Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 146 Humanoid Weapon

Ah Dao immediately said: "I also suspected before that this person is not a blood killer at all. There are many blood killers who admire and imitate him and imitate willow leaf flying knives as hidden weapons. If the identity of this person named Shen is really the instructor of the Longteng Group, then this person must be There is no doubt about Blood Kill. Perhaps Blood Kill’s strength has declined due to some reasons of its own.”

Luo Ye and Luo Yan were silent, as if on pins and needles. They didn't expect that the Luo family would encounter such an evil star.

"Chief of Staff Luo, don't worry too much. In my opinion, if the blood killing strength has dropped like this, it is most likely that the breakthrough has failed and the realm has fallen again. Otherwise, it would not be so weak. Once a martial artist falls to the realm, he will never be able to do it again." Those who become stronger will stop here in their lifetime." Ah Dao said.

Although Shen Lang in the video is also very powerful, he is far from the terrifying level of bloodshed. Ranking seventh in the world is no joke, being at that level is no different from a humanoid weapon.

After listening to Ah Dao's words, Luo Ye and Luo Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but their expressions were still not good-looking.

Even so, it is still too difficult for the Luo family to deal with this kid. Even if it can be dealt with, the price to pay is too high. The key is that this guy also has the identity of an instructor of the Dragon Group and the Earth Group.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Mr. Luo, this is the report just sent from the hospital!" A man in a suit walked in and handed over some printing papers.

Luo Ye took it and looked at it with trembling hands, and couldn't help but trembled all over.

"Father, God...Tianyao's leg is broken!" Luo Ye's face was ashen and his voice was trembling.

Luo Yan immediately received the report and rushed over to take a look, and almost fainted.

Luo Tianyao's kneecaps in both legs were completely shattered and his lower body was paralyzed.

Since ancient times, the Luo family has inherited physical defects, that is, infertility. The family heads in the past generations have only had one heir at most.

Now Luo Tianyao not only has his lower body disabled, but also his body is paralyzed. For the Luo family, it is undoubtedly a thunderbolt.

Luo Ye and Luo Yan collapsed on the sofa in despair. They seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and their hearts were bleeding.

Ah Dao stepped forward and said, "Chief of Staff Luo, I know a miracle doctor. He...maybe able to cure Master Luo's leg."

Upon hearing this, Luo Ye and Luo Yan immediately stood up.

"Is it true? Who is the miracle doctor?" Luo Yan asked excitedly.

"He is an expert from outside the world, but it is difficult to hire this miracle doctor. Chief of Staff Luo, you need to go there in person. And it may cost a lot of money to hire this miracle doctor," Ah Dao said.

"As long as we can save Tianyao, spending money is nothing!" Luo Yan shouted.

"Okay, then I will find a way to contact this miracle doctor now." Ah Dao said quickly.

Luo Yan and Luo Ye never thought that they would be played like this by a boy. The Luo family was extinct, which was already a huge tragedy for them. If Luo Tianyao was paralyzed, their Luo family would probably be doomed.

Unfortunately, bad news came soon.

That night, Luo Tianyao suddenly started yelling like crazy in the hospital.

Shen Langxia's syphilis poison had already taken effect. Luo Tianyao's meridians all over his body were bulging, as if his whole body was being eaten by thousands of ants, and he was in pain.

The maniacal appearance frightened the doctor. Luo Ye and Luo Yan got the news immediately. They were very worried. They contacted famous doctors everywhere and were very busy.

Two o'clock in the morning.

An intensive care unit in the First People's Hospital.

Shen Lang was lying unconscious on the hospital bed. Liu Xiaoxiao, who had been taking care of Shen Lang all night, fell with his head on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

at this time.

A figure flashed outside the window and entered the ward quietly.

A slender jade hand stretched out from the dark night. The tips of the fingers were like bamboo shoots. They were extremely white and beautiful. The jade hand put a red pill into Shen Lang's mouth.

After doing this, the beautiful shadow in the dark night disappeared in an instant.

On the outskirts of Beijing City, a very tall modern building stands abruptly in a green grassy area. The entire high-rise building is black crystal-like in color, dazzling but not dazzling, giving it a sense of heaviness and high-tech magnificence.

This is the Longteng headquarters office building, which is equivalent to Longteng's general command base. The defense measures are watertight. There are three military bases, underground strategic missile launch bases, and various advanced defense systems in the surrounding areas. There are also large and small power supply stations in the surrounding suburbs.

In the lobby on a certain floor of the building.

An old man with gray hair and a suit was sitting at his desk with a cold and gloomy expression, as if someone owed him money.

"Team Leader Zhu, what is your opinion on the matter of bloodshed?" A middle-aged man in military uniform asked from below.

The old man's eyes were gloomy and he said: "It has been more than a year since the bloody murder was silenced and I have been looking for traces. This time I finally appeared... Well, it would be a pity if this kind of person cannot be used by our country."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "Team Leader Zhu, why don't you let me lobby for bloodshed?"

The old man nodded and said: "You have never been exposed to blood killing. Be careful. This young man has a very violent temper. Just speak kindly and don't use words to provoke him. Although he has escaped from Longteng, don't forget him. His master is the Sword Emperor! His junior sister is also a very dangerous person."


Five days later.

Shen Lang finally woke up from his coma, his brain was dizzy and his eyes were stinging.

It seems to be morning, and the sky has just dawned.

Shen Lang took a deep breath. The morning air was very fresh. There was still a slight tingling in his heart and lungs, but it would no longer affect his body.

Looking around, he seemed to be in an intensive care unit.

Shen Lang closed his eyes, and found that the true energy in his body had stabilized! Of course, it is still in a bottleneck state. It has reached its peak and can break through at any time.

How is this going? There was a trace of surprise in Shen Lang's eyes, the true energy in his body was not restless, it seemed to be completely suppressed?

Logically speaking, the effect of the fire toad's blood should have disappeared long ago.

Although Shen Lang was indeed a little irritable before, his reason is still there. Before he fell into a coma, his body had also stretched to the limit, but he still had a breath of true energy, which was enough to last for about a month.

Shen Lang planned to rush to the old man's place to make a breakthrough after solving the Luo family's matter, so there should be time.

But now his body miraculously healed, and his breathing was very stable, which made Shen Lang a little confused.

Out of the corner of Shen Lang's eyes, Shen Lang suddenly glanced at his white thigh that was exposed beside his bed, and his heart shuddered.

Attached to the front, I saw Liu Xiaoxiao sleeping on the ground with a blanket in her arms, looking a little pitiful.

Shen Lang couldn't help laughing, and there was a hint of warmth in his heart.

Liu Xiaoxiao has been taking care of Shen Lang for the past few days, and slept in the nursing chair last night with a blanket covering her body. However, this beautiful girl has a habit of sleeping naked, and she was a little uncomfortable wearing it, and she rolled onto the ground when she fell asleep. (to be continued)

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