Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 114 Personal Bodyguard

"The kid surnamed Shen is quite capable of killing poisonous scorpions. He's not easy to deal with head-on. He can wait for an opportunity to assassinate and make a sneak attack." Hunting Blade said calmly.

"Okay! I will go to Fengyun Hall and ask them to send experts over. If you have any requests, just ask. By the way, kill that bitch Su Ruoxue during the operation. Tianyao becomes irritable when he mentions this woman. ." Luo Ye snorted coldly.

"Okay." Hunting Blade nodded.

Luo Tianyao gritted his teeth, everything was caused by that bitch Su Ruoxue, she should be the first to die!

"Uncle Hunting Blade, can this boy named Shen catch someone alive?" Luo Tianyao asked with a look of reluctance.

Hunter Blade frowned and said, "With this kid's strength, it will be difficult for us to catch him alive."

"If you can't catch him alive, then kill him!" Luo Tianyao roared violently.

Early the next morning.

Huahai City Police Department.

Today is Thursday. Bai Qingyu has been really busy during this period. Last time someone reported that drugs were hidden in Xu Tianpeng's entertainment city. The matter has not been resolved yet. Another serious shooting incident occurred in Xiangshan Park last night.

Nearly twenty people died, and the situation was so serious that it was heinous.

Yang Hu has not returned from handling official duties in other places, so Bai Qingyu is responsible for all matters in the police station.

After last night's investigation, Bai Qingyu had already mastered many clues, and initially determined that the deceased in the park were all shot by the man in the trench coat.

The bullet type was DOTO, which was the same type as the bullet type of the Sand Eagle pistol carried by the deceased man in the trench coat.

As for the man in the trench coat, Bai Qingyu soon found out his identity. He was actually the notorious underground killer Venomous Scorpion!

Venomous Scorpion acted in a high-profile manner, and his name was also known as an underground force throughout Huahai City. It was rumored that this man had incredible shooting skills, but he unexpectedly died in the park.

Still died from a flying knife.

Although Bai Qingyu hasn't found out who killed the poisonous scorpion, she couldn't help but think of the scene where Shen Lang threw the knife at Jinding Entertainment City, and she vaguely felt that the matter was related to Shen Lang.

The door to the office was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged man with a shiny face walked in. It was Zhou Bin, the deputy director of the Huahai City Public Security Bureau.

With a Chinese character face, a bald head, and a red face, he looks very official.

Bai Qingyu frowned and said coldly: "Deputy Director Zhou Bin, what can I do for you?"

"Captain Bai, I see that your mental state has not been very good recently." Zhou Bin said with a smile.

"I don't need you to worry about whether I'm in good spirits or not!" Bai Qingyu said coldly.

After saying that, Bai Qingyu left his seat and prepared to leave the office.

Zhou Bin stepped forward, stopped Bai Qingyu, and said with a smile: "Hey, Captain Bai, I understand that the work is hard, but it is also important to relax properly. I have booked a banquet at the Dynasty Hotel tonight, and I want to invite you have dinner together."

After saying this, Zhou Bin's eyes were a little frivolous, and he couldn't help but glance at the fair skin under the collar of Bai Qingyu's uniform, and his face instantly became a little hot.

Bai Qingyu's eyes showed an expression of extreme disgust, and he said coldly: "I'm sorry, I'm not free tonight!"

She didn't even bother to look at Zhou Bin. She walked forward and turned around. Just as she was about to open the door, Zhou Bin grabbed Bai Qingyu's arm in desperation and said, "Captain Bai, please give me face. Ever since you came to the Public Security Bureau, there has been no relationship between us." We have had a good chat, but there may be many barriers, so just promise me this time."

Although he was slapped by Bai Qingyu, Zhou Bin was not willing to accept it. This police beauty was young and delicate, and could be said to be the best.

The more glamorous a woman is, the easier it is to arouse a man's desire to conquer, not to mention Bai Qingyu's stunning appearance and perfect figure that can make any man crazy. Even if she is really an ice cube, there are probably countless people who want to hug her. sleep with her.

Bai Qingyu became angry and scolded coldly: "Deputy Director Zhou, have you forgotten that slap last time? If you don't let go, I will slap you again!"

Zhou Bin's face suddenly darkened, and he let go of his hand in resignation. Based on Bai Qingyu's fiery temperament, he might really slap him again.

Bai Qingyu walked out of the door angrily. The shooting incident yesterday was so bad, how could this guy still be in the mood to eat? Bai Qingyu really couldn't understand how Zhou Bin got to where he was today.

"You bitch, why are you so arrogant? I will get you into bed sooner or later!" Watching Bai Qingyu leave, Zhou Bin looked angry and a bit ferocious.

In the morning, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue arrived at the company.

Su Yunshan came to Lingya International today and was waiting for Su Ruoxue and Shen Lang in the reception room.

After learning the news, the two rushed back to the company as soon as possible.

Su Yunshan was sitting on the sofa in the reception room, with bodyguard A Feihou beside him.

"Grandpa, why are you here?" Su Ruoxue opened the door of the reception room and immediately stepped forward and said.

"How could you not come when such a big thing happened?" Su Yunshan sighed.

"Although the matter is not small, don't worry, Grandpa, as long as I am here, no one can hurt Su Ruoxue." Shen Lang said with a smile.

Su Yunshan naturally believed that Shen Lang had this ability, but he still said: "Xiao Lang, the Luo family has a very large power in Huahai City. If it can be avoided, it is better not to make the other party anxious. Grandpa is worried about your safety."

"Don't worry, I am self-aware." Shen Lang said calmly.

Su Ruoxue was a little confused. From her grandfather's tone, she seemed to be very confident in Shen Lang's abilities.

"I came here this time mainly to see you, Xue'er. I'm old, and I don't have any last wishes. The only thing I hope is that you can live an easier life in the future without so many constraints. Xue'er, I know you have something for Xiaolang. There are some prejudices, but I believe that you will get along very happily in the future. It would be great if you can get married and have a big fat boy." Su Yunshan said with a smile.

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense." Su Ruoxue blushed.

Compared with before, during these days, her view of Shen Lang has changed drastically.

Ever since Shen Lang intervened in her life, Su Ruoxue gradually felt a little fun from the monotony. Although this man loves to cause trouble, she doesn't mind.

Su Ruoxue could also feel that this man cared about herself very much, and at some point, she also cared about this man in her heart. This sense of attachment gradually lingered in my heart.

"By the way, Xiaolang, do you want grandpa to help you with this matter?" Su Yunshan asked.

Shen Lang shook his head: "Grandpa Su, you don't have to worry about me too much."

"Grandpa believes in you." Su Yunshan nodded. Shen Lang is En Gong's apprentice, so this matter can definitely be handled well.

"Xiaoxue, you can take your time at work. You don't have to work so hard, and living happily is better than anything else." Su Yunshan said.

Su Ruoxue gave a light "um".

After chatting for a while, Su Yunshan left the company.

By the way, Su Ruoxue was given a car this time, a custom-made Land Rover, equipped with top-level bulletproof glass, resistant to earthquakes and pressure.

Shen Lang went downstairs to look at the brand new Land Rover. He was quite satisfied with it. It has a domineering shape, top-level configuration, and strong defense. It is probably made by military industry.

Compared with high-end sports cars, Shen Lang still prefers this kind of practical car.

Because of yesterday's shooting incident, Shen Lang can now be said to be by Su Ruoxue's side every step of the way, and has truly become a personal bodyguard. (to be continued)

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