Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 149 I Can't Cure This Disease

Shen Lang kissed Su Ruoxue's red lips, and the burning fragrance soon spread.

"Hmm..." Su Ruoxue hugged Shen Lang with her arms and let out a soft moan.

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the ward, and the two of them were startled.

"Xiao Lang, Xue'er, is it convenient for me to come in?" A voice came from outside the door.

"It's grandpa!" Su Ruoxue was so frightened that she pushed Shen Lang away, blushing and hurriedly tidying up her messy hair, like a little girl who had done something wrong.

Shen Lang felt a little pity that he didn't even have time to feel it properly.

He stepped forward and opened the door.

"Grandpa Su." Shen Lang smiled.

Su Yunshan immediately stepped forward, pressed his hands heavily on Shen Lang's shoulders, and said excitedly: "As long as it's okay, it's okay!"

"Grandpa Su, come in and talk." Shen Lang let Su Yunshan into the room, and bodyguard A Fei followed behind him.

"Xue'er, how are you feeling?" Su Yunshan sat beside the hospital bed and asked hurriedly.

Su Ruoxue nodded and said: "Grandpa, don't worry, my body is almost healed and I can get out of bed and move around now."

"Well, you scared me, an old man, to death. Grandpa is useless and can't help you." Su Yunshan said sadly.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "Grandpa Su, don't worry. Isn't everything fine now?"

A Fei on the side couldn't help but look at Shen Lang a few more times. He knew Shen Lang's deeds. This young man was really unfathomable.

Su Yunshan nodded solemnly. Although he knew Shen Lang's abilities early on, this incident was so thrilling that Su Yunshan still has lingering fears.

After talking for a while, Su Yunshan left the ward.

Shen Lang fed Su Ruoxue a bowl of red date porridge, gently stroked Su Ruoxue's hair, and whispered: "Okay, Xiaoxue, have a good rest and don't think too much."

"Well, you should have a good rest, you just woke up." Su Ruoxue smiled.

Shen Lang nodded, stood up and left the ward.

A group of people had gathered outside the ward, including the hospital director and several doctors.

"Mr. Shen Lang, you finally woke up." Cheng Zhi said with concern.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "Your name is Cheng Zhi, thank you for taking care of Su Ruoxue for me."

Cheng Zhi waved his hand hurriedly: "No, no, no, this is all your fault. I just did it according to your method."

Su Ruoxue was treated by Dr. Cheng Zhi. She took the medicine according to Shen Lang's prescription. Su Ruoxue's injury recovered within a few days. It was simply a miracle in the medical field! The director of the hospital was alarmed, and Cheng Zhi admired Shen Lang.

"Doctor Shen, your medical skills are simply amazing. Can you share with us your views on traditional Chinese medicine when you have time?" The gray-haired dean stepped forward and said.

"You don't know me, go ahead!" Shen Lang snorted.

"Uh..." The dean was embarrassed for a moment. The master's temperament was indeed different.

"Miss Su is resting, no one should disturb her!" Shen Lang shouted.

"Okay, okay, everyone, please disperse. Don't bother Mr. Shen Lang. He also needs to rest!" Cheng Zhi said loudly.

After Xixi yelled, a group of doctors left the corridor.

"Shen Lang, the company still has a lot of things to deal with. I'm going to the company first." Liu Xiaoxiao said to Shen Lang.

"Xiaoxiao, I've really troubled you during this period." Shen Lang sighed.

During the time when Su Ruoxue was hospitalized, Liu Xiaoxiao took care of everything of Lingya International. He had to come to the hospital every morning and evening to take care of Su Ruoxue and Shen Lang. You can imagine how tiring it was.

"It's okay." Liu Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head.

Bai Qingyu also arrived at the hospital, carrying a lot of condolences in her hands.

Seeing Shen Lang walking around lively outside the ward, Bai Qingyu was stunned and couldn't help shouting: "You...are you up?"

Shen Lang glanced at Bai Qingyu and smiled: "Why can't I get up?"

"Is your injury... healed?" Bai Qingyu asked in a daze.

"Yes." Shen Lang nodded and continued: "You came just in time. I want to ask you something."

"Hmph, I will answer your question, but from now on, please don't treat me as your acquaintance!" Bai Qingyu snorted coldly. Ever since the incident that happened before, she felt particularly disgusted with Shen Lang's behavior.

But facing this man, she always felt weaker.

"Whatever you think." Shen Lang shrugged.

Arriving at a secluded office in the hospital, Shen Lang asked some questions from Bai Qingyu.

Shen Lang's crime was reported to the Military Commission a few days ago.

It was heard that the former instructor of the Longtengdi Group who had disappeared suddenly appeared in Huahai City, Dongjiang Province, causing an uproar among the top military officials.

The military immediately notified government departments and blocked information everywhere.

Although Shen Lang's identity is extremely unusual, more than a hundred people died at the hands of Shen Lang in this Hisun Tower incident! It's an extremely bad incident.

Furthermore, the Luo family added fuel to the fire and lobbied in many ways in an attempt to increase Shen Lang's charges.

The Military Commission held a meeting to discuss how to deal with Shen Lang's matter. It took a few days before the result was reached.

Only then did Yang Hu know that Shen Lang had left Longteng a year ago. He had a premonition that something was not good. Since Shen Lang was not an instructor of Longteng now, it would be difficult to escape unscathed after committing such a big thing this time.

But Shen Lang naturally has his own ideas. He is a smart man, so why wouldn't he leave a way out for himself?

Shen Lang thought that after so many days, the Luo family should send someone here.

Haijiang International Building.

In someone's high-class private ward.

Luo Tianyao was tightly tied to the hospital bed, his eyes were bloodshot and he yelled loudly, and the blood vessels all over his body were protruding, making him look extremely hideous and terrifying.

The syphilis poisoning had already occurred, and the effect was so strong that it was a heinous state.

Seeing Luo Tianyao in great pain, Luo Ye and Luo Yan beside him were heartbroken.

"Doctor Yin Jiu, is there really no cure for my son's illness?" Luo Ye asked eagerly to a feminine old man next to him.

On the seat on one side of the ward, sat an old man with a soft breath. The old man was wearing a retro robe and a black round hat, looking like he was engaged in art.

But this old man is not an artist, he is a miracle doctor, Yin Jiu, hired by the Luo family with a lot of money.

"There are only a handful of people in this world who have better medical skills than me. I have never heard of the poisonous old man among my sons. The technique is a bit like... Cough, anyway, I can't cure this disease!"

Yin Jiu's eyes were narrowed, her voice was very hoarse and soft, which made people sound uncomfortable.

"Genius doctor, as long as you can save my grandson, I can give you whatever you want!" Luo Yan said hurriedly.

"If it can't be cured, it can't be cured! If you really want to save your grandson, go find the poisoner."

Yin Jiu snorted coldly, and walked out of the private ward with her hands behind her back.

Luo Ye and Luo Yan's faces were completely frozen, even Yin Jiu was at a loss what to do. Could it be that they could only beg Shen Lang? (to be continued)

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