Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 150 You’ve done something serious

"Father, what... what should I do?" Luo Ye asked.

"Let me think about it!" Luo Yan gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

If things go on like this, if Luo Tianyao doesn't give treatment, he will be tortured to death in pain. Looking at Luo Tianyao's pained expression, Luo Yan's heart is bleeding.

Luo Yan knew that this was a trick played by Shen Lang, no wonder this kid went to Hisun Group and didn't kill Luo Tianyao. In addition, Yang Hu told them a word on behalf of Shen Lang, if he wanted to save his grandson, he went to beg him.

"There is no other way to do things, this surname Shen really has a good plan!" Luo Yan gritted his teeth.

Zhou Bin walked out of the building of the Second People's Hospital with a bandage wrapped around his head.

The last time he met Shen Lang and Bai Qingyu at the dinner party, he was knocked unconscious by a wine bottle from Shen Lang, and Zhou Bin almost suffered a concussion.

After several days of recuperating in the hospital, Zhou Bin was finally discharged today.

Although the injury on his head was fine, Zhou Bin was so angry that his head was about to explode!

As the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, no one had dared to beat him before, and Shen Lang was the first!

Zhou Bin's face was ferocious, he wished he could shoot that kid, and while he was angry, he also had some doubts about Shen Lang's identity.

Zhou Bin is not stupid, even Li Fei is respectful to Shen Lang, is this kid some kind of character?

No matter what kind of person he is, daring to hit him with a beer bottle is too fucking insane. His majestic deputy director has never suffered such a crime!

This is definitely the most unbearable stain on him since he became an official.

Zhou Bin immediately decided to deal with that boy named Shen Lang!

Just at this moment, a phone call came suddenly.

"Who is it!" Zhou Bin picked up his phone and yelled angrily.

"Director Zhou, I'm Cheng Fei, Captain of the Municipal Armed Police Detachment." A deep voice came from the phone.

Zhou Bin shivered all over, and immediately apologized with a smile: "It turned out to be Colonel Cheng, hello, hello, I lost control of my emotions just now, please Colonel Cheng don't care. May I ask why Colonel Cheng called me?"

Cheng Fei, with the rank of colonel, is a cadre at the regimental level, so he is naturally much higher than Zhou Bin in terms of position, Zhou Bin dare not neglect.

Zhou Bin also had to lower his status in front of Cheng Fei, clinging to Cheng Fei's relationship was of great importance to his fortune in wealth and official career.

Cheng Fei coughed and said, "Then I'll get straight to the point, this time I have something I want to ask Director Zhou for help."

"Hey, Colonel Cheng is too out of touch, as long as someone from Zhou can help me, I will do my best!" Zhou Bin coquettishly said.

"Zhou... Does Director Zhou know anything about Hisun Group?" Cheng Fei asked tentatively.

"What's the matter with Hisun Group?" Zhou Bin asked curiously.

"It's all right." Cheng Fei immediately coughed and said, "It's President Luo Tianyao of Hisun Group, you know, right? President Luo's grandfather is Chief of Staff Luo Yan."

"I know that." Zhou Bin responded quickly.

Luo Tianyao is the heir of the Luo family. The power of the Luo family is not only in Huahai City, but also deeply rooted in the entire Dongjiang Province. It has penetrated into various industries and has a deep background. As for Chief of Staff Luo Yan, it's even more NB...it's not his level of faculties.

"It's like this. A few days ago, a man named Shen Lang killed Luo Tianyao's bodyguard and injured Mr. Luo Tianyao. I can provide you with Shen Lang's current residence. You can send someone to control him. Take him to the Nancheng Sub-bureau, and you tell Shen Lang by the way, Chief of Staff Luo will go over to interrogate him in person immediately." Cheng Fei said quickly.

Zhou Bin was taken aback, could it be that Shen Lang who hit himself with a wine bottle?

He didn't ask too much, just kidding, the person Chief of Staff Luo wanted to personally interrogate must be of great importance, Zhou Bin didn't dare to neglect.

Cheng Fei added embellishments and added: "Originally, this matter was ordered by Chief of Staff Luo himself. I have urgent matters here, and I can't handle it myself, so I leave it to you. After the matter is completed, I will be with President Luo I will give you a few good words in front of the Chief of Staff."

Zhou Bin was immediately elated, and quickly said, "Okay Colonel Cheng, I'll send someone to arrest him right away."

Cheng Fei told Zhou Bin the detailed address of Shen Lang's current hospital on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This matter was indeed handled by Luo Yan, and he was asked to go to the hospital to control Shen Lang, escort him back to the police station, and wait for Luo Yan to interrogate himself.

Cheng Fei was worried that Shen Lang would not cooperate obediently, but Luo Yan insisted that Shen Lang would definitely cooperate, and told Cheng Fei to act quickly.

Thinking of Shen Lang's violent behavior, Cheng Fei's scalp became numb, and even with all his guts, he didn't dare to catch this kind of explosive guy himself, but it's a pity that this is an order.

Hearing that Zhou Bin, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, was hospitalized these days, Cheng Fei came up with this idea and asked Zhou Bin to arrest him. As for whether Zhou Bin will be pushed into the fire pit, that's none of his business.

Zhou Bin didn't know that he was tricked by Cheng Fei. He was knocked unconscious by a wine bottle from Shen Lang before, and he was hospitalized for a few days without knowing what happened to Hisun Group at all.

Yang Hu also strictly forbade his subordinates to discuss that matter, Zhou Bin has been kept in the dark so far.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Bin immediately sent some policemen to the hospital to arrest him.

It was almost noon, Zhou Bin took seven or eight policemen to the First People's Hospital, and found Shen Lang's ward.

Shen Lang changed into sportswear and was doing push-ups in the ward, moving his stiff body.

Seeing the police entered the ward, Shen Lang immediately stood up.

"Tsk tsk, it's really a narrow road to the enemy. I didn't expect it to be you?" Zhou Bin immediately showed a violent smile when he saw Shen Lang.

Zhou Bin sneered secretly in his heart, just when he was thinking about how to deal with you kid, you actually sent him to your door! Then don't blame me for being cruel!

"Why are you?" Shen Lang frowned, he thought Luo Yan and Luo Ye would come in person, so why did you send this guy over?

"It's me! Hmph, Shen, you've committed a serious crime. Let's see how long you can keep jumping!" Zhou Bin said with a sinister grin.

Shen Lang said: "Did Luo Yan ask you to come here?"

Zhou Bin's face changed slightly: "How do you know that Chief of Staff Luo gave the order?"

Shen Lang looked at the bandages wrapped around Zhou Bin's head, and wondered if there was something wrong with his head.

"Okay, where is Luo Yan?" Shen Lang didn't bother to talk nonsense, and asked directly.

"You dare to call Chief of Staff Luo's name directly. You are quite courageous. Follow me obediently to the police station. Chief of Staff Luo will interrogate you himself later!" Zhou Bin said arrogantly.

Shen Lang really didn't know what arrogance this guy had, so he simply said: "Okay, I'll go to the police station and wait for Luo Yan now."

Seeing Shen Lang's cooperation, Zhou Bin was a little puzzled, and didn't bother to think too much. Since Shen Lang fell into his own hands, he must take the opportunity to deal with this kid.

"Take it away!" Zhou Bin ordered to the policeman beside him.

Two police officers quickly stepped forward, grabbed the handcuffs and handcuffed Shen Lang's hands. (to be continued)

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