Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 143 Get lost!

Cheng Fei still knew who Bai Xiang was. For departments involving the country's secrets, in terms of military rank and authority, Prime Minister Bai is at the same level as Chief of General Staff.

Bai Qingyu suddenly brought out Bai Xiang to suppress him, which made Cheng Fei a little scared. After all, the official level would kill anyone.

"Colonel Cheng, that's it. I also know Captain Bai's boyfriend. He can't be a gangster." Yang Hu said helpfully.

Seeing that Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu were protecting him, Shen Lang felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

"Oh well."

Cheng Fei rolled his eyelids and ordered his armed police to evacuate from Bai Qingyu.

At Bai Qingyu's urging, two policemen carried Shen Lang into an ambulance.

After dismissing the doctor and police, Bai Qingyu drove Shen Lang to the First People's Hospital.

Seeing that Shen Lang left safely, Yang Hu finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Shen Lang was safe.

"Officer Bai, you are shielding me. Have you ever thought about the consequences of shielding the prisoner?" Shen Lang straightened up from the stretcher and said with a smile.

Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth and said: "Don't get me wrong, I just... don't want you to be framed by the Luo family. Besides, you are also a member of the national security unit. The police have no right to arrest you. Let your superiors handle your matter."

"I owe you a favor, please remember it first." Shen Lang sighed.

If it weren't for Bai Qingyu's help, given his current physical condition, it would not be easy for him to escape unscathed.

Bai Qingyu said coldly: "You should worry more about yourself. If you are sanctioned by the state, I will not save you. As long as the superior gives the order, I will still arrest you!"

Shen Lang snorted and said nothing.

Arrive at the First People's Hospital.

As soon as the ambulance door opened, Shen Lang took off his blood-stained windbreaker and strode out.

"The injuries on your body..." Bai Qingyu frowned.

"I'm fine."

Shen Lang walked towards the hospital door without looking back. Bai Qingyu hurriedly followed.

Shen Lang walked quickly towards the emergency room.

"Sir, the patient is still being rescued, you can't go in!" A nurse outside the door didn't know and stopped Shen Lang.

Shen Lang shook off the nurse's hand and punched the door bolt with a secret punch.


The door to the emergency room was punched open by Shen Lang, making a deafening sound.

Several doctors inside were startled, and a middle-aged doctor hurriedly stepped forward: "Miracle doctor, you are here!"

After witnessing Shen Lang's acupuncture skills, which were regarded as miraculous, a group of doctors had already admired him, thinking that Shen Lang was some otherworldly expert.

"Go away, quack doctor!" Shen Lang shouted violently.

The doctor was so frightened that he stood aside obediently. In Shen Lang's eyes, they were really quacks.

Seeing Shen Lang walking into the ward, Bai Qingyu followed suit.

Shen Lang walked to the operating table, where Su Ruoxue was infusing fluids. The many small wounds on her body had been carefully disinfected and bandaged, and the silver needles all over her body were intact.

Cheng Zhi said cautiously: "Mr. Shen Lang, Miss Su's condition is not optimistic. Although her life has been saved, she is still in a coma. I just checked Miss Su's injuries. Her brain is damaged and her motor center may be damaged." Nerves, there is... the possibility of turning into a vegetative state!"

"Fuck you, you just turned into a vegetative state! Get out of here!" Shen Lang was furious and couldn't help but curse.

Bai Qingyu felt suffocated. If it really turned out like this, Su Ruoxue's life would be ruined.

Cheng Zhi kept silent and did not dare to speak, and obediently stepped aside. With Shen Lang here, he was indeed not qualified to diagnose patients.

Shen Lang said in a low voice: "Everyone, get out and don't disturb my treatment."

A doctor asked in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, can we observe your treatment process..."

"Get lost!" Shen Lang shouted irritably.

Bai Qingyu shouted: "Everyone, get out, don't disturb Shen Lang!"

Cheng Zhi felt it was a pity. If one could learn a little bit about Shen Lang's miraculous acupuncture technique, it would definitely cause a major sensation in the medical community.

