Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 131 Get Out!

"By the way, contact the emergency room of the ward for me now, and contact the most reliable doctor, and you must be fast. After the arrangements are made, call me back." Shen Lang said hastily.

"Okay!" Bai Qingyu hung up the phone, and immediately contacted the police and the hospital.

The captain of the criminal police brigade still has a lot of power. After a few orders, the hospital will immediately start to cooperate with the police.

The emergency room and doctors were all ready, Shen Lang stepped on the accelerator immediately after receiving the news.

The speed of the Lamborghini sports car was still soaring, even to 0 yards, and the pretty face of the night starry sky on the side changed color, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "You are crazy!"

Shen Lang ignored Ye Xingkong and concentrated on controlling the sports car. Ye Xingkong only felt that the surroundings were shaking, the car flicked from left to right, and violently rubbed against the ground from time to time.

Lamborghini sports cars shuttled through the traffic like running water, and the cars by the window dazzled people.

Such a thrilling scene made the pretty face of Ye Xingkong in the co-pilot turn pale. He never thought that a sports car could be driven on the street to such a thrilling degree.

The sports car overtook the gap between two private cars, and passed the guardrail when the bus was overtaking on the side. There was only a gap of two or three meters between the front and rear vehicles. Shen Lang turned the steering wheel suddenly, with a sound of "嗤!" Float over.

The car seemed to have life, if there was a slight error, it would definitely be a car crash.

Ye Xingkong's snow-white neck was sweating nervously. It was the first time for her to experience this kind of violent driving style and technique. This man's driving skills are so strong...too perverted!

But she didn't think too much at the moment, she could see that Shen Lang's expression was extremely flustered and irritable, Ye Xingkong didn't say a word all the way, and could only let this man toss.

About six or seven minutes later, the Lamborghini sports car roared up and stopped downstairs in the hospital.

Shen Lang quickly opened the car window, and rushed into the hospital with Su Ruoxue in his arms.

The personnel in the hospital were notified by the police. The medical stretcher had just been carried out. A doctor in a white coat saw Shen Lang running quickly through the hospital gate, and hurriedly said, "You... are you Mr. Shen Lang? I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Lang grabbed the doctor by the collar and shouted with a ferocious expression: "Where is the assigned ward?"

Sensing the violent aura coming from Shen Lang's body, the doctor was so frightened that his body trembled a little, and hurriedly said: "In...in the 61 Advanced Emergency Room on the sixth floor, Dr. Yang...Cheng Zhi is attending."

Cheng Zhi is the middle-aged doctor Shen Lang met on the subway last time, and he should be quite reliable.

Shen Lang quickly rushed to the emergency room on the sixth floor.

Outside the emergency room, doctors and nurses are ready to start the operation at any time.

Shen Lang broke into the emergency room like a gust of wind, startling several doctors and nurses.

"You are...Mr. Shen Lang?" Cheng Zhi's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, it was Shen Lang who the police asked their doctor to cooperate with.

Cheng Zhi turned his gaze to Su Ruoxue in Shen Lang's arms, couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Mr. Shen, is this the injured person in your arms?"

Shen Lang nodded, and carefully placed Su Ruoxue in his arms on the operating table.

"Sir, since the wounded has been brought here, please leave the emergency room, we will start to operate on the wounded immediately!" A middle-aged doctor said solemnly.

"Stay aside, let me come first!" Shen Lang shouted.

The middle-aged doctor frowned, stepped forward and said, "Mr. Shen, the injured are in danger, so please don't joke around."

Of course, Shen Lang knew that Su Ruoxue was in danger, not just as simple as being in danger, Su Ruoxue had only one breath left and was on the verge of death.

With the ability of these doctors, Su Ruoxue's chance of saving her life is almost zero.

"Yes, sir, don't worry, we will do our best to treat the injured." An older female doctor said hastily.

"What's the use of you quack doctors? Don't bother me!" Shen Lang roared, and quickly took out a small box from his arms.

The middle-aged doctor looked a little unhappy. He felt that Shen Lang was too arrogant. How could an outsider have the right to comment on an experienced doctor like him.

"Mr. Shen, if you question our ability, why bother to let the police inform us to treat the wounded." The middle-aged doctor's expression was slightly dissatisfied.

"Get lost!" Shen Lang turned his head towards the doctor and roared sharply.

Seeing Shen Lang's expression about to kill, the middle-aged doctor's scalp was numb with fright, and he felt that the man in front of him exuded a dangerous aura.

"Okay, step back first, don't disturb Mr. Shen Lang." Cheng Zhi said in a deep voice.

The doctor here, Cheng Zhi, is the oldest doctor, the most accomplished, and also the most famous and prestigious.

As soon as Cheng Zhi said this, several doctors and nurses looked at me and I looked at you, and obediently retreated from the operating table.

"Joke, is it possible that this kid is a genius doctor? The wounded are all injured like that. If someone dies, he will be responsible for it himself!" The middle-aged doctor said contemptuously.

"Doctor Liu, please don't say a few words!" Cheng Zhi's face suddenly darkened.

The middle-aged doctor surnamed Liu snorted, but did not refute Cheng Zhi. He stood aside, thinking that when that kid kills him, your title as a genius doctor will be greatly reduced.

Cheng Zhi naturally didn't dare to joke about the patient's life, but he felt that Shen Lang might have some kind of first aid.

It happened to be at this time.

Bai Qingyu in uniform strode into the operating room.

Police cars were also parked downstairs of the hospital, and Bai Qingyu immediately dispatched police officers to rush over.

"Shen Lang, Miss Su!" Bai Qingyu saw Su Ruoxue lying on the operating table covered in blood, her pretty face changing color.

It was immediately obvious that Su Ruoxue had been seriously injured, with scarlet blood stains even left on the ground.

"Officer, don't disturb Mr. Shen's treatment!"

Cheng Zhi grabbed Bai Qingyu and closed the door of the operating room.

Holding the small box filled with silver needles in his hand, Shen Lang took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Gently holding up Su Ruoxue with one hand, Shen Lang hooked Su Ruoxue's slender waist. Shen Lang's eyes were focused, and he pressed his right palm on Su Ruoxue's back, blowing out a burst of infuriating energy.


A strong wind swept across her skin, and the dress on her upper back was shattered. The large wounds on her upper body were still leaking blood, which was shocking.

The infuriating energy was forcibly sent in to maintain Su Ruoxue's vitality, but it did not last long. Shen Lang must seal Su Ruoxue's injury in a short time, otherwise Su Ruoxue will be counterattacked by the true energy and will die or not.

Now he can only use the Ice Soul Needle Technique to save Su Ruoxue, but Shen Lang is not sure.

"Regardless of success or failure, we have to risk everything." (To be continued)

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