Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 111 Do You Like Killing People?

After a while, Shen Lang drove that Audi into the park.

At the side of the road, Shen Lang stopped the car and said to Su Ruoxue who was in the passenger seat: "Don't come out of the car, wait for me to come back."

Su Ruoxue's pretty face was full of worry, she wanted to say something but couldn't say it, and said: "Be careful."

Shen Lang nodded, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

Looking around, Shen Lang locked his eyes on the small forest in front of him.

According to his intuition, it is very likely that the opponent should launch an attack from here.

Shen Lang walked forward unhurriedly.

The grove in the park is very quiet, many men and women are holding hands, or strolling and chatting or having a little trouble, this place is a good place for dating.

But at this moment, a long-haired man in a black windbreaker walked leisurely into the grove.

Many people around looked at the man in the windbreaker with strange eyes.

It's June now, and the temperature is relatively hot. Most people basically wear T-shirts and shirts. No one would wear a windbreaker in this kind of weather.

There's only one reason to wear a trench coat...

Hide the gun!

The man in the windbreaker looked gloomy and cold, his hands suddenly stretched into the large windbreaker, and a black pistol appeared in the left and right hands at the same time.

"Bang bang bang!"

The man in the windbreaker shot casually, the muzzles of the two Sand Eagle pistols gushed out, and each bullet seemed to have eyes. On the park benches, walking, and flirtatious men and women, their heads were pierced by bullets. , blood rush.



Hearing the gunshots, the park became a mess. Countless people showed terrified expressions and fled frantically.

Then, the man in the windbreaker danced and fired, seemingly enjoying the move.

The gunshots continued one after another, and a person fell into a pool of blood.

The marksmanship of the man in the windbreaker is terrifying to a certain level! It is dark now, and the street lights in the park are not very bright. Every time the man in the windbreaker shoots, it will definitely kill someone!

Moreover, each shot hit the forehead accurately, killing him with a headshot! Never shoot anywhere else on the body.

"Bang bang bang!"

Everyone who was running wild was instantly killed by the man in the windbreaker, and fell into a pool of blood.

The man in the windbreaker is like a demon walking out of hell, harvesting life.

Hearing the gunshot, Shen Lang fixed his eyes and walked quickly towards the man in the windbreaker.

The poisonous scorpion spotted Shen Lang who was walking quickly at a glance, and knew that he had arrived.

The poisonous scorpion quickly retreated to the top of a rockery in the park, and said contemptuously: "I thought it would be a powerful character, but I didn't expect it to be a yellow-haired boy! Damn, it's so boring to make me wait so long for nothing!"

Looking at the people lying in a pool of blood around him, Shen Lang said expressionlessly: "Do you like to kill people?"

"Master, I like to kill people, so, die for you too!" The poisonous scorpion smiled cruelly, and took out the gun from the windbreaker like lightning, and his movements were extremely skillful.

Shen Lang clearly felt that he was locked by a wave of energy, and the person in front of him was undoubtedly a super expert with guns!

Only when the spear skill reaches a certain level can Shen Lang feel this kind of aura.

Although guns, a hot weapon, have great limitations, there are also top gunners in the world who can control guns like a part of their own body.

The poisonous scorpion has raised its gun!

In the blink of an eye, Shen Lang's face was extremely calm, and his eyes fixed on the poisonous scorpion in front of him.


Not only was his eyes locked, but the poisonous scorpion felt that he was locked by a sinister and powerful aura, and his face, which was still sneering just now, suddenly froze.

The man in front of him suddenly gave the poisonous scorpion a huge sense of threat! I have never felt such a strong aura.

"Bang!" The panicked poisonous scorpion fired a shot, aiming at Shen Lang's forehead.

"call out!"

At the same time, Shen Lang flicked his right hand, and a faint silver light flashed in the dark night.


Like the sound of metal colliding, a spark flashed in the air between Shen Lang and the poisonous scorpion!

A shiny throwing knife and a bullet fell to the ground at the same time.

The poisonous scorpion gasped!

He seemed to have seen the most incredible thing in the world!

The flying knife intercepted the bullet? It's just a throwing knife, but it can shoot bullets?

Thriller! But the poisonous scorpion had no time to startle, Shen Lang waved his left hand, and another shining flying knife pierced the air in the dark night, and there was a sharp piercing sound in the quiet woods...


The poisonous scorpion had no chance of firing a second shot, its throat was instantly pierced by a flying knife, a huge force and a gust of wind lifted the poisonous scorpion's entire body into the air.


The body of the poisonous scorpion flew out from the rockery and smashed heavily on a big tree.

The flying knife directly pierced his throat and nailed to the tree trunk behind the poisonous scorpion.

Seeing the blood sealing its throat, the poisonous scorpion was terrified, and after making a final scream, it fell to the ground, rolled its eyes, and died!

In the park, the tranquility has been restored, and the tranquility is terrifying...

Shen Lang took a deep breath, swept his eyes again, and soon locked on a BMW on the side of the road behind the forest.

There are people in the car!

The driver was sent by Fengyuntang to watch the poisonous scorpion, and he was responsible for reporting what he saw to his superiors.

Originally, the poisonous scorpion drew his gun, and the driver felt that Shen Lang must die.

But he never dreamed that a throwing knife thrown by Shen Lang could block bullets exaggeratedly!

The opponent's strength was so terrifying that the poisonous scorpion died under Shen Lang's throwing knife after only one encounter.

The driver was so frightened that he immediately started the car, put it in gear, and stepped on the accelerator!

It's a pity that as soon as the BMW engine sounded, a figure flashed in the woods.

Shen Lang came to the front of the car in an instant, grabbed the door handle, and pulled hard.

With a sound of "bang!", the entire door of the BMW car was ripped off by Shen Lang with brute force. The driver who was already panicked was trembling with fright, and the BMW car started and turned off.

Shen Lang directly pulled the driver out of the car.

"Forgive...forgive me!" The driver was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to lie, and begged for mercy with a sad face.

Shen Lang had no expression on his face, and the five fingers of his right hand formed claws, grabbing towards the driver's arm like a gust of wind.


There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and the driver's right wrist bone was directly torn by Shen Lang's broken jade claws.


The miserable howl resounded throughout the forest, the driver's arm was dripping with blood, and the great pain almost made him faint.

Originally, Shen Lang wanted to kill this person directly, but someone had to send a message in the past, and simply spared his life, only crippling his hand, which was considered Shen Lang's kindness.

Shen Lang grinned coldly and said: "Go back and tell the Luo family that if you dare to mess with me again... in a few days, let them prepare to collect Luo Tianyao's body!"

The driver was so frightened by Shen Lang's extreme hostility that he trembled all over, endured the pain, and said incoherently: "Yes, yes, yes! I... will definitely tell you!" (to be continued)

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