Shen Lang looked solemn, flicked the small box in his palm, turned his right palm over, and a row of silver needles stood up in his palm, dozens of them.

He held it between two fingers and bit a silver needle in his mouth.

Then, Shen Lang waved his right palm, and each silver needle accurately inserted into various acupuncture points on Su Ruoxue's body. The head had the largest number of needles, nine.

All the doctors in the emergency room gasped, including Bai Qingyu, who was shocked by Shen Lang's magic tricks!

Several doctors, including Cheng Zhi, have high attainments in traditional Chinese medicine and naturally have good eyesight.

With such a fast acupuncture speed, it is impossible for a blind cat to hit a dead mouse. Who is this person?

The middle-aged doctor who mocked Shen Lang also showed a frightened expression.

Shen Lang stretched out his right palm like lightning and pressed Su Ruoxue's back.

At this moment, the silver needles all over Su Ruoxue's body made a "squeaking" sound, and a large amount of white smoke emitted.

Shen Lang raised his hands together, pointed on the Yangguan point on the waist with two fingers of his right hand, and pointed on the Shinto point with two fingers of his left hand.

Without reservation, Shen Lang frantically poured all his energy into Su Ruoxue's body.

Qi is the purest energy of human beings! The body of an ordinary person would never be able to withstand such a huge amount of Qi, and they might even explode and die. However, with the help of a large number of silver needles, Shen Lang could transport Qi without any restrictions.

There was no wind in Shen Lang's hair, an air current swept across the operating table, and white air kept rising from the top of Su Ruoxue's head.

Su Ruoxue's bloody wounds suddenly stopped bleeding and even tended to heal!

Everyone in the operating room opened their mouths wide, and Cheng Zhi even swallowed. Damn it, he has never seen such a miraculous method in all his years of practicing medicine!

Stimulated by the strong infuriating energy, Su Ruoxue trembled all over and moved the corners of her mouth.

"Death or life, let's see what happens!"

At the last moment, Shen Lang took out the silver needle from his mouth, tapped it lightly with two fingers, and the silver needle carried a sharp air current and pierced Su Ruoxue's Mingmen point.

This last shot was to seal the true energy that was transported into Su Ruoxue's body and prevent it from escaping. It was also the most critical shot. If it failed, the result would be in vain.


For a moment, the golden needles on the Mingmen acupoint spurted out a large amount of white smoke, and all the silver needles also emitted a large amount of white smoke, even filling the entire emergency room with a white mist.

At the end, the corners of Su Ruoxue's mouth trembled slightly and she let out a soft moan of "Hmm".

The whole audience was shocked. Everyone was stunned by this scene. Su Ruoxue had indeed made a sound just now.

"This is really... a miracle!"

All the doctors and nurses in the operating room showed extremely shocked expressions! The injured woman seemed to be on the verge of death just now, but Shen Lang's series of methods could actually bring her back to life? The legendary resurrection from the dead?

It’s unbelievable how Shen Lang did it.

Cheng Zhi's admiration for Shen Lang could not be greater. When he was on the subway, he knew that Shen Lang's medical skills were very good, but he never dreamed that Shen Lang's medical skills were so good.

It has simply reached another level! Cheng Zhi has been practicing medicine for decades and has never seen anyone stabilize an injury with just silver needles. Shen Lang's methods can no longer be described in words.

Shen Lang was covered in cold sweat and finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Ice Soul Acupuncture was successfully performed!

Su Ruoxue's injuries have been sealed, and her life will not be in danger within three hours. Moreover, the continuous flow of pure Qi sealed into her body can continuously heal her injuries and heal necrotic tissues.

In short, it should be out of the most dangerous stage, but it is not out of life danger yet. It depends on the degree of healing ability of Zhenqi.

"Don't remove the silver needle. You can give Miss Su an anti-inflammatory drip." Shen Lang turned to the doctors and nurses.

The group of doctors and nurses were stunned for a moment, not knowing how to respond. They seemed to have not recovered from the shock.

Cheng Zhi was the first to speak and said nervously: "I understand... I understand, Mr. Shen Lang."

Shen Lang's eyes were like knives, sweeping over the doctors and nurses, and said coldly: "I repeat, don't disassemble the silver needle. If anyone does, I will kill his whole family!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but tremble, and the violent aura on Shen Lang's body made them unable to breathe.

"Shen Lang, Miss is she doing now?" Bai Qingyu asked.

Shen Lang frowned and said: "There won't be any big problems for the time being. Before I come back, you must keep an eye on Su Ruoxue and not let her make any mistakes!"

"Okay, don't worry." Bai Qingyu said solemnly.

Shen Lang nodded, Bai Qingyu still deserved his trust.

Su Ruoxue is not out of danger yet, and Shen Lang's anger is gradually swelling in his heart. He wants Luo Tianyao to deeply understand the good deeds Luo Tianyao has done. There is no regret medicine in the world!

"Deploy the police force to protect Su Ruoxue. I'll go out and I'll be back within an hour." The corners of Shen Lang's mouth twitched, and his face seemed calm, but underneath this calm mask gave people an unparalleled sense of fear.

"Shen Lang, what are you going to do?" Bai Qingyu felt a strong aura of hostility emanating from Shen Lang's whole body, and couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

"Go kill people!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Shen Lang quickly left the operating room.

Bai Qingyu's delicate body trembled slightly. She wanted to call out to Shen Lang, but she couldn't.

Can I stop this man?

Looking at Shen Lang's extremely violent expression, Bai Qingyu felt a sense of fear in his heart, Shen Lang was probably really angry this time, this man is so angry, he probably will do something terrible.

But Bai Qingyu still didn't think too much about it, it's true that he is optimistic about Su Ruoxue right now.

"Doctor Yang, just do as Shen Lang said, give Miss Su an anti-inflammatory drip, under auxiliary treatment, don't remove the silver needle." Bai Qingyu said to Cheng Zhi.

Cheng Zhi nodded solemnly: "Officer Bai, don't worry."

Judging from Shen Lang's expression just now, Cheng Zhi also knew that the injured woman was very important to Shen Lang.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Lang took out the satellite signal receiver from his windbreaker.

Finding that Luo Tianyao himself was still in the Hisun Group building, Shen Lang's eyes flashed with a trace of violence.

In order to save Su Ruoxue, Shen Lang had already aroused his true qi, and the true qi in his body had already started to agitate, but after Shen Lang spent a lot of true qi on Su Ruoxue's treatment, the restlessness was greatly weakened, which is like a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

But this is not a solution, as time goes by, the restlessness in Shen Lang's body will still break out.

He took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom, opened the bottle, and a thick bloody smell rushed to his face.

Shen Lang raised his head and poured the bottle of fire toad's blood down his throat.

Right now, he can only rely on fire poison to suppress his agitation, Shen Lang still has things to do.

If Luo Tianyao is still allowed to jump around, both he and Su Ruoxue will be in danger, and if he doesn't vent his anger today, Shen Lang will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Su Ruoxue was implicated, and Shen Lang failed to protect Su Ruoxue as a bodyguard. If he were to say he was wrong, it would be his own fault.

Thinking of Luo Tianyao harming Su Ruoxue like this, Shen Lang's anger rose to an unbearable level, and he wanted to get back for his beloved woman. (to be continued)

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