Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 153 No one can mess with me

Shen Lang's attack was really serious. Assaulting the police is also considered a crime. Bai Qingyu watched the surveillance video, and it was indeed Zhou Bin who provoked Shen Lang first.

It's not good for Zhou Bin to mess with anyone, but he just messed with this guy, asking for trouble.

Not long after, Liu Xiaoxiao and Su Yunshan also arrived at the Nancheng branch.

Seeing that Shen Lang was safe and sound, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing that Luo Yan was coming to interrogate Shen Lang, Su Yunshan's face became a little ugly, and he said quickly: "Xiao Lang, Luo Yan, an old and cunning guy, has a high position and authority, so don't make any impulsive actions."

"I know how to measure." Shen Lang nodded.

With his current half-toned strength, although it would be difficult to confront the entire Luo family, there is no need to be afraid of anything.

Liu Xiaoxiao was a little worried, but she didn't know what to say, and it took her a long time to say: "Shen Lang, I'm driving here, and I'll take you back to the hospital when you come out."

Seeing Liu Xiaoxiao's timid expression, Shen Lang felt a little funny: "Okay."

After a while, Yang Hu also came to the Nancheng Sub-bureau, looking very hurried.

Yang Hu got the news that Luo Yan was coming.

This time Luo Yan did not come for interrogation, but simply wanted to see Shen Lang. This made Yang Hu a little puzzled.

Originally, Luo Yan asked Cheng Fei to control Shen Lang and escort him to the Nancheng branch.

But it is estimated that Luo Yan would not have imagined that Cheng Fei was afraid and gave Zhou Bin this job. Zhou Bin misunderstood Cheng Fei's meaning again, and took this opportunity to avenge his personal revenge, vainly trying to accuse Shen Lang, but was beaten up by Shen Lang.

It was sad to say Zhou Bin, just after he came out of the hospital, he was beaten into the hospital by Shen Lang again.

Bai Qingyu explained the situation to Yang Hu in detail, including the incident of Shen Lang beating Zhou Bin.

Yang Hu just turned a blind eye. He was also aware of Zhou Bin's activities for the Luo family. He was eager to pull Zhou Bin down, but he suffered from the lack of evidence and the obstruction of the Luo family. Hearing that Zhou Bin was beaten up by Shen Lang, Yang Hu felt refreshed.

Bai Qingyu was very unhappy, no matter whether it was Zhou Bin's fault or not, Shen Lang's open assault on the police would count as a crime. Bai Qingyu felt that Yang Hu was covering up Shen Lang every time, but he didn't bother to argue, anyway, Shen Lang Lang will be punished tomorrow.

In the interrogation room, Yang Hu said to Shen Lang: "Instructor, this Luo Yan is probably a bad person, be careful."

Shen Lang shrugged: "Hmph, Luo Yan is here to beg me this time."

"What's your dream in broad daylight? Luo Yan will give you a good face if you beat his grandson into a disabled person?" Bai Qingyu snorted.

"If you don't believe me, just wait and watch the show." Shen Lang said calmly, shaking his thigh.

Bai Qingyu and Yang Hu looked at each other, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Shen Lang's gourd?

About half an hour later, Luo Yan came with a large group of people, including Luo Ye and A Dao, accompanied by more than 30 special forces, and the momentum was huge.

Outside the gate of the police station, Liu Xiaoxiao and Su Yunshan couldn't help feeling flustered as they watched this scene.

"Hello, Chief of Staff Luo." Outside the gate, Yang Hu stepped forward and greeted Luo Yan calmly.

"Hmph!" Luo Yan glanced at Yang Hu, snorted heavily, and strode in, followed by a group of people walking into the police station.

When they arrived at the interrogation room, Luo Yan, Luo Ye, and A Dao walked in. Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu also walked into the interrogation room and stood aside.

The rest of the special forces were waiting outside the door.

In the interrogation room, Shen Lang was sitting on a chair with his legs on the interrogation table in front of him, looking arrogant and domineering.

Luo Yan and Luo Ye's expressions were a little ugly, and a hint of joking flashed across Shen Lang's face.

"Chief of Staff Luo Yanluo, there is no place for you here, so you can just stand. Of course, if you want to sit down, you can go there," Shen Langpi pointed to the iron fence where the suspect was held with a smile.

"How dare you be rude to Chief of Staff Luo!" Ah Dao yelled violently, and was about to step forward when Luo Yan stopped him with one hand.

Luo Yan's old face couldn't see any joy or anger, and he stared coldly at Shen Lang in front of him, his eyes were sharp and energetic, and he exuded an aura of someone who had been in a position for a long time.

If it were ordinary citizens, they would have already been overwhelmed by Luo Yan's huge authority, but the opponent is Shen Lang, and Luo Yan's coercion is useless.

After a while of silence, Luo Yan spoke: "Shen Lang, I am Luo Yan, and Luo Tianyao is my only grandson."

"He's your grandson, it's none of my business?" Shen Lang sneered.

"Shen Lang, do you dare to play tricks?" Luo Ye who was at the side couldn't help but roared loudly.

"Enough!" Luo Yan shouted loudly.

Luo Ye remained silent.

"Shen Lang, I came today to discuss something with you." Luo Yan tried his best to keep calm.

"What are you discussing?" Shen Romance said casually.

Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu on the side were a little dazed, what's the matter? Shouldn't Luo Yan hate Shen Lang to the bone?

Seeing Shen Lang's foolish look, Luo Yan's heart surged with fury. He has been in a high position all year round, and countless high-ranking officials have to be polite to him, even bow down. But I didn't expect to be despised by a kid today, so what if you are the instructor of Longteng? Now that they have left Long Teng, the Luo family fears you at most, not you!

It's just that Luo Yan thought of Luo Tianyao who was still in pain in the hospital, not to mention those bullshit experts in the hospital, even the genius doctor Yin Jiu was helpless against Luo Tianyao's poison.

The Luo family tried their best and sought help from a large number of famous doctors, but they couldn't save Luo Tianyao, and they couldn't even find a way to relieve Luo Tianyao's body pain.

With nothing to do, Luo Yan could only come to see Shen Lang.

"Shen Lang, we people don't speak dark words. I know that Tianyao's strange disease is caused by you. Although I don't know what method you used, as long as you can save Tianyao, I promise we will I don't blame you for the past, and I will never embarrass you again!" Luo Yan gritted his teeth and said.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the plot turned into this? Luo Yan is really begging Shen Lang!

"It's no wonder the instructor wanted to tell Luo Yan what he said before. It turns out that Shen Lang had already pinched the Luo family's neck, and had already set up a situation to let the Luo family jump in!" Yang Hu thought to himself. I admire the meticulous thought.

Bai Qingyu also turned pale with horror, this man not only has abnormal strength, but also abnormal psychology, his IQ is also abnormal! It turned out that there was already a way to deal with the Luo family.

"Luo Yan, what do you mean let bygones be bygones, your grandson is looking for death! No one can mess with me, if he dares to mess with me, he is looking for death!" Shen Lang's face turned cold.

Sensing Shen Lang's violent gaze, Luo Yan's heart trembled, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Lang, do you have to let Tianyao die?" (To be continued)

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