Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 130 Something Big Has Happened

Shen Lang hastily tapped a few acupuncture points on Su Ruoxue's body with two fingers, which slowed down the blood flow from the wound.

Nothing will help, Su Ruoxue's injury is too serious, she is just an ordinary person, her frail body has already collapsed, apart from the broken bones, her heart and lungs have been seriously injured.

Mainly the brain was fatally injured!

Shen Lang took a deep breath, no longer caring about whether the zhenqi in his body was dry or restless, stretched his right palm, and suddenly lifted the zhenqi all over his body and sent it into Su Ruoxue's body.

Su Ruoxue's delicate body trembled slightly, and blood continued to overflow from her mouth.

Shen Lang's body was full of genuine energy, but it still didn't help the dying person, and it couldn't seal the injuries on her body at all.

"No, you can't delay!" Shen Lang reminded himself heavily in his mind.

Su Ruoxue still has a trace of anger, as long as she has breath, with the help of ice soul acupuncture, it is still possible to save her!

Performing ice soul acupuncture requires Shen Lang to devote himself wholeheartedly, and he must find a quiet place.

Fortunately, when Su Ruoxue fell, her body hit the external unit of the air conditioner on the third floor, so she had a buffer. Otherwise, if you fall directly from more than a dozen floors, the gods will not be able to save you!

Perhaps stimulated by the strong qi in Shen Lang's body, Su Ruoxue woke up from a faint.

"Ahem..." Su Ruoxue coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and was about to fall forward.

At this moment, Su Ruoxue felt as if her whole body didn't belong to her, and she couldn't lift any strength in her body anymore. The pain that hit her everywhere engulfed her nerves, and her brain was filled with an extremely strong sense of dizziness.

Shen Lang hurriedly picked up Su Ruoxue, stood up, turned into a shadow, and ran forward, the blood on Su Ruoxue was scattered all over the road.

The stone on the tall building, Aaron, and Luo Tianyao happened to witness this scene.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The expression on Luo Tianyao's face was amazing, he laughed and said, "Now that surnamed Lin is going to cry, my wife died, I want to see his expression!"

Sweeping away the depression just now, Luo Tianyao was extremely excited, especially when he heard Shen Lang yelling.

Shitou and Aaron also showed a sneer at the corners of their mouths. Shen Lang was only half a second away from catching Su Ruoxue who fell from the building, but he didn't catch it. It was the boy's bad luck.

"By the way, Uncle Shitou, did you say that Su Ruoxue fell to her death? Could she be saved?" Luo Tianyao asked.

Before Shi Shi could answer, Aaron sneered and said, "It's just a weak woman. She fell like that. Even if she doesn't die, she will still be paralyzed, no different from a dead person."

Luo Tianyao showed a violent smile: "This will make that kid Shen Lang feel better. Uncle Shitou, Uncle Aaron, let's not leave yet, let's see if that kid dares to come back to avenge that woman."

Stone nodded silently.

Su Ruoxue's eyes turned black, and she could vaguely see the anxious face of the man.

"You... who are you?" Su Ruoxue asked weakly.

"Hold on! I'll take you to treatment right away." Shen Lang shouted anxiously.

Hearing Shen Lang's voice, Su Ruoxue's gloomy eyes lit up.

"Shen...Shen Lang, cough cough...I've always wanted to say sorry to you..." Su Ruoxue hugged Shen Lang's back with both hands, coughing and speaking with difficulty, slurred.

"I... know that I... can't do it anymore. Cough cough... It's strange, so... when I died... I felt this way..." Su Ruoxue smiled wryly, with hot streams in her eyes, and the blood rushing up her throat Choked, coughed violently.

"Shut up the fuck! You will be able to live well!" Shen Lang roared in a low voice.

Only now did Shen Lang realize that this woman held such a high position in his heart. The moment Su Ruoxue fell from the building, Shen Lang's heart felt a little cramped.

The corner of Su Ruoxue's mouth curled up, and she said with a smile: "Haha, you...You scold me, this is the first time you scold me...But, there will be no chance in the future..."

After saying this, a strong sense of dizziness hit her mind, and Su Ruoxue passed out.

Su Ruoxue in her arms was like a gossamer, and would disappear anytime in one breath.

Shen Lang's eyes were gloomy, and his arms that hugged Su Ruoxue trembled a little. Can this degree of fatal injury be recovered?

No, even if I go all out, I must pull Su Ruoxue back from the gate of hell!

Shen Lang tried his best to calm himself down and not think about other things in his mind. The best option is to go to the hospital so that she can cooperate with her to treat Su Ruoxue.

The First People's Hospital is about a 30-minute drive from here, and it only takes seven or eight minutes to go fast.

Shen Lang didn't dare to consume his qi to use lightness kung fu. The zhenqi in his body had already started to become violent and disordered. If he didn't run his zhenqi once, the disorder would intensify. He should try his best to keep a part of the zhenqi he could control for Su Ruoxue. healing.

Focusing on the conspicuous purple Lamborghini on the side of the road, Shen Lang hugged Su Ruoxue's body tightly, jumped into the car.

In the night starry sky on the Lamborghini car, he was startled when he saw someone falling from the sky.


Before she could react, Shen Lang dragged Ye Xingkong's body to the passenger seat, and jumped into the driver's seat with Su Ruoxue in his arms.

Only then did Ye Xingkong see clearly that Shen Lang flew into the car with a blood-stained woman in his arms, looking extremely hurried.

"Lend me your car!"

All the way through the conversation, Shen Lang quickly started the car, put it in gear and stepped on the accelerator.


The sound of the explosion engine suddenly sounded, and the wheels of the Lamborghini rubbed violently against the ground, causing a lot of white smoke, and the Lamborghini rushed out violently.

Shen Lang held Su Ruoxue in one hand, and controlled the steering wheel with the other. The speed of the car immediately reached 150,000 yards, and it kept going upwards.

Ye Xingkong was startled, seeing Shen Lang's ferocious expression, she dared not speak.

I just feel that the man next to him is like a beast that chooses to eat people, and can devour people at any time. Ye Xingkong was overwhelmed by the vicious and violent breath, and couldn't breathe.

It was the first time that Ye Xingkong felt such a sense of oppression from a man.

Looking at Su Ruoxue in Shen Lang's arms in a blink of an eye, Ye Xingkong vaguely remembered seeing this woman on the subway last time.

It was shocking to see that Su Ruoxue's mouth was still overflowing with blood, and her whole body was even more blood-stained. The blood stained the driver's seat red.

The night starry sky is unimaginable. What happened in those few minutes just now?

While driving fast, Shen Lang took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Bai Qingyu's number.

"Quick! Hurry up and send someone to the First People's Hospital, Su Ruoxue fell from the building and was seriously injured!" Shen Lang almost roared.

Bai Qingyu on the other end of the phone trembled, and hurriedly asked: "Miss Su was injured? What happened?"

"Don't ask too much! Take the police and rush to the First People's Hospital, the sooner the better." Shen Lang shouted.

Bai Qingyu was shocked. In her heart, although Shen Lang usually seemed to have a playful smile and a serious face, she knew that Shen Lang's city mansion was extremely sophisticated and would never reveal such a hasty voice.

It seemed that something serious had happened, Bai Qingyu's beautiful eyes were focused, and he said quickly, "Okay, I'll send the police there right away." (To be continued)

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