Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 155 A Blessing in Disguise

"By the way, Grandpa Su, during the few days when I was in a coma, did you find any strangers behaving abnormally around you?" Shen Lang asked suddenly.

Su Yunshan didn't know why Shen Lang asked this, he shook his head and said, "I didn't find it."

Shen Lang turned his gaze to A Fei, the bodyguard beside Su Yunshan, and asked, "Mr. A Fei, have you noticed?"

A Fei shook his head and said, "I've been by Master's side all the time, and I haven't found anyone suspicious."

Shen Lang nodded, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Xiao Lang, did you feel something?" Su Yunshan asked.

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "It's nothing, it may be my illusion."

He was very curious as to why his and Su Ruoxue's injuries recovered so quickly. He thought it was his junior sister who had come to Huahai City.

It was only later that Shen Lang learned from his master that his junior sister went to Qingfeng Mountain to perform a mission last week, and she probably still doesn't know what happened on her side until now.

Perhaps it was his own illusion, but Shen Lang didn't think too much about it.

After chatting for a few words, Shen Lang got into Liu Xiaoxiao's BMW X6 and left the police station.

"Shen Lang, are...are you alright?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked worriedly.

"I told you it's all right, you still don't believe me?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

"It's not that I don't believe it, am I worried about you? I beg you not to be so impulsive in the future!" Liu Xiaoxiao frowned.

Seeing Liu Xiaoxiao's serious expression, Shen Lang smiled lightly and said: "There are not many friends who can care about me, you count as one."


Liu Xiaoxiao held the steering wheel in her hands and remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

At the hospital, Su Ruoxue was already walking in the corridor with the support of a nurse, moving her body.

Seeing Shen Lang and Liu Xiaoxiao approaching, Su Ruoxue quickly asked: "Shen Lang, Xiaoxiao, where did you go just now?"

"We..." Liu Xiaoxiao was afraid that Su Ruoxue would be worried, so she didn't tell her about Shen Lang's arrest at the police station.

Shen Lang stepped forward to help Su Ruoxue up, and said with a smile: "It's a small matter, I'll tell you slowly."

"Okay." Su Ruoxue nodded slightly, seeing Liu Xiaoxiao's hesitant expression, she also guessed that something must have happened.

Shen Lang chatted with Su Ruoxue for a while, and told her what happened.

Su Ruoxue just nodded silently, she couldn't control Shen Lang's thoughts, she only hoped that he would be safe and not cause any more trouble.

The day passed quickly.

In the afternoon, Liu Xiaoxiao went home. After taking care of Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue in the hospital for several days, both of them are in good condition now and don't need much care.

At night, Shen Lang sat cross-legged on the hospital bed, continuing to suppress his true energy.

The zhenqi in the body tended to be stable, and a few weak air currents sprang out from the dantian occasionally.

Suppressing one's true energy does not mean lowering one's cultivation, but it is beneficial for future breakthroughs.

Before that, Shen Lang's dantian's true energy was close to saturation level, and he couldn't continue to suppress it. However, after waking up, the dantian seemed to expand a little bit, and the saturated zhenqi was under control, and it no longer felt like it was going to explode like before, but there was still room to suppress it.

This is of course a good thing, the more true energy contained in the dantian, the more concentrated the dantian true energy, the greater the probability of a successful breakthrough in the future. This is the truth of the so-called thick accumulation and thin hair.

Shen Lang was a little puzzled, why did his body change so much after he fell into a coma?

I'm too lazy to think about it, this time it's a blessing in disguise.

The current physical condition is very good, but the true energy in his dantian is still saturated. In other words, Shen Lang must break through before he can freely use his true energy, and he cannot display his true strength in a bottleneck state.

This is also the place where Shenzhao Jing cheats. To break through needs to disperse energy, to forcibly expand the meridians, and to use zhenqi under the bottleneck will easily cause restlessness in the dantian, and in severe cases, it may even explode and die!

But compared to before, the current situation is much better. At least Shen Lang can continue to persist for about two or three months without using his true energy.

Shen Lang continued to suppress his true energy, and the air currents surrounding his dantian immediately subsided a lot.

Gradually, beads of sweat oozed from Shen Lang's body. His physique belongs to fire, and every time he compresses the true energy in his dantian, he will always feel hot and dry all over his body.

Shen Lang took off his shirt and continued to meditate.

Early the next morning, a phone call woke Shen Lang up.

Shen Lang opened his eyes from his sleep, picked up the mobile phone by the table and looked, it was a familiar number.

"Junior Sister, I'm sorry, I haven't been in touch with you." Shen Lang said.

"Don't be embarrassed, I went to Qingfeng Mountain before, and you couldn't get in touch. I just found out about you from Longteng. Brother Lang, how is your health now?" Yi Lian asked urgently on the other end of the phone sound.

Shen Lang immediately said: "My body is fine, you don't have to worry."

"Don't be brave, you are about to break through now, you can't make any mistakes!" Yi Lian said hastily.

"Don't worry, little pity, I know how to measure." Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"Can you tell me what happened before?" Yi Lian asked on the phone.


Only for Yi Lian, Shen Lang didn't want to hide anything, he told all the things that happened before.

"Brother Lang, it seems that you are really in love with the CEO's fiancée." Yi Lian sighed softly, a trace of jealousy rose inexplicably in her heart.

Shen Lang did not deny it.

"Brother Lang, I don't want to interfere with your emotional matters, but I still need to remind you not to be influenced by hostility. Your breath is still very unstable, and too much killing may change your temperament drastically." Yes." Yi Lian said worriedly.

"I know."

After chatting for a few words, Shen Lang hung up the phone.

Just as he was about to get out of bed, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

"Come in!"

A girl in a blue dress stood outside the door. She had a petite figure and a fair face. She looked like a girl next door. The girl was Lin Caier, and she was carrying a bag in her hand.

"Sister Cai'er, why are you here?" Seeing that it was Lin Cai'er, Shen Lang couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Brother Lang, I heard that you woke up yesterday, so I came to see you before going to work...to visit President Su by the way. Are... are you in good health?" Lin Cai'er walked over quickly.

"You are almost in good health, and you can go to work in two days." Shen Lang smiled.

Just after dawn, Lin Caier rushed to the hospital. Shen Lang remembered that Lin Cai'er's house was far away from here, so maybe she came so early because she was worried about being late for work.

"Brother Lang, I brought you some porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat." Lin Cai'er sat by the hospital bed and opened the insulated box in her handbag.

After finishing speaking, Lin Cai'er brought a bowl of hot porridge to Shen Lang's side.

Shen Lang was about to get up, but Lin Cai'er immediately said, "Brother Lang, you can just lie down, and I'll feed you."

While stirring it with a spoon, Lin Caier blew hot air with her small mouth, and sent it to Shen Lang's mouth.

Such a gentle and considerate appearance made Shen Lang a little embarrassed. This kind girl cared too much for him. (to be continued)

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