Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 142 He's My Boyfriend

Hearing that he was the captain of the criminal police team, and seeing Bai Qingyu wearing a police officer's uniform, the group of armed police relaxed a little, but their guns were still aimed at Shen Lang and Bai Qingyu.

A young armed policeman stepped forward under the cover of many guns, grabbed Bai Qingyu's police officer's card, looked at it, and immediately picked up the pager to report the situation to his superiors.

"Report sir, two people have been found leaving the building, and one of them is a woman who claims to be the chief of the city's criminal police!" A message came from the pager in Cheng Fei's hand.

Cheng Fei's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked quickly towards the blocked building exit.

Xiao Liu of the guard team saw Bai Qingyu coming out, and was pointed at by a group of guns again. He led the guard team forward and explained the situation to the armed police officer.

"Put down your guns!" an armed police officer ordered.

The armed policemen in the front row put down their automatic rifles one by one.

"Captain, are you okay?" Xiao Liu hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Bai Qingyu shook his head, and immediately said: "Hurry up and send the injured person beside me to the ambulance and send him to the First People's Hospital!"

Xiao Liu's eyes turned to Shen Lang, a little surprised, isn't this the man he met last time who claimed to be the gun god? How could he appear inside the Hisun Group building and suffer such serious injuries?

Seeing that Shen Lang was covered in blood, Xiao Liu didn't think much about it, and hurriedly picked up the pager in his mouth and shouted: "Guards, send two policemen over here, there are wounded here, prepare a stretcher, and hurry up!"

Soon, two policemen came up with a medical stretcher, and Shen Lang lay down on it.

Shen Lang threw a playful smile at Bai Qingyu, this time he owed her a favor.

Bai Qingyu's mood was extremely complicated, and she didn't know if she was covering up Shen Lang, but she always felt guilty.

Shen Lang was about to be carried away when Cheng Fei and Xiao Liu hurried over.

Cheng Fei turned his gaze to Bai Qingyu and Shen Lang on the stretcher.

"Captain Bai, why are you so impulsive? Knowing that there are extremely dangerous thugs inside, you dare to go in alone to investigate the situation." Cheng Fei put on a concerned gesture.

Looking at Bai Qingyu's glamorous face and perfect figure, Cheng Fei always felt itchy. He is worthy of being a famous police officer. Every time he sees Bai Qingyu, he will feel a sense of amazement. This kind of big beauty is really hard to see greasy.

Unfortunately, although this police flower is delicate and beautiful, it is difficult to pick. Like Zhou Bin, Cheng Fei has also pestered Bai Qingyu many times, but Bai Qingyu always had an expression of refusal.

"Colonel Cheng, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you right now, get out of the way!" Bai Qingyu pushed Cheng Fei away with one hand and came to Shen Lang's side.

"Go!" Bai Qingyu urged.

"Mr. Shen Lang, lie down first and don't move your body." Xiao Liu hurriedly said to Shen Lang who was on the stretcher.

Two policemen were about to carry Shen Lang away.

"Shen Lang!?"

Hearing Xiao Liu mentioning Shen Lang's name, Cheng Fei shrank his eyes suddenly, stared at Shen Lang on the stretcher, and shouted: "Wait, you said his name is Shen Lang?"

Chief of Staff Luo had said on the phone before that the gangster's name was Shen Lang.

Seeing Cheng Fei's big reaction, Xiao Liu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and replied, "Yes, his name is Shen Lang!"

"Come on, arrest this guy." Cheng Fei's expression changed drastically, he quickly took out a pistol from his waist, and pointed it at Shen Lang's forehead.

Bai Qingyu's expression changed, it's over, Cheng Fei probably knew Shen Lang's identity.

"Hmph!" Shen Lang smacked his mouth, it seemed that he was revealing his identity.

Several armed policemen stepped forward, Bai Qingyu stood in front of Shen Lang, and shouted: "Colonel Cheng, what do you want to do?"

"Bai Qingyu, this Shen Lang is the gangster who broke into the building! The general staff asked me to catch this person myself!" Cheng Fei thought that Bai Qingyu didn't know about it, so he immediately reminded him.

Sure enough, it was a member of Luo Yan faction, Bai Qingyu panicked, and hurriedly said: "Colonel Cheng, you made a mistake, this Shen Lang may be a person with the same name and surname."

Cheng Fei was also a little puzzled, this Shen Lang looked too young, not like a master.

"No, I'd rather kill by mistake than let the gangster go, Captain Bai, get out of the way first!" Cheng Fei frowned.

"He is my boyfriend! He was seriously injured, and I will take him to heal himself!" Bai Qingyu shouted anxiously.

"Boyfriend?" Cheng Fei narrowed his eyes. No wonder Bai Qingyu shielded the injured person so much. It turned out to be her boyfriend.

However, a cold and beautiful woman like Bai Qingyu actually has a boyfriend. Cheng Fei glanced at Shen Lang, feeling a little upset, and hummed: "Captain Bai, your boyfriend is suspected, let my people take him to treat him. You go down first."

Bai Qingyu was so upset that he couldn't hide it anymore.

At this moment, there was another intensive sound of sirens in the distance, and police cars with the words "SWAT" on them stopped on the side of the road.

The sound of police sirens was particularly harsh, and the passers-by were a little curious about what happened to the Hisun Group, and why wave after wave of policemen came.

The door of the police car in the front row opened, and a tall man in a police uniform walked over quickly with a hurried expression.

The tall man was none other than Yang Hu, and he received a report from the police as soon as he got off the plane in Huahai City.

Yang Hu couldn't believe it, such a big event happened. That gangster is probably the instructor, otherwise Yang Hu would not have thought of anyone with such ability.

Yang Hu's brows twisted into the word "Chuan", most likely the Luo family provoked Shen Lang, otherwise Shen Lang would not have done such an extreme thing.

But this matter is too big, it is estimated that it will be difficult to end. No matter what, he must protect the instructor's safety!

"Director Yang Hu!" Bai Qingyu's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Director!" Xiao Liu on the side saluted quickly.

When Yang Hu saw Shen Lang lying on a stretcher covered in blood, his expression changed and he wanted to step forward and ask Shen Lang.

But then I thought about it and felt something was wrong.

Yang Hu coughed, pretending to be calm and asked Bai Qingyu: "Captain Bai, what's going on?"

Bai Qingyu felt a chill in her heart and said, "He... is the injured person I found in the building."

Yang Hu's eyes narrowed, and when he saw Bai Qingyu's slightly panicked expression, he seemed to see some clues, and said quickly: "Since he is an injured person, why not send him for treatment quickly?"

"Director Yang Hu, the name of this injured person is exactly the same as the name of the gangster I learned from Chief of Staff Luo. This person is a serious suspect." Cheng Fei said with a frown.

Yang Hu's heart skipped a beat and he pretended to say, "Shouldn't the gangster still be in the building now? It can't be him."

Bai Qingyu took the risk, took a deep breath and said: "Colonel Cheng, this injured person is my boyfriend, I want to take him for treatment myself!"

"Captain Bai, whether he is your boyfriend or not, this is not the occasion for you to use your personal power!" Cheng Fei said angrily.

"Cheng Fei, my grandfather is Prime Minister Bai, don't force me!" Bai Qingyu had nothing to do and shouted angrily.

"Wha...what, Xiang Bai?"

Cheng Fei's heart skipped a beat, and his face turned blue and white. Cheng Fei knew that Bai Qingyu's background was not simple, but he never expected that behind her was a great figure like Bai Xiang. (To be continued)

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