Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 156 Interrogation

Seeing Lin Cai'er eagerly bringing a mouthful of preserved egg and lean meat porridge to his mouth, Shen Lang had no choice but to open his mouth and eat it.

"How does it taste?" Lin Caier asked a little nervously.

Shen Lang nodded immediately: "It's delicious."

Lin Cai'er's pretty face flashed with joy: "That's good, I'm still worried that what I did not suit your taste, Brother Lang."

"No no no, sister Cai'er, your cooking skills are really good." Shen Lang praised.

Hearing these words, Lin Cai'er felt warm in her heart, and said happily, "Brother Lang, if you like it, I'll make it for you every day from now on."

"En." Shen Lang seemed to respond casually, but he sighed slightly in his heart.

No matter how low his EQ is, he can see what this kind girl means to him, but it's a pity that Shen Lang doesn't want to get entangled in emotional matters for the time being.

Even Su Ruoxue, who was the most important in his heart, Shen Lang restrained himself and kept a little distance.

Shen Lang didn't want to go deep into emotional matters until he broke through the interrogation stage. The hostility in his body was difficult to eliminate before he broke through the interrogation stage, and there might be hidden dangers.

Just at this moment, Liu Xiaoxiao pushed open the door of the ward.

"Shen Lang, I..."

Seeing a woman sitting beside Shen Lang's hospital bed, Liu Xiaoxiao stopped talking, and looked at the purely dressed woman beside the hospital bed in surprise.

Lin Caier looked back and saw that it was Liu Xiaoxiao, she hurriedly got up and said, "Director Liu, you are here too!"

"So it's Assistant Lin, what are you doing here?" Although Liu Xiaoxiao knew that she knew why she was asking, she still couldn't help asking.

Lin Cai'er came here many times when Shen Lang was hospitalized and comatose.

"I heard from Mr. Su that Brother Lang is awake. I'll... have a look at him, and I'll bring breakfast by the way." Lin Caier said.

Listening to Lin Cai'er talking about Brother Lang, Liu Xiaoxiao felt inexplicably uncomfortable, but it was kind of her sister to come to deliver breakfast so early, and she had no reason to hate it.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Liu Xiaoxiao smiled.

Lin Caier shook her head: "It's okay. Well, Director Liu is also here to visit Brother Lang?"

"That's right." Liu Xiaoxiao said.

"Come on, Brother Lang, open your mouth and I'll feed you." Lin Cai'er put the spoon in front of Shen Lang's mouth, a soft look flashed in her eyes.

Seeing Lin Caier's gentle and considerate look, Liu Xiaoxiao felt sour in her heart, as she is also a woman, of course she discovered Lin Caier's undisguised affection for Shen Lang.

Liu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said, "Doesn't he have a mouth, why should he feed it?"

"Ahem..." Shen Lang's throat suddenly choked.

Lin Cai'er blushed pretty, and was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Brother Lang is a patient, it's better to take care of him more."

Liu Xiaoxiao was not happy when she heard this, dare to love this girl as if she didn't take care of him?

Although she was a little upset, Liu Xiaoxiao didn't express any dissatisfaction because of her good intentions.

After chatting for a while, Lin Caier left the hospital and rushed to work.

Shen Lang put on his clothes and got up.

"It's still early, you should rest a little longer." Liu Xiaoxiao said.


After washing up, Su Ruoxue went to Shen Lang's ward.

"Xiaoxue, you woke up so early?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

"My body feels pretty good, so I just want to come out and do some exercise. People who stay in bed every day will become lazy pigs." Su Ruoxue laughed.

"I'll give you another massage in the evening." Shen Lang said with a smile.


Su Ruoxue's pretty face was slightly flushed. Shen Lang gave her a whole body massage yesterday, and it felt very good, but the process was a bit too embarrassing. Except for the key parts, Shen Lang touched almost her whole body.

"Hmph, adultery." Liu Xiaoxiao curled her mouth, leaned into Su Ruoxue's ear, and whispered softly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Su Ruoxue knocked Liu Xiaoxiao on the head and said with a blushing face.

While the two were fighting, there was suddenly the sound of dense footsteps in the corridor.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu walked in, followed by several policemen.

Seeing this situation, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't help frowning.

"Yang... Director Yang Hu, Officer Bai, what's the matter with you guys here?" Su Ruoxue asked first, trying to keep herself calm.

Su Ruoxue is not stupid, she knows that Shen Lang has committed such a big crime this time, it is difficult to escape the responsibility. It's just that every time this matter is brought up, Shen Lang always tells her not to worry.

Bai Qingyu didn't say a word, but turned to Shen Lang who was at the side.

Yang Hu coughed, and said with a complicated expression: "Shen Lang, someone from the Military Commission has come, and sent me over... to take you there."

Su Ruoxue's pretty face changed color, she gritted her teeth and said, "Director Yang Hu, what's going on?"

Shen Lang patted Su Ruoxue's fragrant shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll go sit with the people from the Military Commission, just wait for me to come back."


Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao were startled.

Before leaving, Shen Lang adjusted his hairstyle, and followed the police out of the ward very cooperatively.

Bai Qingyu couldn't help but take another look at Shen Lang. He was going to be judged soon, but this guy was still so calm. Isn't he afraid of the military's punishment?

"Instructor, the Military Commission sent people from Longteng over here this time, and it seems that they are not young." Yang Hu felt anxious for a while, worried about the punishment of Shen Lang by the Military Commission.

"Yeah." Shen Romance nodded casually, and said, "Don't call me instructor in the future, it's weird, just call me by my name."

Yang Hu was taken aback for a moment, then said, "Okay."

"Shen Lang, I advise you to be mentally prepared. You have committed such a serious crime, do you think the country will let you go easily?" Bai Qingyu snorted coldly.

Shen Lang shrugged: "That's not necessarily the case. In this world, people with strength will always be used."

"Just show off your abilities now, and it will be up to you when the time comes!" Bai Qingyu turned her head, her expression a bit complicated.

"Captain Bai, don't say a few words!" Yang Hu frowned.

Walking out of the hospital building, Shen Lang was escorted into a police car.

About ten minutes later, the police car escorting Shen Lang arrived at Huahai City Public Security Bureau.

A group of special forces armed with live ammunition stood outside the door, as if they had just arrived, and the defense was extremely tight.

The police handed over Shen Lang to the special forces, and several special forces escorted Shen Lang into the Public Security Bureau.

Shen Lang cooperated very well and went to the interrogation room. The interrogation room was full of people, including Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu.

There were more than a dozen fully armed special forces standing around, staring at Shen Lang covetously.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a military uniform, walked into the interrogation room, sat quietly at the interrogation table, and flipped through the documents in his hand.

The middle-aged man's face was cold and stern, like a knife, his eyes were shining brightly, with a hint of rebellious and elite aura. (to be continued)

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