Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 128 Idlers Do Not Enter!

"Damn it, you're looking for death by driving so fast!"

"Fuck, what a lunatic!"

The vehicles on the road were overtaken by Harley one by one. Under the control of Shen Lang, this Harley was like a fish in water, and it was extremely flexible.

"Damn it! Is this a fucking motorcycle?"

In a red Porsche 911, the yellow-haired dude with sunglasses saw Shen Lang driving a black Harley passing by him like a gust of wind, his eyeballs almost fell out.

"Oh shit, this guy is amazing! Can a motorcycle drive like this?" The little red hair on the passenger seat was also dumbfounded.

The yellow-haired dandy stepped on the accelerator and chased after him, and said disdainfully: "I'm pretending to drive a motorcycle, see brother, I overtook him, let this kid know what an awesome car is!"

The speed of the Porsche 911 suddenly increased. After all, it was still a super sports car. The Porsche 911 surpassed the Harley driven by Shen Lang.

"Hahaha, cool!" The little red hair on the side gave a thumbs up.

Huang Mao proudly said: "Look, this is what we call a luxury car!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Lang felt that the Porsche in front was in the way, increased the horsepower, grabbed the front of the car with both hands, clamped the base of the Harley with both feet, and jumped!

"Hoo hoo!"

The whole Harley rose from the ground, flew up immediately, and flew directly to the windshield on the roof of the Porsche.

There was a "boom".

The wheels of the Harley rubbed violently against the windshield of the Porsche and rushed forward. The Harley landed firmly and continued to drive away. The red hair and the yellow hair on the Porsche were trembling with fright, their jaws opened wide, but they could no longer close.

"Brother...brother, what did I see just now?" Hongmao swallowed and said tremblingly.

"This... this car is flying!" Huang Mao couldn't help shaking as if he had been greatly frightened.

Unbelievable, that Harley used the Porsche as a springboard and flew directly over it...

I couldn't believe it if I saw it with my own eyes! There are actually some awesome people in the world who can play motorcycles to this extent.

There was a traffic light ahead, and immediately the green light turned to amber. Shen Lang stepped on the accelerator and increased the speed a bit.


Seeing the berserk Harley rushing towards him like a shell, the traffic police were so frightened that they backed away, not daring to stop this lunatic.

The rear end of the red Porsche brushed against a taxi, and the rear bumper was knocked off.

Huang Mao was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, stopped the car, and never dared to chase that kind of lunatic again.

"The red car in front of you, pull over for me!" When the alarm bell rang, the traffic policeman picked up the horn and yelled.

"Damn, it's unlucky!" Huang Mao snorted, and the red-haired Weng beside him also pulled his head.

Shen Lang continued to go all the way.

Not long after, I encountered a purple Lamborghini.

The owner of the car was the beautiful girl Ye Xingkong that Shen Lang met on the subway that day. She was wearing a blue dress and sunglasses, with a slender figure and fair complexion. She was fresh and elegant, giving people a bright feeling.

When a Harley came galloping from behind, the night starry sky looked beautiful.

The speed of the car was not important, Ye Xingkong couldn't help being stunned when he saw that Shen Lang was driving the car.

"It's him?" Ye Xingkong felt curious.

The last time I met Shen Lang on the subway, Ye Xingkong thought he had misunderstood the person, isn't he a soldier? No matter how dare to drag a car on the street.

After concentrating on looking at him for a few times, now Ye Xingkong is finally convinced that he did not admit the wrong person!


The sound of Harley's violent engine came, and it overtook Lamborghini like a gust of wind.

Is it high play? Being able to drive a Harley so fast, it seems that Shen Lang's motorcycle skills are also very good.

Ye Xingkong suddenly felt that this man was completely fascinated, and gradually became interested, and then speeded up to follow.

Shen Lang knew that there was a Lamborghini following him, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

Ye Xingkong followed Shen Lang's car all the way, but it gradually became difficult. The main reason is that Shen Lang drove too fast, and the Lamborghini was far less flexible than a motorcycle.

Closer to the city center, there are more and more vehicles, and they are quickly left behind by Harley.

Ye Xingkong was a little discouraged, but Shen Lang suddenly stopped in the distance, which seemed to be in the direction of Hisun Group Building.

When he arrived at the Hisun Group building, Shen Lang threw the motorcycle aside and drove at full speed until now. The engine of this Harley had been burned and it was scrapped.

Taking out the satellite signal receiver from the windbreaker, it shows that both Luo Tianyao and Su Ruoxue are located here.

Shen Lang was sure, sorted out the hidden weapons hidden in the windbreaker, and strode towards the Hisun Group building.

"Sir, please show your work permit!" Outside the security gate, a tall security guard said to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang said calmly: "I am not an employee of this company."

Seeing that Shen Lang was dressed strangely, and he was still wearing a windbreaker in this hot weather, the security guard became a little vigilant, and said bluntly: "Sorry, not just anyone can enter our company."

Shen Lang asked again: "Then can you tell me where Luo Tianyao's office is?"

"You want to see Boss Luo? It's up to you?" The security guard looked at Shen Lang, seeing that he was young and dressed strangely, a trace of disdain immediately appeared on his face.

"I have something urgent, let me in quickly." Shen Lang said calmly.

A security guard who came over sneered and said, "Who do you think you are? Our Boss Luo is a powerful figure in Huahai City, and you, a brat, can see him? Get out of here, our Hisun Group, idlers are not allowed to enter!"

Shen Lang was expressionless. Although the other party was only working for Hisun Group, he really didn't have the patience to be polite.

top floor.

Two men in black suits brought Su Ruoxue, who was tightly bound all over, to Luo Tianyao's office.

"Put her on the tea table!" Luo Tianyao ordered.

The two men laid Su Ruoxue's body flat on the glass coffee table, and silently retreated to the corner of the wall.

Luo Tianyao continued to order: "Call some people over here!"


Not long after, several tall and mighty bodyguards walked in, bowed and said, "I've met Mr. Luo."

Luo Tianyao waved his hands, and said calmly, "You guys stand aside first."


Several bodyguards stood obediently against the wall, apparently professionally trained.

"Uncle Lie Ren, Uncle Aaron, can you avoid it for a while?" Luo Tianyao asked for instructions.

Lie Ren and Aaron nodded slightly, exited the office, guarded the door, and closed the door.

Luo Tianyao turned his eyes to Su Ruoxue, walked up with a sneer, and roughly tore off the tape on Su Ruoxue's mouth.

"Luo Tianyao, what do you want to do?" Su Ruoxue gasped for breath, her face flustered. (to be continued)

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