Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 110 It’s a good time to kill someone

Su Ruoxue's face was full of panic, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Shen Lang, did someone from the Luo family do this?"

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "Sure."

"Then call the police, or we'll all die!" Su Ruoxue panicked.

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "Don't call the police yet, we have to wait until the time is right to act, otherwise our situation will be even worse. Let me handle this matter."

Of course Shen Lang thought about asking Yang Hu to help him. But what Shen Lang was worried about was that the Luo family knew that the police had intervened, and they would definitely take more radical actions, which would make it easier for Su Ruoxue and Su Yunshan to be threatened.

The Luo family background is too deep, the background is too strong, Yang Hu is at best the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and he is not that powerful to bring down the Luo family, and he might smash his own foot if he acts rashly.

Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and said, "The Luo family's power is unfathomable. It has penetrated the entire Dongjiang Province long ago. It seems that they are backed by the military. Shen Lang, you are alone..."

"Don't worry about this, I have a solution!" Shen Lang said solemnly, looking at the cracked wall pierced by bullets, a surge of anger surged in his heart.

This time, the actions of the Luo family really angered Shen Lang.

The shot just now was obviously aimed at Su Ruoxue, which means that the Luo family no longer intends to take Su Ruoxue's life seriously. It is also possible that the other party deliberately tested himself.

There was a violent hostility between Shen Lang's brows, and he secretly vowed in his heart that he would kill that sniper tonight.

On a certain street, a man in a windbreaker with strange clothes took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Yes, the challenge book has already been downloaded. At seven o'clock in the evening, you can come and collect that kid's body!"

This person is the one who fired the black gun just now, and is one of the top killers in Huahai City, codenamed Poison Scorpion.

His gun skills are elusive, and ordinary four-star masters can easily die under his gun if they don't pay attention. This person has a rather weird personality and is extremely bloodthirsty. He is very well-known among the underground forces in Huahai City.

In the morning, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao confessed that they were going to take a few days off work, and casually found an excuse that they were not feeling well.

Liu Xiaoxiao smelled something abnormal, and asked curiously, "Xiaoxue, what are you hiding from me?"

Su Ruoxue also knew that she couldn't hide this, so she said, "Xiaoxiao, don't go to live in the villa these two days, go home and live."

Liu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: "Why? Are you going to drive me away?"

"That's not what it means. If you live in the villa again, you may be in danger." Shen Lang sighed.

"Where's the danger?" Liu Xiaoxiao frowned, feeling that things seemed a bit complicated.

Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and said, "Xiaoxiao, I beg you, I will tell you the details later, don't ask so many questions, trust me!"

Seeing Su Ruoxue's serious expression, Liu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to agree with a sigh, glanced at Shen Lang, and said seriously: "Shen Lang, you have to protect Xiaoxue's safety, you know? If something happens to her, I will hate you forever! "

Liu Xiaoxiao stared at Shen Lang sharply with a trace of resentment, she nodded repeatedly: "I see."

"Okay." Liu Xiaoxiao clapped her hands: "You two must tell me what happened in detail later!"

Su Ruoxue gave a light "um".

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue returned to the villa. Shen Lang checked the house and found nothing unusual.

"What should we do now?" Su Ruoxue asked.

"Let's inform your grandfather first, let him be more careful." Shen Lang frowned.

"Okay." Su Ruoxue nodded, and immediately dialed Su Yunshan's number.

He told Su Yunshan completely what happened.

"Xue'er, grandpa is protected by Ah Fei, so you don't have to worry about grandpa's safety, take care of yourself, and try to stay with Shen Lang during this time." Su Yunshan said.

"Yes." Su Ruoxue responded.

Shen Lang took the phone and said, "Master Su, if anything happens, please contact me immediately."

There is a bodyguard named A Fei beside Su Yunshan, who is not weak, so Shen Lang is not too worried. Besides, the Luo family should only target themselves.

With such a big trouble, Su Ruoxue was very anxious.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ruoxue asked with a worried face: "Shen Lang, are you really going to the park to meet that person at night?"

The sentence on the text message was obviously provocative, so Su Ruoxue could naturally see it. Although Shen Lang is very skilled, but after all, the opponent is the Luo family, who might be ruled out to deal with Shen Lang.

"Of course, if someone invited me to go, how could there be any reason not to go?" Shen Lang smiled.

"It's too dangerous. If something happens, you will die. Let's call the police!" Su Ruoxue said hastily.

"Trust me, I will handle this matter well." Shen Lang said with a sigh.

Seeing Shen Lang's serious appearance, Su Ruoxue sighed quietly. Shen Lang's temper has always been so stubborn, and it was impossible for him to persuade this guy.

Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and said, "I want to go with you too!"

"Aren't you afraid of danger?" Shen Lang raised his eyebrows.

Su Ruoxue glanced at Shen Lang, curled her lips and said, "Won't you protect me?"

Shen Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Even if it's me, I'm worried about any accidents, aren't you afraid?"

Su Ruoxue shook her head: "There's nothing to be afraid of. It's because of me that you offended Luo Tianyao. Big... Big deal, let's be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks."

After finishing speaking, Su Ruoxue realized that she had said the wrong thing, and her pretty face became hot.

Shen Lang's heart moved, and he said with a smile: "It's okay to be a mandarin duck. Remove the word "death", it's very unlucky."

"Young...Young master is here, please promise me!" A blush appeared on Su Ruoxue's pretty face, and she glared at Shen Lang with a hint of embarrassment, wondering how long it had been and this man was still joking.

"Okay, I'll take you with me, but you have to listen to me in everything." Shen Lang scratched his head and said.

In fact, Shen Lang felt that it would be safer to take Su Ruoxue there. After all, the Luo family had already begun to take revenge, and Shen Lang had no choice but to keep Su Ruoxue by his side.

The time soon came in the evening, after dinner.

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue got into the Audi convertible and drove away from the Yuhe Villa Villa Community.

Xiangshan Park.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky was completely dark.

At this time, the flow of people in Xiangshan Park is quite large, the street lights are bright, and many young couples are walking hand in hand.

At this moment, a black BMW stopped on the side of the road. The door was pushed open heavily, and a middle-aged man wearing a black windbreaker and sunglasses stepped out.

"Hehe, the night is really nice tonight, it seems like a good time to kill someone." The man in the windbreaker took off his sunglasses, grinned, and exuded an unruly aura of the lunar calendar.

"Lord Poisonous Scorpion's action will definitely be extraordinary. Is there anything else you would like to give me?" the driver in a suit asked cautiously.

"Just stay aside and watch the show. I rarely show my spear skills to outsiders." The man in the windbreaker said with a sinister smile.

The driver wiped the sweat from his forehead. The man in the trench coat was so murderous that it unconsciously put him under tremendous psychological pressure. The driver said tremblingly: "I wish Master Poisonous Scorpion a smooth operation." (To be continued)

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