Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 144 Search for me!

After a while, in the operating room, Shen Lang closed his palms, tapped a few acupuncture points, and sealed the true energy.

Shen Lang felt dizzy for a while, his throat felt sweet, and blood gushed out. His body was at the end of its strength.

The effectiveness of the fire toad has completely disappeared. Shen Lang can't draw out any vitality now, and his whole body is about to fall apart.

Pushing open the door to the infirmary, Bai Qingyu stepped forward and asked, "How's it going?"

Shen Lang didn't answer, and turned to Cheng Zhi: "Give me paper and pen."

Cheng Zhi immediately took out a pen and paper, and Shen Lang wrote something on it and handed it to Cheng Zhi: "Follow the above prescription and prepare the medicine twice in the morning and evening until Su Ruoxue recovers. By the way, Su Ruoxue was transferred to the top ward. "

"Yes, yes!" Cheng Zhi nodded repeatedly.

Looking at the pharmacy, Cheng Zhi was a little confused. He had never seen this kind of Chinese medicine prescription in thirty years of practicing medicine. The ingredients were not complicated and not very precious, but the quantity was too much. This combination method was really Unheard of.

But taking a closer look, there was a secret to this prescription. Cheng Zhi frowned and began to think about it.

Seeing Cheng Zhi's expression, a group of doctors also came forward and looked at the pharmacy, and started talking in various directions.

Shen Lang walked to the seat outside the emergency room and sat down.

Seeing Shen Lang's face pale, Bai Qingyu frowned and said, "Are you seriously injured?"

Shen Lang sneered: "If you try to stab me now, I promise you won't be able to fight back."

"You...hum, you are too capable, I don't dare to stab you!"

Bai Qingyu snorted, this man's ability was not only great, it could be described as unbelievable! And it’s lawless!

"But I'm warning you. Shen Lang, after killing so many people this time, no one can save you." Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth.

Shen Lang was too lazy to explain anything. Seeing Liu Xiaoxiao lying in Bai Qingyu's arms, Shen Lang frowned and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"I heard that you killed someone. Miss Liu was hit so hard that she fainted." Bai Qingyu turned her head away and said in a cold tone.

Not long after, Yang Hu also arrived at the hospital. He sneaked out. The matter was so big that soon all the fingers would be pointed at Shen Lang. Yang Hu was so worried that he wanted to come over and ask the instructor what to do.

"Director, why are you here?" Seeing Yang Hu striding towards the emergency room, Bai Qingyu stood up immediately.

Yang Hu looked in a hurry and ignored Bai Qingyu's words. He hurriedly asked Shen Lang: "Instructor, based on your status, the Luo family should not dare to touch you, but how should we handle this matter?"

"Teach...instructor?" Bai Qingyu was stunned. This was the first time she heard Yang Hu call Shen Lang that way.

Yang Hu spilled the beans for a moment, but he couldn't care about so much right now.

"Humph, it's very simple. Please tell the Luo family for me. If you want Luo Tianyao to live, let them beg me." Shen Lang said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Qingyu was stunned.

Yang Hu was also stunned and said in a panic: "Instructor, what time is this? Don't be kidding!"

"It's a joke on your sister! Just do as I say. If it's a joke, you'll know soon." Shen Lang snorted.

"This... okay, instructor, don't worry, I will definitely help you with all my strength." Yang Hu was full of doubts, but he still agreed.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face changed color, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Director, Shen Lang has killed so many people, do you still want to protect him? You should report it to your superiors to handle Shen Lang's matter."

"The instructor must have his reasons for doing this." Yang Hu said solemnly. In fact, Yang Hu didn't agree with Shen Lang killing people at will.

"What's the point? Is it okay to kill someone if there is a reason? Director Yang, if you dare to protect Shen Lang, I will report it to my superiors myself!" Bai Qingyu snorted.

Yang Hu was furious: "Bai Qingyu, do you know how much contribution the instructor has made to China and how much blood and sweat he has put in?"

Bai Qingyu's pretty face froze, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I don't care what contribution he made, after all, he killed so many people, he should be punished by law!"

