Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 113 A Little Trouble

And the hug just now made Su Ruoxue feel a little bit of enjoyment.

"Why aren't you talking?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

"Lazy...too lazy to talk to you!" Su Ruoxue turned her head, her face full of embarrassment, and she dared not meet Shen Lang's gaze.

Shen Lang said with a smile: "We hugged too, shouldn't we give it a kiss?"

Su Ruoxue shyly said: "It's too short, who wants to kiss you!"

Shen Lang scratched his head and sighed, "Okay."

Suddenly the phone rang, Su Ruoxue took out the phone from her pocket and saw it was a familiar number.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao. Well, I'm fine, don't worry..."

The call from Liu Xiaoxiao, Su Ruoxue's sudden request for leave in the morning made her very worried, and she had a premonition that something might have happened.

Su Ruoxue just found a reason to feel unwell to fool her.

After the two chatted for a while, Su Ruoxue hung up the phone.

"Xiaoxiao has already gone home, she won't be here tonight." Su Ruoxue said with a sigh.

That little girl Liu Xiaoxiao has been angry with her parents for so long, so she should go home and communicate with her parents properly.

Shen Lang said: "I think it's better to tell Xiaoxiao about this. Since you are close friends, there is nothing to hide."

"But, I don't want her to worry about me..." Su Ruoxue shook her head and said.

"Xiao Xue'er, you're not being frank about it. Since you treat her as a good friend and best friend, shouldn't you tell her more? It's not a friend if you hide it." Shen Lang sighed.

Su Ruoxue was thoughtful, then nodded after being silent for a while, Shen Lang was right.

"Okay. But Shen Lang, you and Xiaoxiao...are you having an affair?" Su Ruoxue asked suspiciously.

"Ahem..." Shen Lang choked suddenly: "What are you talking about?"

"Nonsense? Don't think I don't know that the relationship between the two of you is getting better and better." Su Ruoxue raised her eyebrows and said.

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "The relationship has improved, but it doesn't have to be an affair, right?"

"I'm just kidding you, are you serious? Besides, I'm not that kind of woman with a small belly." Su Ruoxue's mouth curled up.

"Sometimes I like to play petty temper." Shen Lang smiled helplessly.

Su Ruoxue snorted softly: "Look at you still dislike this, hum, I'll go talk to Xiaoxiao first, you are not allowed to eavesdrop!"

After finishing speaking, Su Ruoxue got up and walked towards the room, closing the door behind her.

Shen Lang looked at the back of the woman with some nostalgia, and he was certain in his heart that it seemed that a better life was about to begin, and he couldn't be affected by some garbage people.

He took out an exquisite white jade box from his pocket, and opened a small opening.

An inch-long colorful silver needle was hidden in the box, exuding a chilling air.

It is rare for the master to take care of the plum blossom needle so quickly.

Shen Lang grinned sneeringly, he was usually very sly, but this time, Shen Lang planned to let Luo Tianyao have a taste of this plum blossom needle.

Plum Blossom Needle, the needle handle is engraved with seven-color plum patterns, and it is made by special techniques.

This kind of hidden weapon is the weirdest and most vicious hidden weapon Shen Lang has ever come into contact with. In a normal person, the bone-piercing plum blossom needle, the moment the needle handle penetrates the flesh and blood, it will turn into a colorless and odorless white liquid and seep into the wound.

There will be no traces within half a day, and the acupuncture recipients will not notice any abnormalities, and the body will not have any adverse reactions.

But half a day later, the toxicity will suddenly attack, and the bones of the person who received the needle are like being eaten by tens of thousands of ants. The severe pain will make life worse than death!

Master called it syphili poison.

A person who has been infected with plum blossom poisoning, if he does not receive treatment within ten days, his bones and collaterals will turn into blood, his meridians will be cut off and he will die!

Most people are tortured to death within ten days, or commit suicide due to the severe pain.

The most weird thing is that the plum blossom poison cannot be detected by modern medical methods, and any sedatives, anesthetics, and even sleeping pills are ineffective for those who have been acupunctured.

That is to say, once the plum blossom needle is hit, the person who gets the needle can only forcibly endure the suffering. That kind of pain is more terrifying than going down to the 18th floor of hell.

Immediately after walking out the door, Shen Lang took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Yi Lian.

"Hey, junior sister, can you send me a set of satellite signal receiver." Shen Lang said.

"Okay, but it will take at least two days to send it to China." Yi Lian replied on the phone.

"Two days... is enough." Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"Brother Lang, if you are in trouble? Would you like me to help you?" Yi Lian asked with concern.

"No need for Xiao Lian, it's just a little trouble..."

"Brother Lang, then you must not try to be brave."


After hanging up the phone, Shen Lang heaved a sigh of relief, turned on the computer, and entered the IE browser.

Enter a series of codes, enter the blood diamond network, use your own ID authority to narrow down the geographical scope to Huahai City, Dongjiang Province, China, and find out the blood diamond ranking of Huahai City.

Although Huahai City's Blood Diamond Ranking is not the real Huahai City Master Ranking, it is not much different, and it is of great reference value to Shen Lang.

The killer I killed at night should be the poisonous scorpion. This person is ranked sixth in the blood diamond list in Huahai City, and ranked 568th in the world. In terms of gun skills alone, he is considered a top-level killer.

Now that the poisonous scorpion ranked sixth was killed by himself, Shen Lang probably knew the capabilities of the Luo family. Unless the Luo family could find a killer two grades higher than the poisonous scorpion, he would basically not encounter any danger.

The top floor of Hisun International Building.

The news of Poisonous Scorpion's death soon reached Luo Ye. Luo Ye was sitting in front of his desk made of pure gold, his expression gloomy and terrifying.

Luo Tianyao was sitting on the leather sofa beside him. He could already get out of the hospital bed and walk. His injuries had been cured, but he had lost his functions as a man.

Thanks to Shen Lang for everything, Luo Tianyao's hatred for Shen Lang rose to the extreme, and he secretly vowed in his heart that Shen Lang would die!

In addition to Shen Lang, Luo Tianyao also hated Su Ruoxue extremely. This ungrateful woman is the initiator.

Luo Ye frowned. The poisonous scorpion was killed. It was said that it was an instant kill.

"The strength of this person named Shen really shouldn't be underestimated." Luo Ye's face looked a little ugly.

Luo Tianyao snorted: "Our Luo family has the military and Fengyun Hall backing us, so why should we be afraid of that bitch named Shen? He's just a lowly secretary!"

Luo Ye loves his son very much, and his heart bleeds when he thinks that his son has lost the function of a man and that the Luo family will be extinct.

"Don't worry Tianyao, that kid won't be arrogant for long!" Luo Ye said with a gloomy look.

After speaking, Luo Ye turned his eyes to the man in black beside him and asked: "Hunting Blade, what do you think we should do next?"

The man in black shrugged and said, "Let me do it myself this time."

Luo Ye sighed: "Hunting Blade, I really trouble you this time."

"Lao Luo, we have been friends for many years, so there is no need to thank you for this." Hunting Blade said lightly.

"Look at Tianyao's condition now. As long as Shen Lang survives for a day, he will have trouble sleeping and eating. There is no other way. Even if it costs a little, we have to kill that kid!" Luo Ye's eyes showed a fierce light. (To be continued)

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