Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 115 Give Me Two Days

When they arrived at the president's office, Liu Xiaoxiao was already waiting inside.

Su Ruoxue had already told Liu Xiaoxiao all about the trouble she encountered on the phone last night.

Liu Xiaoxiao never dreamed that such a thing would happen, and she had to admire Shen Lang's courage, how dare she directly let Luo Tianyao die?

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry so much, Shen Lang and I are fine." Su Ruoxue squeezed out a smile.

Although she said so, Su Ruoxue was more worried about safety than anyone else.

Shen Lang said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Liu Xiaoxiao sighed and said: "Two fists are hard to beat four hands, you underestimate each other too much, this Luo family can be said to overwhelm the sky with one hand in Huahai City. How about this, let me go and talk to my dad, he may have a way to help you."

"Xiaoxiao, this is a matter between Shen Lang and me, please don't get involved." Su Ruoxue said with a worried face.

When Liu Xiaoxiao heard this, she immediately became angry, and snorted, "Xiaoxue, do you still think I'm your best friend?"

"Eh?" Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth and nodded slightly: "Of course."

"That's good, your business is mine. I, Liu Xiaoxiao, don't pay much attention to people, so I'll help you!" Liu Xiaoxiao said seriously.

Shen Lang interjected: "Actually, it has nothing to do with Xiao Xue'er. The person the Luo family wants to deal with is me. If you help him, you are helping me. It doesn't make any sense."

Liu Xiaoxiao said a little annoyed: "What is meaningless? Am I, Liu Xiaoxiao, such a stingy person? Besides, you are also my...friend."

In the last sentence, Liu Xiaoxiao obviously lacked confidence, and it always felt a little awkward to say it.

Shen Lang thought it was a bit funny, sometimes this girl's personality was quite likable.

Su Ruoxue glanced at Shen Lang secretly, thinking that this guy's charm is really not low, even Xiaoxiao, who has always been hostile to men, has undergone such a big change.

"Anyway, that's the decision. I'll tell my parents about the matter. No matter how powerful the Luo family is, it's still in China. I don't believe there can be lawlessness!" Liu Xiaoxiao snorted.

Shen Lang smiled and said nothing. Although Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were smart, they probably didn't understand the tricks played by villains.

Su Ruoxue also said: "Shen Lang, let's contact the police as soon as possible?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "Don't call the police for the time being, it will make it easier for the Luo family to act aggressively."

Liu Xiaoxiao frowned: "Then... what should I do now?"

Su Ruoxue also looked at Shen Lang worriedly, trying to get an answer from him.

In the hearts of the two of them, Shen Lang has completely become the backbone.

"Give me two days." Shen Lang said calmly.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao looked at each other, but said nothing. Since Shen Lang is full of confidence, the two of them can only trust him.

"Also, don't go to work for these two days." Shen Lang said.

Su Ruoxue nodded slightly. Now that her life safety is in question, no matter how much she attaches importance to her work, she can't continue.

Liu Xiaoxiao also took a leave of absence in the morning, thinking about how to help, just happened to leave some documents and other things on her at the villa, and planned to go there to get them herself.

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue were fine, so they simply went to the villa with Liu Xiaoxiao.

The three got into the new Land Rover.

"This Land Rover is pretty good, Xiaoxue, did you buy a new one?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

Su Ruoxue shook her head: "Grandpa gave it to me."

"I heard that Director Su came to the company in the morning, so I'm really sorry I didn't catch up with him." Liu Xiaoxiao said.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's okay."

The two chatted and changed their mood.

Along the way, Shen Lang didn't drive fast.

Since he was shot on the road last time, Shen Lang has also kept an eye on his surroundings from time to time.

In the traffic flow, Shen Lang drove the Land Rover to sixty yards, neither slow nor fast.

Suddenly, Shen Lang's eyes narrowed slightly. About two or three hundred meters away from the road ahead, a person fell down on the road, and there was a broken motorcycle beside him.

It seemed that this person was hit by a motorcycle, and the owner of the hit person escaped.

There was a group of passers-by on the side of the road, Xixi yelling, they were all watching, but no one stepped forward to help the motorcycle driver who had been knocked to the ground.

Many people who watched the theater even picked up their mobile phones to take pictures and post on Weibo.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly shouted: "Shen Lang, stop the car first, there seems to be someone hit by a car in front!"

Shen Lang sneered and said, "I saw it."

Saying this, Shen Lang not only did not step on the brakes, but stepped on the accelerator tightly, and the speed of the car suddenly soared.

In an instant, a hundred yards were reached, and the Land Rover, like a bison, rushed directly towards the man who fell on the ground.

"Shen Lang, you are crazy!" Liu Xiaoxiao's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed.

Although Su Ruoxue was flustered in her heart, she seemed to have seen some clues. She didn't think Shen Lang would bump into someone for no reason.

"Hoo hoo!"

The fallen man was close in front of her eyes, and the Land Rover roared and directly crushed it, Liu Xiaoxiao's little heart twitched, she closed her eyes and dared not look any more.

"Shen Lang, aren't you joking?" Su Ruoxue yelled with a pale face, and also closed her eyes.


"Someone hit it with a car!"

"Damn, this is a life-threatening!"

A group of passers-by exclaimed loudly.

After a second, the car was still very stable, as if it didn't hit anyone. The Land Rover's chassis was high, and it directly covered the person without hurting the person.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao opened their eyes in surprise.

"Look at the back." Shen Lang said with a sneer.

Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao both turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw that the person who was lying on the ground jumped up from the ground in an instant, took a few breaths with lingering fear, and ran towards the rear guardrail.

"Is this person pretending?" Su Ruoxue frowned.

Liu Xiaoxiao was also taken aback for a moment, glanced at Shen Lang, and couldn't help but ask: "You... how can you tell that he is pretending?"

Shen Lang smiled lightly and said: "It's very simple, that person's acting skills are not good, and the scene was a little bit disguised. If it was a motorcycle accident, the direction of the motorcycle wreckage on the scene is not like this. Moreover, the broken motorcycle is obviously not a collision. So, here are the disassembled parts."

Liu Xiaoxiao and Su Ruoxue looked at each other, they didn't expect the matter to be so simple, it was basically impossible for ordinary people to find so many clues, Shen Lang's eyesight is too amazing, right?

"That person ran away! Why is he pretending?" Liu Xiaoxiao frowned.

Shen Lang looked around and snorted coldly: "Who else can there be? Of course they are people who are plotting evil! Although this Land Rover is equipped with top-level bulletproof glass, you should try to keep your body as low as possible to prevent accidents."

The two beauties looked at each other, and immediately buried their heads.

Shen Lang's face gradually became a little dignified. He guessed that the reason for the arrangement just now was that there might be snipers nearby.

Once he gets out of the car to save someone, the sniper will take advantage of that moment to shoot and headshot him!

Shen Lang has so much experience, this trick is not new to him. Of course, he himself was sure that he would not be threatened, but he was only worried about the safety of Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao.

Facts have proved that Shen Lang's worries were really fulfilled.

The Land Rover continued to drive, and just after crossing an intersection, a heavy truck in front of it suddenly turned sideways, blocking the entire road.

"Sit tight!" Shen Lang reminded, his eyes fixed, he stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the car suddenly soared to 100 yards, 10 yards, and it was still going upwards. (to be continued)

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