Everyone walked out of the emergency room.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, touched Su Ruoxue's fair face, and observed her physical condition.

With the help of the Ice Soul Acupuncture, more than half of the injuries in Su Ruoxue's body have been recovered. The huge and pure Qi is still repairing the injured tissue, but the superficial flesh wounds are still there.

It seemed that Su Ruoxue should be able to recover, but Shen Lang's face still didn't look good.

The doctor named Cheng Zhi was right. Su Ruoxue's brain injury was a bit serious. The central nervous system of the brain was damaged and recovery was very slow.

"It seems like we need to forcibly inject Qi once more."

Shen Lang took a deep breath, pushed gently with his right palm, and all the silver needles fell from Su Ruoxue's body.

Then he stretched out his left palm, and the falling silver needle was guided to his palm.

With a wave of one hand, a large number of silver needles were inserted into Su Ruoxue's brain, and Shen Lang forced his energy.


A burst of white smoke rose from Su Ruoxue's brain.

In the afternoon, Liu Xiaoxiao didn't go to work, and she was in a daze.

Feeling restless, Liu Xiaoxiao called Shen Lang over and over again. Shen Lang's cell phone was always turned off, as was Su Ruoxue's.

The uneasiness in her heart became stronger and stronger. Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still anymore. When she was about to contact the police, she suddenly received a call from the company's human resources department.

The phone call said that President Su was seriously injured and was being treated in the hospital. Cheng Zhi contacted the Lingya International Human Resources Department through the hospital.

Upon hearing the news, Liu Xiaoxiao's head "buzzed", her eyes went dark, and she almost fainted.

Liu Xiaoxiao rushed to the First People's Hospital in an unusual hurry, and went to the emergency room on the third floor.

Outside the door of the emergency room, Bai Qingyu walked back and forth outside the emergency room, looking extremely anxious.

"Officer Bai, President Su...how is she?" Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face was full of panic.

Bai Qingyu frowned tightly: "The situation is not very good. Miss Su was seriously injured. Thankfully, Shen Lang rescued her in time, otherwise she...may have passed away. But her life is not out of danger. Miss Su has multiple fractures all over her body. Broken, very badly injured."

Liu Xiaoxiao's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, tears welled up in her eyes, her body softened, and she knelt down on the ground.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault! It's me who killed Ruoxue, it's me... I'm a bastard! Huh~~~~"

Liu Xiaoxiao hugged her head, tears streaming down her face, her delicate body couldn't help shaking.

Bai Qingyu was a little confused about the situation, but seeing Liu Xiaoxiao crying so sadly, she hurriedly helped Liu Xiaoxiao up, and comforted her: "Miss Liu, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

"It's my fault! It's my fault!" Liu Xiaoxiao burst into tears in Bai Qingyu's arms, feeling at a loss mixed with pain.

"Miss Liu, think about it, Miss Su will be fine." Bai Qingyu sighed softly.

"By the way, how is Shen Lang?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked while sobbing. Such a big incident happened to Su Ruoxue, it was impossible for Shen Lang to remain indifferent.

"Shen Lang... something serious happened to him." Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth.

Liu Xiaoxiao wiped away her tears, and hurriedly asked, "What happened to Shen Lang?"

Bai Qingyu pulled Liu Xiaoxiao to a secluded place, and said softly: "I'll make a long story short, Shen Lang knew that Luo Tianyao had harmed Su Ruoxue, so he went to Hisun Group alone and killed many people."

Liu Xiaoxiao flinched for a while, and said in a trembling voice: "He...he killed someone? Was it Luo Tianyao?"

Bai Qingyu shook his head and said: "I don't know if there is Luo Tianyao, Shen Lang killed many people... even fifty or sixty people were killed by him! In short, his situation is very dangerous..."

Hearing that Shen Lang had killed so many people, Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes darkened, she passed out and fell into Bai Qingyu's arms.

"Hey, Miss Liu!" Bai Qingyu frowned, and patted Liu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, but there was no response, Liu Xiaoxiao was so stimulated that she seemed to faint. (to be continued)

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