Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 147 Awakening

Shen Lang squatted down and was about to wake up Liu Xiaoxiao. As soon as his hand touched her shoulder, Liu Xiaoxiao made a squeaking sound in her mouth and turned sideways.

It's okay if it doesn't turn. This time, Shen Lang's hand couldn't help but press on a soft and elastic place.

Liu Xiaoxiao was wearing a shirt. The top was pulled up to her chest, and you could see the white, tender and round skin inside. The lace underwear outlined a white and alluring deep groove. Shen Lang's hand happened to press on a round place.

This sudden scene shocked Shen Lang and made him sober.

Tsk tsk, is it really okay to seduce yourself so openly?

Shen Lang was about to wake up this little beauty.

Unfortunately, after Liu Xiaoxiao turned over, she felt cold all over. She rubbed her eyes and woke up.

Seeing someone's big hands pressing on her chest, Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly jumped up from the ground and screamed.


Shen Lang was shocked.

"You! You, you, you!" Liu Xiaoxiao took a step back and pointed at Shen Lang. She was speechless as if she had been frightened by something serious.

Shen Lang thought Liu Xiaoxiao was struggling with his hand pressing on her breast, so he hurriedly explained: "I...I didn't mean it just now, don't get me wrong."

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaoxiao didn't get angry or curse, and just threw herself into Shen Lang's arms.

The fragrant wind blew against Shen Lang's face, which was a bit unexpected.

Liu Xiaoxiao burst into tears in Shen Lang's arms, tugged on Shen Lang's clothes and sobbed: "You finally woke up! Wuwu~~~, I was worried that you wouldn't wake up. I'm a big fool, I hurt you. And Xueer!”

"This matter has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself." Shen Lang frowned.

"Who said it doesn't matter? If something happens to you and Xiaoxue, I will never forgive myself in my life." Liu Xiaoxiao cried.

Seeing the girl in his arms shed tears, she was so silly and cute, Shen Lang's heart moved slightly, few people in this world really cared about him.

"Okay Xiaoxiao, am I okay? If you don't mind if I eat your tofu for a while, you can continue to hold me." Shen Lang said with a slightly teasing smile.


Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face turned red, and she pushed Shen Lang's chest away in embarrassment. There were tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, and she looked very charming.

"Oh!" Shen Lang covered his chest and frowned slightly. The hidden illness caused by the Seven Injury Fist had not disappeared yet, and there was a tingling sensation in his heart and lungs.

Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly panicked, forgetting that Shen Lang had just woken up and his injuries must not have healed yet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Are you in pain?" Liu Xiaoxiao looked panicked and hurriedly rubbed Shen Lang's chest with her little hands.

"It's okay." Shen Lang waved his hand.

"You just woke up, you are not allowed to get out of bed, go to bed and rest quickly!"

Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly helped Shen Lang onto the hospital bed, covered him with a quilt, and brought him a cup of hot water.

Shen Lang took the hot water and asked, "How is Xiao Xue'er?"

"She recovered very quickly, and the doctors said it was a miracle! She has recovered from such a serious injury, and there are no sequelae. She has woken up, but she should still be sleeping at this time." Liu Xiaoxiao said, enduring He couldn't help but look at Shen Lang a few more times.

Maybe to others, Shen Lang is a murderer, but Liu Xiaoxiao knows what this man is thinking. For Su Ruoxue, Shen Lang could actually do such a crazy thing.

Liu Xiaoxiao originally thought that Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue were just fighting and having a little ambiguity, and maybe they had real feelings. But she didn't expect that Su Ruoxue's position in Shen Lang's heart would be so high.

According to Dr. Cheng Zhi, Su Ruoxue's life was completely saved by Shen Lang single-handedly. From Dr. Cheng Zhi's tone, one can clearly hear his admiration for Shen Lang. Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't imagine that Shen Lang's medical skills were so unfathomable. How mysterious could this man be?

Knowing that Su Ruoxue was fine, Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How many days have I been in coma?"

"Five days." Liu Xiaoxiao replied.

Shen Lang was a little surprised. According to his injuries, he should have been in a coma for at least more than a week. No, Su Ruoxue's recovery from her injuries was not that exaggerated.

How could two people recover so quickly like chicken blood? Shen Lang thought something was wrong.

"Xiaoxue... she has been crying since she woke up after knowing about you..." Liu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth.

"I'll go check on her." Shen Lang pulled out the IV needle and walked out of bed.

Liu Xiaoxiao was anxious: "Shen Lang, you just woke up, don't get out of bed..."

"It's okay, I know my body best." Shen Lang moved his stiff limbs, and his strength slowly surged up, and he was in good condition.

Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face was a little startled. This guy's health must be too good. He was still alive and kicking after being in a coma for so many days. But Shen Lang finally woke up, and Liu Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Ruoxue is in the ward next door. They are so close that it is convenient for them to visit each other.

"Come, Miss Su, drink this red date porridge quickly." In the ward, a female nurse brought a bowl of red date porridge, stirring it and blowing gently with her small mouth.

"I won't eat." Su Ruoxue turned her head to one side.

Seeing Su Ruoxue's red and swollen eyes, the young female nurse hesitated.

"How is Shen Lang doing?"

Su Ruoxue has asked this question countless times, and the nurse replied with a smile: "Miss Su, don't worry, Mr. Shen will be fine. Dr. Cheng Zhi said that he is in good health and has been recovering for the past few days. will wake up."

Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth, her nose was a little sore, she sobbed softly: "Why is he so stupid, is a stupid woman like me worth his hard work? Idiot..."

"Miss Su, don't be sad."

Su Ruoxue was still wiping away tears.

At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and Shen Lang walked in quickly.

The female nurse was taken aback for a moment, and Su Ruoxue looked at Shen Lang in a daze, her face full of shock.

"How's your body feeling?" Shen Lang hurried forward and asked Su Ruoxue.

"Shen Lang, is that you? Or am I dazzled!" Su Ruoxue rubbed her eyes hastily, her voice trembling.

"Can I still have fakes?" Shen Lang patted Su Ruoxue's head with a smile.

"When did you wake up?" Su Ruoxue exclaimed.

Shen Lang smiled: "Just now."

Su Ruoxue's eyes were red, she couldn't control it anymore, she got strength from where she came from, she stood up from the hospital bed, and rushed towards Shen Lang as fast as she could.

Shen Lang took advantage of the situation and hugged Su Ruoxue, the fragrant wind hit her face, and the woman's body was soft and elastic.

"Shen Lang..." Su Ruoxue called the man's name, tears poured out like a flood bursting a bank.

It's all my fault for getting him involved, originally Shen Lang could stay out of the matter, but now he got into such a big trouble.

I thought that Shen Lang was just fulfilling his duty as a bodyguard to protect him, and maybe he had a good impression of him, but he didn't expect that this man would be willing to do such a stupid thing for him at this juncture.

Su Ruoxue couldn't imagine what kind of courage it would take. This man had always buried his heart in his heart.

He has no power or power, he can only help her in a violent and dangerous way, what a fool...

Su Ruoxue's eyes were scorching hot, tears flooded her, and her heart hurt like a knife. (to be continued)

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