Shen Lang snorted coldly, and the five fingers of his right hand formed claws, grabbing towards the driver's arm like a gust of wind.


There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and the driver's right wrist bone was directly torn by Shen Lang's broken jade claws!


The miserable howl resounded throughout the forest, the driver's wrist and bones were shattered, and the huge pain almost made him faint.

Originally, Shen Lang wanted to kill this person directly, but someone had to pass on the message, and only one hand of the other party was crippled, which was considered Shen Lang's kindness.

After finishing these things, Shen Lang's figure flashed and disappeared into the night.

In the Audi car, Su Ruoxue's heart was in her throat, especially when she heard the gunshot just now, her nervous body trembled.

Although Shen Lang loves to cause trouble, the Luo family's incident was originally caused by him. It was because of her that Shen Lang had an enmity with Luo Tianyao.

If something happened to Shen Lang, Su Ruoxue really couldn't forgive herself.

I hope Shen Lang will be safe and sound, Su Ruoxue prayed silently in her heart.

About a minute or so, a black figure suddenly appeared outside the car, startling Su Ruoxue.

"it's me."

Seeing the woman trembling, Shen Lang felt a little funny.

"Shen Lang, are you alright?" Su Ruoxue breathed heavily as if she was relieved, her heart couldn't take it anymore.


"It's really scared me to death." As Su Ruoxue spoke, tears welled up from the corner of her eyes.

Su Ruoxue was able to care about herself so much, Shen Lang was a little touched, and said with a smile, "Let's go back."

Su Ruoxue nodded, and couldn't help asking: "I heard a gunshot just now, where is the person who shot?"

Shen Lang sat in the driver's seat and said lightly, "He's dead."

Hearing this, Su Ruoxue trembled all over, gritted her teeth, and didn't ask any more questions.

The Audi started and quickly left the park.

Su Ruoxue looked at Shen Lang's indifferent side face, and sighed slightly in her heart, she knew exactly what Shen Lang's words meant just now.

He kills!

Moreover, he didn't even frown when he killed someone, Su Ruoxue was a little suspicious, did Shen Lang get used to this kind of thing before?

Su Ruoxue didn't dare to think about it, nor did she dare to ask, her mood was complicated.

Shen Lang suddenly asked, "Will you dislike my behavior?"

Su Ruoxue's heart skipped a beat, and she asked, "You...are talking about murder?"

Shen Lang nodded.

"I..." Su Ruoxue didn't know how to answer, she was silent for a long time, and then said: "If it's those who have done all the bad things and deserve to die... I won't be disgusted!"

Shen Lang sighed, although most of the people he killed were these people, some strangers could not be ruled out.

He has also been ordered by the military to assassinate a person who threatened national security, and all those involved will be eliminated, regardless of men, women or children.

The word killer itself is quite harsh.

In this world, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil. So Shen Lang broke away from the military early on, even though he had his deepest memory there.

Seeing that Shen Lang didn't speak, Su Ruoxue also fell silent. She has always been very smart, and she more or less guessed something.

Back home, Su Ruoxue's tight little heart finally eased back.

It happened that Liu Xiaoxiao called and asked some questions.

This girl could see that something must have happened to Su Ruoxue.

Su Ruoxue fooled it with a few words, it was hard to tell the truth, and she was also worried that Liu Xiaoxiao would be involved.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ruoxue fell on the sofa and sighed heavily.

"Shen Lang, I hurt you! I shouldn't have let you go to that dinner party." Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth.

Upon hearing this, Shen Lang became unhappy, raised his hand, and knocked Su Ruoxue on the head.

"Ouch!" Su Ruoxue was caught off guard and hit her head.

"Why knock me?"

Shen Lang snorted: "If you don't let me go to the dinner party, then Luo Tianyao will kidnap you. Are you willing to commit yourself to Luo Tianyao?"

"How is it possible?" Su Ruoxue frowned and shook her head, then said, "But now things have turned out like this... After all, I'm the one who implicated you!"

Shen Lang knocked Su Ruoxue on the head again.

Su Ruoxue hugged her head in pain, curled her lips and said, "Why did you hit me again? When is it? I don't want to joke around with you."

Shen Lang shook his head and sighed: "I don't want to be joking either, don't you understand? The person I care about is you. Even if Luo Tianyao is the king of heaven and I dare to plot against you, I will still abolish him."

An indifferent sentence immediately made Su Ruoxue's heart move, and a touching blush appeared on her pretty face.

A little joy rose in Su Ruoxue's heart, and soon fell silent again.

"If only I wasn't the president of the company... I wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing."

As she spoke, Su Ruoxue's nose was sore, and tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

Su Ruoxue is very tired. She is already tired of this kind of life. If she were not the CEO, Luo Tianyao would not have taken a fancy to her, would not have caused so many troubles, and would no longer have to worry about so many things every day.

Shen Lang's heart moved slightly, he always thought that Su Ruoxue had changed. In fact, Su Ruoxue's heart still overlaps with the little girl in Shen Lang's previous impression.

"Okay, don't cry." Shen Lang could only cry to women.

"You idiot! I wonder if a woman needs someone to coax her when she cries?" Su Ruoxue said while wiping her tears.

Shen Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said hurriedly: "Okay, okay, I'm an idiot. Beauty Su, how do you want me to coax you?"

"I want you to hold me..." Su Ruoxue snorted with tears on her face.

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment, and without hesitation, he stretched out his hands and took Su Ruoxue into his arms.

The woman's delicate body is soft and boneless, and there is a fresh and delicious fragrance like gardenia floating on her body.

Shen Lang's decisive action made Su Ruoxue's heart skip a beat. Before she could react, she felt the burning heat in Shen Lang's chest. Her body couldn't help but tremble, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Su Ruoxue's pretty face turned red, her head buried in Shen Lang's arms, and she whispered urgently: "You... at least give me some mental preparation."

"You can prepare slowly now." Shen Lang raised the corners of his mouth and hugged the woman's slender waist domineeringly.

Su Ruoxue took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and hugged Shen Lang's shoulders.

After adapting to this feeling of accelerated heartbeat, Su Ruoxue gradually began to enjoy this kind of intimacy. Her eyes were moist, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing a nice curve: "I said, you have to be responsible for me..."

"Yes." Shen Lang responded. Su Ruoxue was weak and boneless in his arms. An indescribable emotion lingered in his heart. Shen Lang had the urge to hold Su Ruoxue down.

After a long time, Su Ruoxue came out of Shen Lang's arms, her face as red as a little apple.

Su Ruoxue couldn't believe it herself. Just now she had the audacity to ask Shen Lang to hug her?

Maybe it was because she got carried away for a moment, or maybe because her head was hot, but in short, Su Ruoxue still didn't regret doing this in her heart.

She didn't like to deceive herself. She felt that she might, maybe, possibly, have fallen in love with Shen Lang. (To be continued)

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