Yang Hu hummed: "I don't think so!"

"You two, stop arguing!" Shen Lang shouted irritably.

Bai Qingyu and Yang Hu were silent.

"There is one last thing I want to ask of you." Shen Lang's breathing became a little rapid.

"Instructor, if you have anything to say, just tell me!" Yang Hu said hurriedly.

"Protect Su Ruoxue. Ahem..."

After saying this, Shen Lang coughed violently, a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth, his vision went dark, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Bai Qingyu beside her hurriedly helped Shen Lang up, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She had noticed that Shen Lang's expression was getting worse and worse since just now, and she really couldn't hold on any longer.

"Shen Lang!"

"Instructor, what's wrong with you!"

Bai Qingyu and Yang Hu both changed their expressions.

"Call the doctor quickly, Shen Lang seems to be seriously injured."

Seeing the blood flowing from the corner of Shen Lang's mouth, Bai Qingyu bit her teeth. She didn't expect that there would be times when this man couldn't hold on.

Hisun Group Building.

"Team one and two, break into the top floor of the building first to protect Mr. Luo's safety."

Cheng Fei gave an order, and rows of fully armed armed police soldiers broke into the Hisheng Building neatly. Cheng Fei himself also rushed in with a team.

Obviously, the surrounding police and armed police gave Cheng Fei great confidence.

Cheng Fei felt that it was a fantasy for the gangsters to escape under so many gunpoints. No matter how powerful this guy is, he doesn't have the ability to do this, let alone threaten his own safety.

But as soon as he entered the building and saw the densely packed bloody corpses on the ground, Cheng Fei couldn't help but gasped.

It's unbelievable what kind of guy can do such a crazy move.

On the top floor, Cheng Fei and a group of armed police rushed into Luo Tianyao's luxury suite.

Seeing that the hall was full of corpses and blood, a group of armed policemen felt their scalps tingle when they saw this, and AK47 and other firearms were scattered all over the ground, stained with blood.

Cheng Fei narrowed his eyes, feeling an extremely bad premonition.

Focusing on a tall corpse, Cheng Fei strode over and opened it to take a look.


Cheng Fei sucked in a breath of cold air, this is Aaron's body!

Most of the head had been pierced through, and there were also filth such as brain pulp and eyeballs, which was horrible and disgusting.

A master of Aaron's level would be killed? Still dying so badly? Cheng Fei's face was ashen, and he couldn't imagine how tyrannical this gangster was.

"Chief, a person was found inside, still alive!" An armed policeman shouted.

"Where is it!" Cheng Fei ran over immediately.

When he got to the bedroom inside, Cheng Fei found that Luo Tianyao, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, was incontinent, and the room was filled with a bad smell.

"Luo...Mr. Luo!" Cheng Fei was startled, and hurried forward to help Luo Tianyao up.

Luo Tianyao's legs were bloody and bloody, and he was still in a coma.

"Hurry up and send Mr. Luo for treatment!"


Two armed policemen carefully carried Luo Tianyao out.

"Search for me! Be sure to find the culprit for me!"

Cheng Fei yelled, panicked in his heart, if Luo Yan knew about this, he would definitely be furious.

Now there is an urgent need for that gangster named Shen Lang to subdue the law and give an explanation to Chief of Staff Luo.

A large number of armed police began to search Hisun Building.

The first floor was not found.

The second floor was not found.

I didn't find it all the way to the top floor.

In the past half an hour, not a hair was found.

"Impossible, could it be that the gangster has grown wings?"

Cheng Fei panicked, where could this gangster go?

"Report to the chief, the surveillance video has been tuned up!" A voice came from the pager in Cheng Fei's hand.

Cheng Fei's eyes lit up. The Hisun Group has surveillance cameras all over the place, so they will definitely be able to find out something.

In the surveillance room, Cheng Fei watched the surveillance video, and his expression changed drastically.

"It's that kid!"

Cheng Fei couldn't help but yelled, "Damn it, he was tricked once." The person under surveillance is not Shen Lang who was taken away by Bai Qingyu. (to be continued)

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