Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 127 Bring me back!

The old lady Zheng's old face also collapsed, she stared at Shen Lang, and said in a deep voice: "Bodyguard Shen, this is the territory of our Zheng family, please pay attention to your words!"

Shen Lang snorted coldly and walked out of the hall quickly.

Liu Xiaoxiao panicked and ran out.

walk out the gate.

"Shen Lang, it's my fault, it's my fault!" Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly grabbed Shen Lang's arm, tears streaming from her eyes.

Shen Lang was so upset that he didn't want to pay attention to Liu Xiaoxiao, but seeing her crying so sadly, Shen Lang couldn't help but said: "I don't blame you, it has nothing to do with you."

Although Mrs. Zheng's words were not pleasant, she did have her own responsibility for this matter.

"It's my fault, you can beat me and scold me! Please save Xiaoxue..." Liu Xiaoxiao sobbed while wiping her tears.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, pressed Liu Xiaoxiao's fragrant shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will definitely bring her back safe and sound."

"What is their purpose of kidnapping Xiaoxue?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked anxiously.

Shen Lang frowned. The reason why the Luo family kidnapped Su Ruoxue was very likely to lure him into the bait. If so, then Su Ruoxue should be safe for the time being.

He didn't dare to conclude that a scum like Luo Tianyao could do anything.

All in all, now Shen Lang needs to know the exact location of Su Ruoxue.

Just at this moment, Shen Lang's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was a familiar number, Shen Lang's eyes lit up, and he quickly pressed through.

"Hey, junior sister, what's the matter?"

"Brother, I have already sent you the satellite signal receiver you want." Yi Lian's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"The things have already arrived in Huahai City?" Shen Lang asked anxiously.

"This time, it should be almost the same." Yi Lian replied.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Shen Lang took a deep breath and hung up the phone.

"Xiaoxiao, hurry up and help me check if there is my courier at the front desk of Lingya International today?" Shen Lang hurriedly shouted at Liu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, although she didn't know why Shen Lang asked this, she nodded again and again, took out her mobile phone and contacted the person in charge of the company.

"Yes... there is your courier, it just arrived at noon!" Liu Xiaoxiao said hastily.


Shen Lang responded, turned his head and left.

Liu Xiaoxiao walked up quickly, and quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

"This is my business, you don't have to follow here." Shen Lang frowned.

"No, I'm going too!" Liu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth.

"I promised you just now that I will bring Su Ruoxue back. You are also causing me trouble by going, so stay here obediently." Shen Lang shook his head and said.

Liu Xiaoxiao looked a little painful, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm just a big fool..."

Shen Lang didn't say a word, and left quickly.

Gritting her teeth, Liu Xiaoxiao ran back to the hut in the center of the manor. Although she said she couldn't help Shen Lang, at least she had to try.

Shen Lang went to the villa first, changed into a windbreaker, opened the hidden weapon box that he brought back earlier, and prepared all the hidden weapons.

After finishing these things, Shen Lang left the manor.

Outside the manor, Bai Qingyu saw Shen Lang coming out wearing a windbreaker, and couldn't help wondering, why is Shen Lang wearing so many clothes in this hot weather?

Without thinking too much, Bai Qingyu hastily greeted her: "What's the matter?"

"It's not good, let's borrow your car again!" Shen Lang directly grabbed the car key from Bai Qingyu's hand.

Bai Qingyu was a little speechless, this man was too rude.

But this man has always hidden himself very deeply, and he will show such a flustered expression. It seems that the Miss CEO has a high status in Shen Lang's mind.

Shen Lang sat in the driver's seat, and Bai Qingyu also hurriedly sat in the co-pilot's seat. This guy was not driving violently, so Bai Qingyu simply closed his eyes this time.

But halfway through the drive, the car stopped suddenly.

Bai Qingyu opened his eyes, saw the car parked in the middle of the road, and asked curiously, "Why did it stop?"

Shen Lang smacked his mouth: "The car is out of gas."

"Wait, there is a spare in the trunk." Bai Qingyu was about to get out of the car.

"never mind!"

When the chain was dropped at a critical moment, Shen Lang didn't have time to wait, so he got out of the car immediately and ran out.

The speed of Shen Lang running at full speed was like an arrow leaving the string. Those who saw it thought they were dazzled, but Bai Qingyu couldn't help being stunned when he saw Shen Lang disappearing from his eyes in a few breaths.

When we arrived at Lingya International, we just walked through the gate.

"Secretary Shen, there is your package at the front desk." The girl at the front desk shouted.

Shen Lang immediately stepped forward and signed for the express package.

When the package was opened, it was a small square metal box, but it was the size of a palm, and there was a small display screen on the back.

This thing is the satellite signal receiver that Shen Lang asked Yi Lian to send.

Press the power button, and there is a faint green dot on it that keeps flashing and rhythmically, which is the signal band sent by the mobile phone.

The general signal receiver can only receive the signal when the mobile phone is turned on. Through the mobile phone number, the location of the mobile phone can be locked by satellite.

*****The door has this kind of signal receiver.

Few people know that the mobile phone can also send out a signal when it is turned off, as long as the mobile phone is inserted into the mobile phone card, but this kind of signal is extremely weak, and it must be searched by specific means and instruments. The satellite signal receiver in Shen Lang's hand is just right It can be done.

In other words, Shen Lang only needs to input Su Ruoxue's phone number, and through this satellite signal receiver, he will know where Su Ruoxue is now.

Exited the Lingya International building.

Shen Lang took the satellite signal receiver and quickly entered two numbers. The two locations were very close.

Su Ruoxue was indeed kidnapped by Luo Tianyao's men. Look at this location, she was still in the city center.

Shen Lang's face was gloomy. Few people could anger him. This time, he was really angry.

A young man with an afro on the roadside was about to start his motorcycle.

Shen Lang rushed forward and pulled off the young man with the afro who had just stepped onto the motorcycle!

"Lend me your motorcycle!"

Putting this sentence aside, Shen Lang started his motorcycle and drove away.

"Fuck you, Taiyang! That's the motorcycle I just modified, come back here!" the young man with the afro roared angrily.

Shen Lang drove his motorcycle wildly on the street. This Harley has been modified and has good performance. It can reach 00 yards at full speed!

Due to traffic restrictions, riding a motorcycle on the road is far more flexible than a sports car. Shen Lang gritted his teeth and was in a hurry, so he drove through the red light and so on.

The violent sound of Harley's engine shook the world, making people feel that this motorcycle would explode in the next second. Watching the black Harley speed past like a shadow, the air waves it aroused would pass by. And passers-by were scared to death. (To be continued)

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