Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 135: Angry at the Crown (Part 2)

The remaining security guards looked horrified, dropped the equipment in their hands to the ground, and fled in a hurry towards the gate.

Unfortunately, for fear of Shen Lang escaping, the door was locked by an electronic lock and no one could get out.

Shen Lang continued to harvest lives like a bloodthirsty demon.

Two minutes passed, and the hall was already filled with blood. One by one, the security guards fell to the ground, dead.

At this moment, a dark-faced man came down the stairs and walked into the center of the hall with a cautious look on his face.

"Are you Shen Lang?"

The black-faced man was Yan Kui who was ordered by Luo Tianyao to bring Shen Lang up. Yan Kui was the thug leader of the Fengyun Hall branch, and he himself was considered a three-star level expert.

Seeing the bloody scene in the hall, Yan Kui was also a little shocked. He thought that the other party was a young boy, probably a piece of trash who exaggerated.

But seeing Shen Lang killing so many people as if nothing had happened, Yan Kui suddenly felt a little frightened. Although he had seen the world, he no longer dared to underestimate Shen Lang.

Hearing the sudden sound, Shen Lang's eyes suddenly turned to Yan Kui, and his sharp eyes seemed to want to ask him the purpose of his visit.

Yan Kui couldn't help but tremble all over, feeling that Shen Lang's gaze was like a sharp needle piercing into people's hearts, involuntarily giving people a sense of terror as if they were facing an abyss.

"Luo...Mr. Luo asked me to take you up." Yan Kui's eyes flashed with an undetectable sparkle.

After hearing this, Shen Lang walked towards Yan Kui with a calm expression.

Cold sweat broke out on Yan Kui's forehead, and he finally felt the terrifying aura of this young man. To have such oppressive power, this man is definitely a master!

No wonder the hunting blades are so tightly arranged, this guy really can’t be underestimated! There was a hint of ferocity in Yan Kui's eyes.

Without saying a word, Shen Lang followed Yan Kui into the elevator entrance on the side of the hall.

The two got on the elevator. Yan Kui tried not to make eye contact with Shen Lang, for fear that the boy would notice something strange.

When they reached the penultimate floor, the two got out of the elevator, and Yan Kui led Shen Lang to a staircase.

High-end solid wood floors and stair handrails are made of high-grade ebony, polished and shiny. From here on, the decoration style suddenly becomes luxurious.

Arriving in front of a suite.

The door opened and Shen Lang and Yan Kui walked in.

The hall is very gorgeously decorated, with golden wall cabinets, walls, high-end lighting and furniture, and everything is filled with the brilliance of rich gold.

Hunter Blade, about forty or fifty years old, wearing a brown Armani suit, tall and burly, with an amazing aura, was sitting on a big chair in the center of the hall.

Aaron, who has short hair and is in his thirties, has scars on his neck and arms, and his muscles are all tangled. He looked at Shen Lang with contempt.

Yan Kui closed the door and stood carefully behind Shen Lang.

Shen Lang strode in, quickly looked around the hall, and asked lightly: "Where is Mr. Luo Tianyao?"

Hunter Blade didn't look moved as he stepped forward and opened a large display screen on the coffee table.

"Shen Lang, we meet again!"

On the display screen was Luo Tianyao's violent smile.

Shen Lang stared at the screen and said coldly: "Luo Tianyao, don't play such tricks with me, get out of here!"

"Hmph, I'm in the bedroom of this suite. You have the guts to kill me! Hahaha, I'm afraid you don't have the ability! If you dare to come to your door today, your boy will die!" Luo Tianyao shouted contemptuously. road.

There are three wooden doors in this presidential suite. Shen Lang's eyes locked on the room on the right side of the suite, where Luo Tianyao should be hiding.

However... there is something fishy about this suite. Shen Lang found out through the Qi machine that there were many killers hiding in the other two bedrooms, and their murderous intent was obvious.

Not only were there a lot of people inside the suite, but also outside the entrance to the suite. They were probably the killers arranged by Luo Tianyao.

The other party lured him to this suite just to kill him.

But it's not that easy to kill Shen Lang! Except for the hunting blade and Aaron in front of him, Shen Lang didn't pay attention to other gunmen and killers.

Shen Lang looked at the arrogant Luo Tianyao on the screen and said coldly: "I won't kill you this time, I will make your life worse than death!"

Luo Tianyao laughed wildly: "You think you are great after killing a few people. I, the eldest young master of the Luo family, have seen many masters. In front of me, you are just a waste. I, Luo Tianyao, can play with me casually. Damn you loser!"

"Luo, were you the one who caused Su Ruoxue to fall from the building?" Shen Lang's eyes narrowed and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Luo Tianyao laughed evilly and said: "Hahaha, Su Ruoxue fell to death, you bitch, you have such a good expression! Originally, I wanted a group of people to kill that bitch Su Ruoxue, but unfortunately I didn't pay attention, and she actually jumped off the building, alas... "

Luo Tianyao on the screen spread his hands, showing a pity expression.

Shen Lang's expression was extremely gloomy, with veins popping out on his forehead. He was obviously on the verge of rage.

Seeing Shen Lang's angry expression, Luo Tianyao became even more happy, and said with a ferocious smile: "What a pity. If that bitch was ravaged by someone else, I would like to see if you would be even more angry, hahaha... for a woman You idiot who is here to die!"

Aaron on the sofa also laughed. Luo Tianyao was right, this kid was indeed mentally retarded.

Aaron twisted his neck, and his bones made a snapping sound, and he said with a cruel smile: "Boy, since you are here to die, please help me stretch my hands and feet first!"

Shen Lang was expressionless and did not speak, his eyes were turbulent in the lobby of the suite, paying attention to the aura of the gunmen around him.

Under this strict arrangement, Shen Lang was already a turtle in the urn. Lie Ren felt that this kid could not escape, so he simply asked Aaron to test the kid's strength first.

Seeing that Shen Lang didn't make a sound, Aaron thought that Shen Lang was afraid, and showed a wild smile: "It's okay to not move your hands and feet, but kneel down in front of me obediently, and I can leave you as a whole corpse!"

Shen Lang didn't bother to pay attention to Aaron, and strode towards the room on the side of the suite.

Seeing that Shen Lang didn't look directly at him, Aaron suddenly became angry, picked up the sharp knife on the sofa, and blocked Shen Lang's way.

"Are you deaf, kid? Didn't you hear me talking to you?" Aaron roared violently, with a cold light in his eyes.

In the eyes of others, a person with Shen Lang's strength may be great, but in Aaron's eyes, Shen Lang is no different from a cockroach on the ground.

"Get out!" Shen Lang raised his head to look at Aaron in front of him, and shouted violently.

"you wanna die!"

Aaron was irritated by Shen Lang's contempt, and suddenly swung a knife, slashing towards Shen Lang's forehead like lightning. (to be continued)

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