Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 140 You Are a Madman!

There is no elevator on the top floor, and it can only be accessed by stairs on the penultimate floor.

Shen Lang walked to the stairs on one side of the long corridor, his eyes lighted up indistinctly, and he felt an abnormal aura.

Unexpectedly, seven or eight gunmen were blocked at the bottom of the stairs, Luo Tianyao really did it well, and really planned to kill himself.

It is estimated that Luo Tianyao was worried that he would escape, so he sent people outside to wait for the opportunity to intercept and kill him.

With a gloomy expression, Shen Lang quickly walked down the stairs.

Several killers hiding at the bottom of the stairs each winked, picked up their automatic rifles, and prepared to shoot and kill Shen Lang the moment Shen Lang poked his head out.

"call out!"

Before Shen Lang poked his head out, a flying knife flew from the dark and hit a gunman's throat impartially.

A group of gunmen were startled and rushed up the stairs with guns in their hands.

He looked around with both eyes, but he didn't see half a person.

"Where are people?"

"Over there!" A gunman pointed in horror at the man in the windbreaker at the bottom of the stairs.

Shen Lang was still on the stairs just now, why did he come downstairs in an instant? Could it be that this guy is a ghost?

The gunmen's scalps were numb, and they swept towards Shen Lang frantically with their guns in hand.

"Da da da!"

Intensive gunshots sounded from the stairwell, and Shen Lang's figure was like a ghost, jumping up and down to avoid the bullets.

Waving the windbreaker, eight flying knives flew out suddenly.


The throats of the eight gunmen were pierced by flying knives in an instant, and the blood was soaring, and they fell one by one in a pool of blood.

Without looking back, Shen Lang walked towards the elevator not far ahead.

This floor is the gathering place of the executive's office, where the senior staff of various departments work. Hearing the sound of gunshots, various screams came from many offices. The doors of each office were locked tightly, and no one dared to come out.

at this time.


The elevator door opened suddenly, Bai Qingyu frowned, walked out of the elevator door, her mind was in chaos.

Suddenly seeing Shen Lang who was covered in blood coming towards him, Bai Qingyu's pretty face was suffocated, and she stood there in a daze for a while.

"Why are you here!" Shen Lang frowned.

Hearing Shen Lang's voice, Bai Qingyu came back to his senses, and immediately pointed a gun at Shen Lang's head.

Shen Lang's face changed slightly, and he said indifferently: "What do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? You have killed so many innocent people, and you have the nerve to ask me what I want to do? I, Bai Qingyu, really didn't expect you to be such a bastard!" Bai Qingyu clenched the Type 9 pistol in his hand, beautiful eyes There were bursts of chill.

Shen Lang looked indifferent, and said with a sneer, "I never said I was a good person."

"Why do you even kill innocent people! Do you know how many people you have killed?" Bai Qingyu's tone was a little trembling, and he gritted his silver teeth and stared fiercely at Shen Lang in front of him, hating this vicious man so much.

"You have a good expression." Shen Lang glanced at Bai Qingyu's angry and hesitant face, and then glanced at the tall breasts that rose and fell due to anger, showing a playful expression.

"Rogue!" Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth.

Shen Lang shrugged and hummed: "Since you know that I have killed so many people, why do you care how many more people I kill?"

"Shen Lang, you! You can say such things, where is your conscience? Is human life so worthless in your eyes!" Bai Qingyu's voice trembled, and a trace of mist appeared in his eyes.

Shen Lang's attitude of disregarding life aroused Bai Qingyu's strong indignation.

Shen Lang is not in a good mood now, and said indifferently: "I only care about myself and the people around me. What does the life and death of others have to do with me? If you dare to stop me or fight against me, then don't blame me for being unconscionable! "

Bai Qingyu sneered again and again, his right hand holding the pistol trembled a little: "I, Bai Qingyu, was blind and didn't realize that you are such a bastard!"

"Asshole? In your opinion, it may be right. I don't think there is anything wrong with your attitude of cherishing other people's lives. But I am different. I have my own survival principles. Enemy, I never take the enemy's life seriously." Shen Lang said lightly.

"Do you know how many of those people you killed were innocent lives? They have families, wives and children. If you just kill them like this, are you still human?" Bai Qingyu's eyes welled up with tears.

The corner of Shen Lang's mouth twitched: "If they want to threaten me, they deserve to die. No matter who they are, old, young, old or young, as long as they threaten me, they all deserve to die! Moral laws, conscience and righteousness, these can't restrain me!"

"The legal and moral constraints are just a kind of protection given by the state to ordinary people. I don't need it! I don't care about any protection, because no one can kill me!" Shen Lang said coldly.

"Shut up, you're a lunatic!" Bai Qingyu was speechless, and felt that there was nothing to say to this kind of crazy person.

"Whatever you think." Shen Lang expressionlessly pressed the button of the elevator.

Bai Qingyu's eyes were full of hatred and contempt for Shen Lang, he clenched the gun tightly in his hand, pointed at Shen Lang's head, and said with a frosty face: "Don't move, or I will shoot!"

Shen Lang glanced at Bai Qingyu, stretched out his hand in a blink of an eye, and grabbed Bai Qingyu's right wrist holding the gun.

With a little force, Bai Qingyu's pistol fell out of his hand and fell into Shen Lang's hand.

Shen Lang picked up a pistol and pointed it at Bai Qingyu's head, threateningly: "Woman, you'd better not mess with me." (To be continued)

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