Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 154 Kneel Down

"The poison I applied will make people's flesh and blood feel like being eaten by ants. The pain is more severe than the oil pan under the Hob Mountain! This poison will also greatly stimulate the potential of the human body and keep people awake all the time. You won't faint from the pain, and you have to feel that hellish pain for 24 hours. Hahaha, Luo Tianyao must be very happy now!" Shen Lang laughed.

Seeing Shen Lang's savage smile, Luo Yan and Luo Ye were furious and their faces were ferocious.

"Shen Lang, as long as you can save Tianyao, I will try my best to satisfy you whatever you want!" Luo Yan said with a bulging vein on his forehead.

"Okay, then I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. I only have two requests." Shen Lang sneered.

"Which two requests?" Luo Ye asked hastily.

"First, the Luo family don't mess with me and the people around me." Shen Lang said indifferently.

"Yes!" Luo Yan immediately agreed, this request is not outrageous.

The corner of Shen Lang's mouth revealed a trace of teasing, and continued: "Second, kneel down and beg me!"


The faces of Luo Yan and Luo Ye changed drastically, revealing expressions of extreme rage.

Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu couldn't help but gasp.

This lunatic Shen Lang really dares to say anything!

Kneel down and beg him? I can't imagine that Luo Yan, who is high above him, would do such a humble thing to a junior.

At the side, Ah Dao's eyes were tearing apart. He had seen someone who was rampant, but he had never seen such a guy who was so rampant.

"What? You don't want to kneel down? Then your son should be tortured to death." Shen Lang crossed Erlang's legs and said calmly.

"Shen Lang! Don't bully me too much!!!" Luo Ye roared angrily.

"I'm deceiving people too much? It was your Luo family who provoked me first! Whoever dares to provoke me will die!" Shen Lang's eyes burst into light, he roared sharply, and landed heavily on the interrogation table.

With a loud "boom", the entire interrogation table collapsed and turned into countless sawdust.

Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu were startled.

Shen Lang stood up, and his temperament suddenly changed drastically. His eyes were full of fierceness, and his whole body exuded a strong and substantive evil spirit, which made Luo Ye and Luo Yan unable to breathe.

"If you don't kneel, Luo Tianyao will die, and you will die too!" The corner of Shen Lang's mouth twitched.

Luo Ye and Luo Yan finally showed frightened expressions, it was the first time they felt this kind of pressure as if facing an abyss, the man in front of them was like a ferocious beast that was baring its teeth and claws.

"Shen Lang, what do you want to do... Ugh!" Bai Qingyu roared in panic, but was gagged by Yang Hu who was beside him.

"Boy, you are courting death!" Ah Dao couldn't help shouting violently.

"What kind of trash character are you, worthy of calling me? Get lost!" Shen Lang glared fiercely at Ah Dao, exuding a real murderous aura from his whole body.

Ah Dao was weaker than Shen Lang, and his heart trembled. Although Ah Dao felt that Shen Lang should have been seriously injured, he was still not sure about killing Shen Lang.

The man in front of him was extremely domineering and unruly, and the awe-inspiring killing intent made both Luo Ye and Luo Yan tremble. They instinctively felt that Shen Lang was not joking.

"Shen Lang, if you dare to touch me, the Military Commission will definitely not let you go!" Luo Yan's old face was pale, and he threatened tremblingly.

"Kneel down!" Shen Lang walked forward step by step with a blank expression on his face.

Pressing every step of the way, the pressure was increasing, and Shen Lang in front of him was like a ferocious beast opening its mouth, about to swallow them in.

With a "plop", Luo Ye, unable to withstand the pressure, finally knelt down, trembling all over, with a look of humiliation on his face.

Luo Yan no longer had the aloof scenery of the past, his face was terrified, and he also knelt down.

Seeing the two generations of Luo family heads knelt down to Shen Lang, Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu felt their scalps go numb for a while.

Yang Hu's eyes shined brightly, these two villain leaders in Huahai City also have today? Shen Lang's tone was too beautiful.

Bai Qingyu felt that it ruined the three views. The combined age of Luo Ye and Luo Yan was six times that of Shen Lang. It was really a dramatic scene to kneel down to Shen Lang, a junior.

This scene made Bai Qingyu feel a little relieved, and felt that Shen Lang, a lunatic, was simply terrifying. It was unbelievable that Shen Lang, who was the same age as her, could have such great ability, and could force the two generations of Luo family heads to kneel down!


Looking at Luo Yan and Luo Ye who were kneeling on the ground with humiliated faces, Shen Lang smiled.

Sitting on the seat again, Shen Lang picked up a pen and paper, wrote a picture of pharmacy, crumpled it up and smashed it on Luo Yan's forehead.

"The prescription is that one. It's best to find all the ingredients on it quickly, otherwise don't blame me for your grandson's early death." Shen Lang said with a smile.

Luo Yan picked up the prescription in disgrace, and said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

The disheveled two quickly left the interrogation room, unable to raise their heads anymore, let alone look at Shen Lang. His dignity has been trampled on, and it is estimated that he will never be able to hold his head up in front of Shen Lang in the future.

Soon, Luo Yan left with a group of special forces.

Shen Lang stood up from his seat and said with a smile, "Okay, I should go too."

Both Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu had lingering fears. The scene just now was more thrilling than the scene of a gunfight.

"Instructor, someone from the Military Commission is coming tomorrow, you..."

Before Yang Hu could finish his sentence, Shen Lang interrupted: "If you come, come here. Am I afraid that if they eat me, I won't succeed?"

Bai Qingyu glanced at Shen Lang, snorted coldly, and left the interrogation room.

Yang Hu didn't say anything more, just gave a few instructions.

Walking out of the interrogation room, Shen Lang looked gloomy.

Shen Lang understands the principle of a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. It is not good to push the Luo family into a hurry. It will cause a lot of trouble. Shen Lang himself is not afraid, but he is worried that it will affect the people around him again.

This time, Luo Yan was slapped hard, and he was relieved, although it was not as good as killing him directly.

Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief. The Luo family should learn to behave this time, right? It shouldn't cause him any more trouble.

Outside the gate of Nancheng Public Security Bureau, seeing Shen Lang coming out, Liu Xiaoxiao and Su Yunshan hurriedly surrounded him.

"Xiaotian, are you okay?" Su Yunshan asked hurriedly.

Shen Lang smiled: "The matter has been resolved for the time being."

"The Luo family won't deal with you again?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Yeah." Shen Lang nodded.

Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it. When Luo Yan and Luo Ye came out just now, their faces seemed particularly ugly. She didn't know what Shen Lang said inside, which could actually make Luo Yan and Luo Ye lose their minds like that. (To be continued)

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