Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 141 Damn it!

"Shen Lang, don't you care about continuing to kill people? If you have the guts, you kill me!" Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth, her delicate face was full of tears, but she stared at Shen Lang stubbornly, without any fear.

Shen Lang had the courage to kill those who stood in his way, but facing Bai Qingyu, he couldn't do it. This silly woman is too kind.

Seeing the woman's red eyes and the weak appearance of trying not to let herself cry, Shen Lang finally relented, put down the gun, and reached out to wipe away the tears on the woman's cheeks.

"Just treat it like you're an ordinary person watching all this, why bother to get involved in my affairs, besides, you can't stop me at all...you can go." Shen Lang said in a deep voice, trying not to confront Bai Qing Rain's gaze.

Feeling the heat from Shen Lang's palm, Bai Qingyu felt absent-minded and confused for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

"Unless you kill me, I won't leave. I'm a policeman, and I have my duties. You bastard is heinous, and I can't let you go!" Bai Qingyu shook off Shen Lang's hand.

"Don't force me." Shen Lang frowned, and raised his gun again.

"I've made it clear, unless you kill me, come on!" Bai Qingyu closed his eyes.

At this moment, Shen Lang pressed his thumb and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three shots fired in succession, and Bai Qingyu's tender body trembled for a while, tears welled up in her eyes.

But soon, Bai Qingyu opened her eyes in astonishment, and she found that she was safe and sound.

Shen Lang didn't shoot her, but...

Bai Qingyu locked his eyes on the front of the elevator, and saw three men in suits lying in a pool of blood, with automatic rifles in their hands.

Shen Lang noticed the murderous intent coming from the corridor. The three shots just now were aimed at the heads of the three killers.

There are also killers deployed by Luo Tianyao on this level, and the Luo family also sent many people from Fengyuntang to protect Luo Tianyao. But to Shen Lang, these ordinary gunmen are no different from cannon fodder.

Bai Qingyu looked at the three people who were lying in a pool of blood, then raised his head to look at Shen Lang who was extremely indifferent, with hatred in his eyes, and shouted: "Bastard, you killed someone again!"

Shen Lang didn't realize it, and snorted coldly: "Didn't you see that they have guns in their hands? These people are probably killers of Fengyuntang. They even tried to sneak attack me, damn it!"

Bai Qingyu also found out that the three dead people had guns in their hands, and knew that the Luo family and Fengyuntang had colluded, but Shen Lang's rhetoric could not change her negative opinion of this guy.

"Damn you too! You killed so many people for no reason, you deserve to die a hundred times!" Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth.

"For no reason? Huh, I just want to avenge Su Ruoxue, and anyone who stops me will die! If you are the woman I care about, I will do the same." Shen Lang said calmly.

"You..." Bai Qingyu was at a loss for words.

I didn't expect Shen Lang to do such a frenzied act just for Su Ruoxue... What a lunatic!

In a fit of rage, Shen Lang became a confidante, but for Su Ruoxue, Shen Lang entered the Hisun Group alone. How much courage did it take? This man's thinking really cannot be fathomed from an ordinary angle.

If Bai Qingyu were Su Ruoxue, maybe she would be moved to tears by Shen Lang's impulsiveness. But Bai Qingyu is Bai Qingyu, she is a policeman and has her own principles.

Shen Lang killed so many people, it should be a heinous crime.

Just when Bai Qingyu had a decision in his heart, Shen Lang coughed suddenly.


Shen Lang's heart and lungs were in excruciating pain, he frowned and coughed out a mouthful of blood, he clenched his teeth, and covered his chest with his right hand, the sequelae of the Seven Injury Fist just now appeared.

Shen Lang didn't have enough zhenqi to use, so the Qishangquan made him suffer a certain amount of backlash, and now the zhenqi in his body had begun to uncontrollably agitate.

Seeing Shen Lang vomiting blood and looking pale, Bai Qingyu's expression changed, and he hurriedly helped Shen Lang up: "Are you injured?"

