Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 134 Angry at the Crown (Part 2)

At this moment, Luo Tianyao was still leisurely holding a goblet in the office, sipping red wine slowly.

Lie Ren and Aaron stood straight behind Luo Tianyao. Although their status was no lower than Luo Tianyao's, they still performed their duties as bodyguards.

"Beep beep!"

Suddenly the alarm sounded in the building.

Lie Ren and Aaron looked at each other, when the alarm sounded, could it be that kid broke in?

A bodyguard in a suit hurriedly opened the door, walked in quickly, and whispered to Luo Tianyao: "Master Luo, that kid has already broken into the Hisun Group building and killed someone!"

Luo Tianyao put down the goblet in his hand, and frowned: "This dog moves fast."

"Tianyao, that boy surnamed Shen is not ordinary, and he can use hidden weapons such as throwing knives, so don't show up." Lie Ren said calmly.

"I see, Uncle Lie Ren." Luo Tianyao nodded, learned how to be good once, how could he be tricked again, besides, he was also afraid of death, so he was not so bold to face a dangerous person like Shen Lang head-on.

"Then move to the suite?" Luo Tianyao asked Lie Ren for instructions.

Hunting Blade nodded.

The three of them left the office immediately and went to a luxury suite on the top floor.

The only private suite in the Hisun Group building is Luo Tianyao's resting place.

Although Luo Tianyao has a business mind and is not an ordinary dandy, he also has the nature of a dandy. For example, Luo Tianyao himself is most greedy for enjoyment and knows how to spend money to buy fun.

The decoration of this private suite is extraordinarily gorgeous, it is incompatible with the commercial building, it is purely a place for Luo Tianyao to enjoy leisure.

But today it has become a place for Luo Tianyao to deal with Shen Lang.

After a while, Luo Tianyao asked a black-faced man, "Yan Kui, are the gunmen in Fengyun Hall ready?"

"Everything is ready, as long as that kid steps into the door of this suite, he will definitely die!" The black-faced man named Yan Kui said solemnly.

Luo Tianyao showed a violent sneer, and continued: "Okay! I have prepared such a big show for him, and it is Shen Lang's glory before his death."

"Yan Kui, after you're ready, go and bring that kid surnamed Shen up!"

"Yes!" Yan Kui replied, and retreated.

Lie Ren frowned and said, "Tianyao, you can avoid it first, and leave the rest to me and Aaron."

Luo Tianyao said: "Okay, then I will trouble Uncle Lie Ren and Uncle Aaron to deal with that Shen."

After speaking, Luo Tianyao retreated to a room in the suite.

Aaron, who was silent for a while, glanced at the hunting blade, and said with a sneer: "It's just dealing with a kid, it takes so much effort?"

Lie Ren said in a deep voice: "That kid surnamed Shen is very powerful, I don't think it's that easy to deal with."


Aaron picked up a shiny sharp knife, sat on the sofa and wiped it boredly, and said with a disdainful face: "Huh, being too cautious is timid and timid! It takes a lot of time to deal with such a kid, I'd like to see it." See how extraordinary the kid you are talking about is."

Lie Ren frowned, and didn't bother to reason. He could feel that Aaron was very arrogant, and hoped that the boat would not capsize in the gutter by then.

However, Aaron is Luo Tianyao's grandfather Luo Yan's personal bodyguard, and his strength is tyrannical, even reaching the level of a five-star master. A master of this level will definitely not be inferior in skill.

But Lie Ren still had an inexplicable sense of unease. Although he had never faced Shen Lang head-on, the young man gave him an unusual feeling.

Lie Ren didn't think too much about it, at best he was just a young boy, no matter how powerful he was, he probably wouldn't be much stronger.

With such a strict arrangement, unless that kid can defy the sky, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape and ascend to heaven.

Today, there are 70 to 80 security guards on duty in the entire Hisun Group's company building. All the security guards have received orders and rushed to the lobby on the first floor.

The sirens of the Hisun Group's buildings were still ringing.

Shen Lang didn't bother to pay attention to the sirens, grabbed a staff member by the throat with one hand, and asked sullenly, "Where is Luo Tianyao's office?"

Sensing Shen Lang's strong killing intent, the man was so frightened that he trembled all over and became incontinent. He said tremblingly, "I... I don't know... I really don't know! Spare... Spare me!"

Shen Lang threw that person away with a blank expression.


The man hit his head on the glass of the front desk, his head was bleeding, and he was unconscious.

Just at this time, a large wave of security guards rushed into the hall, all of them holding electric batons, approaching Shen.

The quality of Hisun Group's bodyguards is quite high, basically all of them are physically strong.

"Catch him!" A more courageous security guard, perhaps wanting to take the credit first, raised the electric baton in his hand and slammed it fiercely at Shen Lang's forehead.


Shen Lang didn't even hide, only to see the electric baton land on his forehead impartially.

The security guard was overjoyed, thinking that he was going to make a contribution.

Seeing that Shen Lang's expression was normal, as if the electric baton that landed on his forehead was made of paper... The security guard was dumbfounded.

Shen Lang stepped forward and punched the security guard's chest.

The speed was too fast, the security guard saw Shen Lang's punch hit his chest, his pupils dilated, showing a terrified expression.


Shen Lang's fist was like a cannonball, and the security guard flew out suddenly, spurting a big mouthful of blood.

He flew an exaggerated six or seven meters, fell to the ground and expired, blood gushed from his mouth, nose and ears, his chest collapsed with a deep fist mark, the ground was instantly stained red with blood, he twitched a few times and died.

The group of security guards surrounding Shen Lang all had numb scalps. They could kill people with one punch. You can imagine how powerful Shen Lang's punch was. This man was a bit too scary.

Shen Lang turned around and looked at the security guards around him, and asked calmly: "Where is Luo Tianyao?"

The security guards swallowed in unison and stared at Shen Lang with horror in their eyes, but no one responded.

Shen Lang's expression suddenly turned ferocious and he shouted: "Where is Luo Tianyao!"

Still no one responded.

"If you don't tell me... everyone will die!"

Shen Lang's eyes flashed fiercely, he strode forward and punched the person in the head.

The man fell to the ground with a crash, and a large pool of blood poured out on the floor.

There were more and more security guards in the hall, with a total of fifty or sixty. Although most of them were afraid of Shen Lang, the advantage in numbers increased their confidence.

But alas, this was the wrong decision.

Facing ordinary people, Shen Lang didn't have any pressure. Facing attacks from electric batons and other equipment, he didn't have to dodge at all.

Like the god of death coming from hell, Shen Lang ruthlessly harvested lives. Every time he threw a punch, one person would fall to the ground and die.

In less than a minute, thirty security guards fell into a pool of blood.

The remaining dozens of security guards finally became frightened, trembling all over and unable to hold the instruments in their hands.

This guy in front of me is not a human at all! It's the devil. (To be continued)

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