Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 136 Fierce Fight

The speed of the knife is quite fast, which shows that this guy's strength is not ordinary.

Although Shen Lang could temporarily use the blood of the fire toad to induce the true qi, most of the true qi in his body was still violent, and these violent true qi could not be used directly, otherwise it might seriously damage the heart and lung meridians.

In other words, Shen Lang can use very little zhenqi now, not even a tenth of his strength.

However, it should not be a problem to deal with the immediate crisis!

A knife struck, Shen Lang dodged sideways to avoid the blow.

At the same time, Shen Lang flipped his right palm, and a willow-leaf flying knife appeared between his two fingers.

With a sound of "咻", the flying knife shot out, and a cold light pierced the air.

The flying knife hit Yan Kui's forehead impartially behind him, Yan Kui was pierced through the forehead by the flying knife before Yan Kui even had time to react, and he fell into a pool of blood.

Although Shen Lang was in anger, his reason was still there.

This is where Lie Ren and Aaron are the strongest. With Shen Lang's current state, it is very difficult to deal with multiple enemies at the same time.

Therefore, Shen Lang's strategy is to deal with all the other miscellaneous fish first, and finally to deal with the two five-star masters Lie Ren and Aaron.

Before that, he had to try his best to preserve his strength.

Yan Kui behind him was the first target, and Shen Lang was caught off guard.

Whether it is Hunting Blade or Aaron, they are not ordinary killers, but warriors who practice martial arts, also known as martial arts. Their strength is extremely powerful, far beyond the comparison of ordinary masters.

However, this type of master rarely appears in the metropolis, and is usually used by a large force or gangster.

Seeing that his own people were killed in an instant, Aaron was furious, and slashed at Shen Lang's waist with a horizontal knife.

Shen Lang jumped to avoid a blow.

Lie Ren, who was sitting on the chair, also had his eyes wide open. He jumped up from the chair, raised a palm in mid-air, and slapped Shen Lang's chest.

The palm of the hunting blade is not as simple as an ordinary slap. There is a sharp aura on the surface of the right hand. This is a palm struck by internal force.

If it hits an ordinary person, the heart will be shattered into slag.

Shocking Mountain Palm, powerful against a thousand jun, can be regarded as a relatively partial internal palm technique. It has good power, and if it is practiced to an advanced stage, one palm can easily smash rocks.

Shen Lang shrank his eyes, but recognized this unrefined palm technique, and slapped him out.

This is already a pure martial arts duel.


The two palms collided, causing a gust of wind.

Lie Ren's face changed, and he felt a huge force coming from his palm, as if his palm had been smashed by countless heavy hammers, and the qi in his right hand was abruptly shaken away.

"Splitting Stone Palm?" Lie Ren's eyes were full of surprise, could it be that this kid is specialized in practicing horizontal and external skills?

Stone Splitting Jade, Stone Splitting Palm and Jade Claw are all outstanding in horizontal kung fu.

The internal force stimulated by the palm of the hunting blade just now was forcibly scattered by Shen Lang's stone-splitting palm, like a stone sinking into the sea, without any effect.

This kid can use the external kung fu of the stone splitting palm and his own internal palm, the Zhenshan palm, to be evenly matched. It is hard to imagine how far Shen Lang's external kung fu has been cultivated.

The two palms hit a tie, and both Shen Lang and Lie Ren received a counter-shock force, and they fell backwards in opposite directions.

You can tell the depth with one palm, Shen Lang frowned slightly, the hunting blade is probably a martial artist at the early stage, with the strength of a five-star master, it is a little tricky.

Aaron's fierce light was revealed, and he clenched the long sharp knife with both hands, leaning against his body, and slashed fiercely at Shen Lang who was falling down.

"call out!"

The sharp knife pierced the air and made a sharp sound, and it was about to strike Shen Lang.

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and quickly moved his legs together.

Only a crisp sound of "ding" was heard, and Shen Lang's feet pinched the sharp knife in Aaron's hand accurately!

Aaron gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength, trying to pull out the sharp knife that Shen Lang was holding between his legs. It felt that Shen Lang exerted a lot of force on his feet, and he couldn't pull out his knife for a while.

At this moment, Shen Lang's body suddenly turned in mid-air, and a huge force bounced Aaron's hand away.

Shen Lang took advantage of the situation and kicked the sharp knife away from Aaron's hand.

With a sound of "ding", the sharp knife flew out whistling, and plunged deeply into the sandalwood coffee table on one side.

Aaron was a little flustered, and before he had time to put on a stance, Shen Lang kicked him again.


Shen Lang's right leg aroused a slight air explosion, which proved the huge strength of this leg.

Aaron's eyes were wide open, and Shen Lang's legs were so fast that he had no time to dodge, so he had to put his arms on his chest to block.


With a muffled sound, Shen Lang hit Aaron's arms with one kick.

Aaron took seven or eight steps back to stabilize his figure, only feeling numbness and loss of strength in his arms.

Panting for a few breaths, Aaron's forehead broke out in cold sweat, and he no longer dared to despise Shen Lang. This kid's strength far exceeds his imagination, and his strength is a bit terrifying!

Shen Lang landed steadily, stepped forward, his whole body turned into a shadow, quickly approached, and smashed jade claws straight to Aaron's throat.

"Die to me!"

Aaron was bloody aroused, and he also formed a claw with one hand, and grabbed Shen Lang's throat.

Tiger Claw Kung Fu, the power of one claw can crush bones and break sutras, and it is not difficult to catch the hunting blade. Can't defend well.

The two claws collided, and it was another head-to-head confrontation. Shen Lang was slightly better, and Aaron's five fingers were shaken until he lost consciousness.

After the Tiger Claw Kung Fu was performed, Aaron's whole body was full of flaws, and Shen Lang slapped a rock-splitting palm towards Aaron's chest with quick eyes and hands.

The hunting blade quickly rushed forward to parry Aaron, his right leg was like a whip, and he swept heavily towards Shen Lang's forehead, mixed with a strong wind.

The whip leg in Twelve Road Tan's legs is extremely fast and powerful. This kick can even break a tree surrounded by half an arm!

Shen Lang didn't dodge either, and stretched out his right arm like lightning, blocking the whip leg of the hunting blade abruptly.

Aaron on the side roared and rushed over quickly.

The two teamed up and fought with Shen Lang.

Shen Lang continued to use the Stone Splitting Palm, and both Lie Ren and Aaron were out of breath with the fierce attack of flowing clouds and flowing water.

With one against two, don't fall behind!

After a while, Lie Ren realized that it would be difficult for him and Aaron to take down this kid. He didn't dare to be too arrogant, and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

With an order, the bedroom doors on both sides of the suite were quickly opened, and more than a dozen gunmen armed with automatic rifles who had ambushed earlier in the morning rushed out.

Shen Lang's expression was gloomy. He had known for a long time that there was a gunman hidden inside the door.

"Da da da!"

More than a dozen gunmen swept Shen Lang wildly, flames spewed out, and high-frequency gunshots resounded throughout the hall.

Shen Lang quickly walked and galloped along the wall, avoiding bullets. The whole person is like a gecko swimming against a wall, the speed is dazzling.

A group of gunmen gasped, is this still human? (to be continued)

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