Shen Lang could see a trace of panic and concern in Bai Qingyu's eyes, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer, "Aren't you going to kill me? Why do you still care about me?"

Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth: "Yes, I want to kill you, but I don't have the right! What you committed will be dealt with by your superiors!"

"Superior? Hehe, I heard that the Luo family has military forces. In this Huahai City, the superior you are talking about is probably them." Shen Lang frowned.

Bai Qingyu looked complicated, and said coldly: "Director Yang Hu will make a decision on this matter, come downstairs with me first."

"You want to arrest me and go to the police station?" Shen Lang asked with a smile, the corners of his mouth continuously overflowed with blood, looking a little shocking.

"No one knows that you are the murderer who broke into the Hisun Group. Before the Luo family deals with you, let's go to heal your wounds for the time being. As for your murder, we will deal with it later!" Bai Qingyu avoided Shen Langruili gaze.

Bai Qingyu is not a fool either, the Luo family is huge, so he must have taken action at this time. The armed police detachment was probably sent by Luo Yan himself, and Shen Lang would definitely fall into the hands of the Luo family.

The Luo family is heinous, and Shen Lang is also heinous. In contrast, Bai Qingyu gave herself a far-fetched reason, she only let Shen Lang accept the legal judgment fairly, and she didn't want to see Shen Lang die at the hands of the Luo family.

Helping Shen Lang up, Bai Qingyu walked into the elevator.

Under the Haizheng Building, the armed police detachment had just arrived, and rows of heavily armed armed police got out of the police cars in an orderly manner and blocked the building.

Cheng Fei, the leader of the Municipal Armed Police Detachment, rushed to the scene, wearing a camouflage uniform, thirty-five years old, tall and burly, with an unusually ugly complexion.

He received an order from Chief of Staff Luo Yan, and his main purpose was to protect Luo Tianyao. Cheng Fei thought that the matter was very simple, but he didn't expect the matter to develop in the middle, so many people died at the scene, which made him feel a little stressed.

But Cheng Fei was not too worried when he heard that Luo Tianyao had a master like Aaron by his side.

Who is Aaron? The top ten super masters in the Xichang Military Region, and the personal bodyguard of Chief of Staff Luo! With him as Luo Tianyao's bodyguard, Cheng Fei didn't think Luo Tianyao would have any problems, unless the other party was stronger than Aaron.

"Mr. Cheng!" The captain of the guard, Xiao Liu, immediately gave a military salute to Cheng Fei.

Cheng Fei returned a military salute, and quickly asked: "How's the matter, have you police gone in to investigate the situation?"

"This...only Captain Bai went in, and we haven't received any news from Captain Bai yet." Xiao Liu replied.

"What, you let the criminal police captain Bai Qingyu go in and arrest the gangsters alone?" Cheng Fei was stunned for a moment, thinking that there was something wrong with his ears.

Xiao Liu's face was also a little ugly, and he said: "This is Captain Bai's order. She insisted on going in alone. I persuaded her at the beginning, but the captain refused to listen..."

"Bai Qingyu is crazy! Want to deal with gangsters alone?" Cheng Fei frowned.

He had also heard that this Bai Qingyu had an unusual identity and background, and maybe there was some important person behind him, and if there was something wrong, he might be responsible for it.

Besides, wouldn't it be a pity if something happened to a policewoman of Bai Qingyu's level?

"Get your police to cooperate with us now!" Cheng Fei shouted.

"Yes!" Little Liu repeatedly nodded.

Just at this moment, Bai Qingyu supported Shen Lang, and just walked out of the lobby on the first floor.

"Don't move, put your hands up!"

A group of heavily armed armed police raised their automatic rifles, aiming at Shen Lang and Bai Qingyu with rows of black muzzles.

Bai Qingyu glanced at Shen Lang, who was panting heavily, and struggled in his heart, but he went all out, and shouted: "I am Bai Qingyu, the captain of the Huahai City Criminal Police Division, and I found this injured person in the building!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Qingyu took out his police officer ID.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, how could this silly woman cover herself? (to be continued)

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