doll, she couldn't blame him. Men always have needs in that regard, Shen Lang bought this thing, in a way, it is a respect for them.

"Ahem...Okay, Director Liu, let's go up." Su Ruoxue coughed.

Su Ruoxue felt ashamed when Shen Lang made such a fuss.

Silently packing the two boxes, Shen Lang had already cursed the old man hundreds of times in his heart.

Shen Lang followed Su Ruoxue into the elevator.

"Shen Lang, why did you bring this thing up here?" Su Ruoxue gave Shen Lang an annoyed look.

"This is something my master sent me." Shen Lang rolled his eyes and said.

"Your master?" Su Ruoxue was taken aback, her pretty face became a little weird.

The master who sent the inflatable doll... I guess he is not a serious person.

When the two arrived at the president's room, Shen Lang quickly closed the door of the president's room and drew the curtains.

Place another box on the ground and remove the wrapping and foam.

Su Ruoxue leaned over, a little curious about what would be in the box.


The moment the box was opened, a threatening cold air seeped out from the box, and a layer of white smoke appeared.

Inside the box are rows of sharp flying knives neatly packed. The blades are slender and shaped like willow leaves. There are thousands of them in total. They are shiny and shiny, giving off an extremely sharp aura.

This Willow Leaf Flying Knife is made of cold iron, and after refining, it is refrigerated in the ice cellar to keep the poisonous effect time of the blade.

Shen Lang touched the handle of the knife, and a familiar feeling came to him, even though he hadn't used it for a long time.

The advantage of the Willow Leaf Flying Knife as a hidden weapon is that it is undetectable when it is struck, it is extremely fast, and it can also be controlled by internal forces. Once the blade penetrates into the blood, it can paralyze the opponent's heart within five seconds, seal the blood vessels in the wound, and coagulate the blood.

Seeing the blood seal the throat, even the gods can't save it!

Generally, five-star masters are basically not afraid of guns. Their strength and physical fitness are enough to avoid bullets. Unless it is in a hail of bullets, it is difficult for ordinary thermal weapons to pose any threat to them.

But the hidden weapon like the flying knife is different. It works well, and its combat power is definitely much greater than that of a gun.

Therefore, no matter how good his gun skills are, a killer will always have a trace to follow when he fires a weapon. However, if you have mastered a concealed weapon to a high level and can follow him like a shadow, there will be no trace at all, which is much stronger than hot weapons such as firearms.

Now that Shen Lang couldn't display his strength, he could threaten the five-star masters with this willow leaf flying knife.

"What is this?" Su Ruoxue asked curiously.

"Nothing, just a tool for killing people." Shen Lang said calmly and closed the box.

"Kill...kill, Shen Lang, what do you want to do?" Su Ruoxue frowned and asked in a panic.

Shen Lang sighed and said to Su Ruoxue: "Xiao Xue'er, you are not stupid. You should know what methods the Luo family may use. Don't take chances, they will not let me and you go."

Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and showed a hint of panic on her pretty face: "But...how are you going to deal with them alone..."

Shen Lang stood up slowly, put his hands on Su Ruoxue's shoulders, sighed and said, "Stop being so, my responsibility is to protect your safety. So, don't worry about what means I use, okay?"

"But I... am also worried that you are in danger..." Su Ruoxue turned her head to the side and bit her lip.

"It's just Huahai City. If someone can really threaten me, then I, Shen Lang, have been living in vain all these years." Shen Lang's eyes flashed with an unruly look. (To be continued)

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