Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 109 The Suffocating Charm

Su Ruoxue stared at the man in front of her and could feel a huge sense of confidence in him.

"Shen Lang... I know you have hidden many things from me. Can you tell me your past stories?" Su Ruoxue whispered.

She knew that Shen Lang's identity was unusual, and she had always wanted to ask about it, but every time she felt that Shen Lang was hiding it intentionally, she couldn't ask more questions. This time I couldn't help but say it.

Shen Lang was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Okay, but I can't tell you until the trouble is resolved during this period."

Su Ruoxue said softly "Hmm" and remained silent.

"Speaking of which, Xiaoxue'er, are you really worried about me?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

"You call it addicted." Su Ruoxue pursed her lips and glared at Shen Lang with some embarrassment.

Women gradually showed this kind of defenseless expression towards him, which made Shen Lang feel good. He suddenly said: "Xiao Xue'er, I know you hated me before, but do you know why I stalked you in the first place? Is it with you?"

Su Ruoxue's pretty face was slightly startled. She also wanted to know this question. She and Shen Lang had no intersection, so why would this man readily enter into an engagement with her?

In the past, Su Ruoxue thought that Shen Lang might be greedy for her beauty and money, but after being in contact with her for a while, she felt that Shen Lang was not such a person. Grandpa is definitely not out of his mind and would just let a strange man get engaged to him.

When Shen Lang said this, Su Ruoxue suddenly wanted to know the reason why this man contacted her.

"Why?" Su Ruoxue bit her lip and asked in a low voice.

"Because I have liked you since a long time ago." Shen Lang smiled slightly and put his hands on Su Ruoxue's shoulders.

long, long ago? Did he know Shen Lang before? Su Ruoxue looked confused.

But looking at the deep gaze of the man in front of her, Su Ruoxue's heartbeat gradually accelerated, and she said angrily: "Can you let go of your hand?"

Seeing the woman's shy look, Shen Lang raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't let go."

"Stop making trouble, you... If you do this again, I will be angry!" Su Ruoxue's pretty face turned red.

This shy look on the woman's face really had a suffocating charm. Shen Lang couldn't restrain himself and put his arm around Su Ruoxue's slender waist.

Su Ruoxue was startled, her pretty face turned red to her ears, she hurriedly pushed Shen Lang away, and said in a panic: "Shen Lang, what are you doing? This... this is a company, don't..."

Based on the most basic judgment, she thought Shen Lang would let go immediately.

Although this guy usually talked a lot, he never really took advantage of her, but soon, Su Ruoxue realized that she was wrong.

The big hands around her waist held her tightly in his arms.

It's over, it's over, this man must be full of animality!

Being pushed to the window sill, Su Ruoxue's heart was pounding like a deer, and her two little hands were pinching Shen Lang's back.

But Shen Lang held her down tightly and couldn't push this guy away at all.

Seeing the burning gaze of the man in front of her, Su Ruoxue felt a variety of emotions including shyness, confusion, and grievance.

Women are made of water. No matter how cold they are on weekdays, their inner weakness is exposed at this moment.

"Shen Lang, you are shameless!" Su Ruoxue shouted out, tears welling up in her eyes.

Seeing the woman crying, Shen Lang quickly let go of his hand and said in an awkward tone: "I'm sorry..."

Su Ruoxue took several steps back in panic and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"What, I didn't consider your feelings. I was a little too excited just now." Shen Lang scratched his head, his expression slightly embarrassed.

Looking at the man's gaze, Su Ruoxue curled her lips in panic: "Shen, I will forgive you this time, stay away from me in the future!"

Shen Lang was stunned. Was he forgiven so easily? He thought Su Ruoxue would be more angry.

Su Ruoxue also felt that she should be very angry, but she couldn't get angry for some reason.

When Shen Lang held her just now, her heart was beating very fast, but there was a vague pleasure of being conquered, which made her addicted and unable to extricate herself.

She didn't know when she started to have a very special feeling for Shen Lang. Although this guy sometimes seems unruly and likes to use violence, when I am with him, I feel relaxed, sometimes very happy, and have an unparalleled sense of security.

Su Ruoxue didn't hate this feeling.

However, this emotion made her very ashamed. Did she like being held by this guy?

Shen Lang felt that it was time to tell Su Ruoxue about what happened more than ten years ago.

"Xiao Xue'er, I..."

He hasn't finished a sentence yet.

at this time.


An untimely heavy gunshot sounded, and Shen Lang's hair stood up all over his body. He threw Su Ruoxue to the ground amid lightning and flint.

The window sill glass was cracked from the middle, and a large hole was made in the wall by bullets.

A bullet missed Su Ruoxue and hit Su Ruoxue's right shoulder by just a hair! If Shen Lang hadn't reacted quickly, Su Ruoxue would have been hit by a bullet.

Shen Lang subconsciously rolled around on the ground holding Su Ruoxue.

Looking at the cracked wall in front of her, Su Ruoxue was startled: "What's wrong?"

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed, and he pulled Su Ruoxue to the corner and said with a solemn expression: "There is a sniper! You squat here first and don't move around."

Su Ruoxue's pretty face changed color, sniper? She knew what that meant.

After saying that, Shen Lang stepped forward and opened the window sill. He looked around and found no sniper scope.

Generally speaking, the only thing that can give away a sniper's hiding place is the reflection of the sniper scope.

Of course, this also requires amazing eyesight and an experienced master to detect the presence of a sniper through a sniper scope.

"Damn, that's pretty fast!" On a tall building not far away, a man in a trench coat smacked his mouth, crawled down, and took off Barrett's sniper scope.

The man in the trench coat showed a joking smile, took out his cell phone and sent a text message.

Soon, Su Ruoxue received a text message.

"Shen Lang, come here and take a look!" Su Ruoxue's pretty face turned pale and she shouted to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang walked over and Su Ruoxue handed him the phone.

"Meet you at Xiangshan Park at seven o'clock in the evening. Whether you dare to come or not is up to you."

The sentence in the text message was obviously meant for Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed, a straight-to-the-point threat? Or is it the killer's challenge?

"Shen Lang, this is..." Su Ruoxue looked flustered.

"It's okay." Shen Lang helped Su Ruoxue up from the ground and whispered: "Don't come to work for the next two days. Stay away and wait for me to finish some things."

"Okay!" Su Ruoxue's face turned slightly pale. She also knew the seriousness of the matter. This was a black shot! If it weren't for Shen Lang, I might have died just now!

I really didn’t expect that the scenes that happened in the movie would actually appear in reality. (To be continued)

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